Flag: Philippines
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: October 31, 2022 at 1:13 PM
Posts: 1452
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It will be a sad day I don’t want to think about that

posted about a year ago

True, PRX will win masters. I received word from my insider at riot

posted about a year ago

PRX will dismantle him just like Derke

posted about a year ago

I hope they make the exit signs very visible so people can leave once the FNC vs FPX game starts

posted about a year ago

Someone needs to put a thread limit on this guy

posted about a year ago

There are 3 steps to counter a baiter

  1. You need to identify a bait first. It's pretty simple. Anyone who is being excessively toxic for no reason at all, is baiting. If you find yourself getting angry at a comment, it's most likely a bait and you don't need to waste your energy on it.

  2. After you have identified a bait, there is only 1 correct way to handle it. JUST. IGNORE. IT. Any kind of comment you make in response to it, is just giving the baiter the attention they crave. Instead of replying to it and arguing with someone, just move on and let the thread die out on its own. Someone called your team/region trash ? No need to defend, just move on.

  3. Try to remember the names of accounts that you've already identified as baiters and make sure to ignore all posts from them in the future.

posted about a year ago

Mindfreak proved he is S rank, and Derke proved he is F tier

Bad list

posted about a year ago

70% PRX
30% OPTC
0% FNC
0% FPX

posted about a year ago

Is trembo confirmed perma banned?

posted about a year ago

His only team got better after he left💀 bro is literally a curse

posted about a year ago

Oh that makes sense

posted about a year ago

Wtf is that site lmao is it like a vlr clone

posted about a year ago

how can he own anything when he can’t even make a lan 💀

posted about a year ago

Biggest clown in the valorant scene. 1 trick op with 1 braincell

posted about a year ago

Literally the most boring matchup I could ever imagine watching. That whole crowd will be asleep

posted about a year ago

They don’t deserve hate but you post this


posted about a year ago

borderline what

posted about a year ago

Yea I know EU is garb 😹

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

All those British users making Derke circle jerk threads calling him a god everyday 😹 can’t be good for his mental

posted about a year ago

Derke you suck!

posted about a year ago

I agree they are top 4 but not top 3. I have seen ppl putting em in top 2! If u look at who they won against to make top 3, it was xset (i think everyone knows what xset looked like on that match), and drx (2-1 with first 2 maps 1-sided for the teams and last map 13-11, so a close series). FPX 2-0'd drx today and that too dominantly. Fpx are also trolling with these comps and plays but still managed to win. No eu bias but optic is the 4th best team. anyone correct me if im missing something i think everyone knows what xset looked like on that match), and drx (2-1 with first 2 maps 1-sided for the teams and last map 13-11, so a close series). FPX 2-0'd drx today and that too dominantly. Fpx are also trolling with these comps and plays but still managed to win. No eu bias but optic is the 4th best team. anyone correct me if im missing something

posted about a year ago

Japan is horrible. Zeta run was pure fluke and will never happen again

posted about a year ago

Don’t click that link he gave me a virus

posted about a year ago

Aren’t you a SEN fan bro

Better quiet down 😹

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Give them a Xanax before the game and they will get first place easy

posted about a year ago

The EU vs NA narrative is tired and boring

PRX will start the new era of valorant

posted about a year ago

The game will probably be 3 times as long as an average game due to all the spawn camping and baiting until 15 seconds left every round 😴

posted about a year ago

Don’t worry PRX will win

posted about a year ago

EU education. You have the most slots so the highest likelihood to face each other. Maybe don’t let PRX spank all your team into lowers and this wouldn’t happen😹

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That would never happen but nice try british fnatic fan

posted about a year ago

Even if PRX don’t win masters I’ll be satisfied that they 2-0’d every overrated EU shitter team

posted about a year ago

Everyone knows Brits are bad at this game. Weakest players in EMEA by far

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Guys wake up, EU excuse #37295 just dropped

posted about a year ago

2-0 FNC
2-0 G2

🤡🤡🤡🤡 try again bozo. Even if PRX don’t win masters we already wiped all your dogshit teams

posted about a year ago

True. Actually sad region can’t break top 4 ever, yet they get the most slots cause of riots EU bias. I say give EU 2 slots max.

Give their slot to China instead

posted about a year ago

What’s funny is how you embarrassed yourself on this forum multiple times and are still posting😹 time to make a new alt dumbass

posted about a year ago

facts this list is dogshit smh

posted about a year ago

EU sucks ass

posted about a year ago

Go logout like the rest of them bro😹

posted about a year ago

They disappeared just like last masters after they flopped 😹 it was really quiet for few weeks. Except this time they know it’s not a fluke and have no excuses

posted about a year ago

U don’t know anything about PRX clearly bro stop making threads

posted about a year ago

he deserves that😹

posted about a year ago

2-0 FNC
2-0 G2

This is your daily reminder😹 PRX sweeps your whole region

posted about a year ago

Best to put on if you are trying to fall asleep

posted about a year ago

It’s true. This is so typical for riot too. They let one broken character dominate, then nerf after the tournament season is over… Then they release another broken character to dominate the next season.

So cringe

posted about a year ago
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