Country: Poland
Registered: April 21, 2023
Last post: May 19, 2024 at 6:38 AM
Posts: 397
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posted 2 months ago

Both of them are plain text idk

posted 2 months ago

Using things you have never contributed to as a way to show your superiority is just insane. If you want to divert from merit at least use your personal life.

Also, colonization is not a flex you inbred cunt.

posted 2 months ago

I remember you were talking about studying for exams and shit, we might need to focus on reading comprehension here.

posted 2 months ago

Insane nitpicking. He has nearly 1.3 avg rating

posted 2 months ago

Zekken wasn't even alive in 2010

posted 2 months ago

Bosnian scholar, truly remarkable work

posted 2 months ago

Make it 588

(I am not turning notifications on I don't give a fuck about their content, just want the marketing person to keep their job for one more day)

posted 2 months ago

Yeah, it feels like form on the day matters so much in val.

posted 2 months ago

M80 literally wins that game 9/10 times and G2 just hit the jackpot to get into partnerships.

posted 2 months ago

Mf dropped 37 in his VCT first game ever shit crazy (the all time kill record is 42 btw and that game was almost twice as long) crazy

posted 2 months ago

lowkey good joke

posted 2 months ago

Good point will edit

posted 2 months ago

Waiting for people from NA to make the same post about APAC after only seeing the English broadcast numbers. With teams like TH and FUT the viewership is mich higher on the local lang broadcast. I remember when KC fought KOI last year ibai both ibai and kameto had 100k+ viewers

posted 2 months ago

6/19 6/19 6/19

Curry is a goat

posted 2 months ago

This reminds me of KC vs BBL that shit is legendary, I am lowkey gonna become a bleed fanboy. Yay is the new fucking scream

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Tenz is not comfortable on duelist and this has been proven over and over and over again last year ( with the exception of his bind yoru). He eiher throws away his life or plays too passive, he has made enough mistakes on duel to warrant a 2h gameplay analysis vid3o xd.

Also how is zekken a question mark

posted 2 months ago

Your dad has worse, he came in your mother ass on accident and now look at you.

posted 2 months ago

1.Reyna's value is killing people, after all valorant is a tac fps not a moba.

  1. People can be selfish on ANY agent it is just about the choice of playstyle, if reyna would be removed the instalockers would pick chamber/jett/iso or any other agent that benefits people who are good at taking duels, instead of a lurking reyna you would have a lurking iso.

  2. You talked about people doing shit on reyna in your games, well it happens it's ranked, people are gonna get unlucky or not play to their usual form and get bad stats, you just have to deal with it. A good way to stop caring about shit like that is checking your winrate when you are positive (games when you go +1 or more and win/ games when you have gone + 1 or more ) the last time I calculated mine it was 70% ... the game is truly in your hands and teammates equal out in the long run.

posted 4 months ago

Your mother gives me sloppy, I love her so I make sure to always come second.

posted 4 months ago

I haven't watched comeptetive since the 2023 season ended, how the fuck did rare atom lose that with stew going 89/59. can someone give me a brief summary of what went wrong

posted 4 months ago

Revolutionary VLR reasoning framework:

  1. Find a team/region/player you don't like
  2. Nitpick a weakness
  3. Ignore all possibilities of overcoming it
  4. Ignore all strengths of the object of criticism
  5. Apply recency bias if necessary

Using this revolutionary technique you can make everyone look bad! Here is an example with the usage of 2023's best team FNATIC

I hate FRAUDNATIC, those guys are so overrated! They will surely get exposed at master's madrid! Now that mini isn't headcoach we will truly see how clueless b0tster is when it comes to IGLing and antistratting! Their current coach led Geng to 0 internationals last year ,they are doomed! Additionally Chr0nicle and D0rke are washed as fuck , these bums almost lost to C9 at redbull and you think they have a chance of winning anything?

Wow, isn't that neat?

posted 4 months ago

Revolutionary VLR reasoning framework:

  1. Find a team/region/player you don't like
  2. Nitpick a weakness
  3. Ignore all possibilities of overcoming it
  4. Ignore all strengths of the object of criticism
  5. Apply recency bias if necessary

Using this revolutionary technique you can make everyone look bad! Here is an example with the usage of 2023's best team FNATIC

I hate FRAUDNATIC, those guys are so overrated! They will surely get exposed at master's madrid! Now that mini isn't headcoach we will truly see how clueless b0tster is when it comes to IGLing and antistratting! Their current coach led Geng to 0 internationals last year ,they are doomed! Additionally Chr0nicle and D0rke are washed as fuck , these bums almost lost to C9 at redbull and you think they have a chance of winning anything?

Wow, isn't that neat?

posted 4 months ago

I am aware of multiple Radiant gc players and I don't even follow the scene.

posted 5 months ago

No disrespect but idk if Demon1 can even be called the best player in 2023 (Alfajer had both a better average and a higher peak( at a less significant tourney but still)). Whereas 2022 yay was clearly the best player in the world and everyone else was basically competing for second

posted 5 months ago

Shoutout minigod, you can see how much curry's aim has improved in the past few months. Crazy that he is just tapping t1 pros with the guardian like that

posted 6 months ago

Deserving the win doesn't matter. It is a selfish assumption that he worked the hardest or that he was the most talented, and even if he did nothing is ever granted in life.

posted 6 months ago

His world cup run was a fucking wash, he was so far ahead of the competition at that time.

