Flag: Palestine
Registered: August 2, 2021
Last post: July 19, 2023 at 1:15 PM
Posts: 148
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I miss Jett as an old Jett main player. But let's be real, jett was too broien. It's time for Neon to shine.

posted about a year ago

Moiraine is better than Russ too, actually, trees are better than Russ at Valorant

posted about a year ago

So they had no other choice? That'd explain why, ty

posted about a year ago

Why Yacine? There's dozens of exceptional F/A and Guild signs Yacine??? He can only play jett/raze, and tbh Sayf and Trexx are quite better at it. I hope I'm wrong and that this is an L take.

posted about a year ago

The problem is that EU is not a country with one language. There's succesful spanish and french CC with good analytic content, you just don't understand a single word. This is the main problem for EU scene, that it's not a real scene, it's a bunch of regional scenes.

posted about a year ago

Avova's performance and stats this VCT have been the worst in his time as a Valorant pro. But has been grinding hard and taking that hasbullah peek back. Avova will clutch every round in LCQ and win champions with just one hand. Just wait and see.

posted about a year ago

Not a pick'em, this is the real results, I come from 2023

posted about a year ago

Fitinho goes brrrrrrrrr GIA 2-0 UCAM

posted about a year ago

try "Voltaic Valorant Warm-up" in aimlab, it takes 10 minutes. You are welcome

posted about 2 years ago

I've already contacted a tattoo artist, I'm gonna regret this xd

posted about 2 years ago

If G2 loses this I'll tattoo the lithuanian flag in my ass

posted about 2 years ago

If I were you I'd lost all hope 9 months ago. But in that case scenario, I'd root for XSET, they look kind of wacky sometimes, but seem very talented nevertheless. If they don't get to play in Copenhaguen, may win LCQ and go to champions. Good Luck finding a new team

posted about 2 years ago

Zeta was the underdog of the tournament, they qualify against NIP after winning the OT after 5 matchpoints. Anime buff is real, be careful G2 you are the next

posted about 2 years ago

I've been using a small dot for one year and I love it

posted about 2 years ago

I'm done with this tech issues, let me know when the game is actually playable

posted about 2 years ago

Optic seemed to get their shit together against Kru, but Xerxia may still win. 2-1 either way

posted about 2 years ago

He is a great player. Adjusting to a team as tactical as Fnatic ain't easy but the beat of the team anyways. Hope he gets signed by a bigger org than Koi

posted about 2 years ago

That'd be a banger

posted about 2 years ago

I hope you never get caught in a planned genocide and your only problem is figuring out how to be a piece of shit. Keep yourself safe

posted about 2 years ago

I hope everything's ok at home and that your father stops hitting your mom. Best of wishes (reply to the crazy guy who said racist shit)

posted about 2 years ago

Make the guys pack their stuff and send them to EU so they can practice against T1 every day. Polemics aside, if they take it seriously and work their asses off, they are a great team

posted about 2 years ago

I've just seen a couple of games and only against BR teams, so I don't really know what to think. Are they overhyped or overlooked? (Don't be mean to brazilians, most of them are good ppl)

posted about 2 years ago

His game against Liquid (the second time), Fnatic and FPX on playoffs were very good tbh

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid just has two nationalities (belgian and english)out of 30 countries, is that an underrepresentation of Europe? No.
Gambit represented EMEA (almost a third of the planet) and guess what, the five players were Russian.
Can you see how dumb is your point?
You'd love to see more LATAM countries with representation on international events? Root for Kru so you get more spots.

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid won't be trolling with comps, Scream will be on Jett and they'll play the most comfortable picks. The only doubt I have with Liquid is Soulcas, he hasn't performed well lately. I hope he gets his shit together and plays as he used to do. Anyways Kru2-0TL keznit gets 70+ kills in every map just wit his right hand. VAMOS KRU CARAJO

posted about 2 years ago

Ez win for Xerxia 2-0, they may actually win the whole thing if Zeta or PRX don't perform as well as everyboy believes they will.
Optic 2-0 Xerxia.

posted about 2 years ago

We were both wrong hahahaha. FPX has performed so fucking well, ggs to them

posted about 2 years ago

I mean DRX ain't better than Na, that was just a bait. But I don't see what's delusional besides that point

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

G2 3-2 FPX if g2 bans fracture and fpx bans bind

Icebox G2, Haven FPX, Ascent G2, Split FPX and Breeze G2

Or nukkye goes mad and ez 3-0, no matter the maps

posted about 2 years ago

EU>DRX>NA>the rest of regions. I think that the guard is the only hope for NA to win champions. Young talented guys that play with some discipline, also they will get international experience this masters. Hope the competition gets higher in the international stage in the next months.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, for being american is a solid 3/10

posted about 2 years ago

Dude, it's normal to be sad if your team loses. But at the end of the day it's just a videogame, try to relativize it. Hope you learn how cope, take care mate.

posted about 2 years ago

Counter-jinx achieved, let's fucking go Oscar

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I trust in G2, they'll get at least two rounds

posted about 2 years ago

"YOU HAVE TO BELIVE IT" Damn man, those cult vibes are scary HAHAHAHA

posted about 2 years ago

Optic 2-0 Sentinels, both maps close tho

posted about 2 years ago

It's okay to have a strong opinion about something, but I've been reading some ppl who's always ready to be an asshole in the threads. Be nice to each other, you're talking about a fucking game, I see no need to be always so salty. If someone's opinion about G2 isn't the same as yours and feel the need of treating ppl like shit (specially with pro players), you should go to a psychologist, not to vlr.

posted about 2 years ago

If G2 stops trolling, benches Koldamenta, and makes Lucas Rojo its main Sova, ez 2-0.
jk, focus on f4q and embrace the idea of losing every game against sentinels

posted about 2 years ago
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