Also even ignoring the world cup he placed highly/won a shit ton of FNCSes. (I quit playing/warching fortnite like 2/3 years ago so my take may be a bit outdated, however his world cuo win was cleaely not a fluke)

posted 6 months ago

I love my goat

Valorantle AMERICAS #186 1/8
🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩


posted 6 months ago

The big greek E is a denotation for sum.

As i=1 is at the bottom and 6 at the top you are basically summing the equation right of it for i=1,2,3... till 6 same goes on for the other examples with different substiutions for k and j according to your notation ( if this brief explanation is not clear enough check out a khan acadmey vid on sigma notation)

the "e" is Eulers number i.e. the base of a natural logarithm

I assume "sen" is just the sine in a different notation (you should know it from trignometry)

posted 6 months ago

OHHHH that makes sense

posted 6 months ago

Imagine you ult a reyna and she just waits and blinds when the barriers drop - 90% loss

Same with breach

And like a 70% loss against flash agents, because you have to be prepared for etiher a fake flash or the real thing, meaning that you are kinda disadvantaged

Realistically I see the ult as a counter to shotguns,marshalls, frenzies, stingers, spectres etc. Meaning it could be powerful when you are ecoed playing against a lightbuy or something but that is sich a niche scenario. Addtionally a good use could be ulting the sentinel playing on a given site allowing your teammates to get an easy plant on attack, but all of that depends on how easy it is to ult sb, ( ig you could also try to use it to stall for a defuser, play time, or take a 1v1 in a 1v3 or something but again there are problems wih that ((like what happens when you exit the ult and how are the non-ulted players affected))

posted 6 months ago

He kept rambling about them adding the gulag to valorant as an ability, he even drunkenly pitched it to riot devs. Absolute fucking goat o7

posted 6 months ago

I speak English everyday , I actually have both a Belarussian and an Indian friend at my school who I speak to in English on the daily :)

I am a laureate of a National English competition (which imo is a literal cheatcode when it comes to getting into schools, it is significantly easier/less time consuming than achieving a similar title in any other field) and I will likely study abroad in English to obtain a highly valued degree. I am not saying you need to speak English to live in Japan, but the country is in a demographic crisis, so it could be potenitally benefitial for young Japanese people to migrate :)

Btw I play Stockholm a fair bit and people comm in English for me like 80% of time, it's just about attitude and how you approach them

posted 6 months ago

Me when I intentionally limit my opportunities for no significant reason

posted 6 months ago

Small sample size, Just play more and you will rank up.

posted 7 months ago

This post is just favouritism.

My team win = GOAT, deserved, all skill , no randomness
My team lose = unlucky, fluke, random game so stupid, undeserved
Team I don't like win = lucky, fluke, easy seeding

Also if a brokem agent is in the game why does using them discredit the player? Were all star jett and raze players in 2023 frauds for playing the most meta agents? Also the notion that if a player is set up by their team well then their stats aren't significant is quite weak. Most duelists (chamber being a quasi-duelist) are set up by their teams , realistically behind every demon1 or derke there is an ethan or leo giving great utility to capitalize off. Duelists are set up like this because of how crucial entry frags are in valo, however they can't always be set up and are often forced to peek into multiple players, play contact or push sentinel set ups, the job comes with some free kills, but also some forced deaths.

Btw I love Shao, but this post is just insane cope

posted 7 months ago

Sideshow is not a clout chaser, he doesn't make videos specifically to gain views, he simply tries to weigh in on topics that are relevant and that he can realistically contribute to. He said that if he made a series of videos like that tenz one it would be clout chasey and formulative in his oppinion, he doesn't want to become the SunnyV2 of valorant, just intpicking at anylne and everyone to rile up their fanbase and get some hate views. He simply observed a lot of polarizing TenZ takes based on little to no factual evidence and decided to add some more concrete information to the debate, alongside a realistic well-informed take.

posted 7 months ago

the flasher!

posted 7 months ago

now that he has finished highschool he can own even harder, realistically a top 5 player this year

posted 7 months ago

He is (allegedly- thw allegation is really really really strong) a pedo. Thats why I asked whether he is playing in the predator cup

posted 7 months ago

Me when I spread misinformation on the interent

posted 7 months ago

Wait wdym som >>>>> racist

I am not tapped in into valorant as much as I used to, who is the racist at hand and why is he considered as such

posted 7 months ago

The finals of ascension were 1 of the 2 games apeks lost in he circuit. Mistic was the 3rd best performing player at that tournament anf in his t2 region. He performed better than any of the M8 players when it comes to overall consistency. He is as much of a tier 2 bum as you are an analyst.

posted 7 months ago

sad if real (for u as a fellow)

posted 7 months ago

Just looks like a normal put together guy

posted 7 months ago

NA_BEST_COUNTRY is doing it on harbor though, I am not saying that your stats are bad but generally speaking he has a lot of additional impact with the same stats playing harbor and skye so his value is a bit higer

posted 7 months ago

All good, as people mentioned the act of the headset being given is what is important.

But if valorant impacts you in this way you should limit the amount you play. I went from playing everyday and raging because it was such a big part of my life to playing during the weekends and it helped me actually enjoy the game again. Additionally my real life situation improved a lot because I have way more time for my chores/errands/schoolwork

posted 7 months ago
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