Forecast 2022

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Brazil and KRU will dominate the TOP 5, they will reach the semifinals of the ''masters/champions'' and possibly win, probably Brazil. Liquid will be the best team together with some Brazilian team, and Sentinels will disband, Marved will leave ENVY together with YAY and they will assemble a great squad in NA, but they will be destroyed by Brazil and EMEA together with SA will dominate the world . And those who say ''kekw bronzil'' will say ''they really are the best''. Keznit will be the best player in the world alongside Aspas/Scream/Cned/Heat/Khalil/Qck/Jonn/Mwzera/Sacy


Ratio + TSM own Brazil


wow, i'm shock


SEA and Bleed Esports will dominate the TOP 5, they will reach the semifinals of the ''masters/champions'' and possibly win, probably SEA. Liquid will be the best team together with some SEA team, and Sentinels will disband, Marved will leave ENVY together with YAY and they will assemble a great squad in NA, but they will be destroyed by APAC and JP together with KR will dominate the world . And those who say ''kekw apac'' will say ''they really are the best''. Pyth will be the best player in the world alongside juicySG/Deryeon/DubsteP/JessieVash/f0rsakeN/Jinggg/witz/Lakia/JohnOlsen

Aprom0000 [#2]

Ratio + TSM own Brazil

counter ratio + tsm first have to qualify for an international event

makoidk [#4]

SEA and Bleed Esports will dominate the TOP 5, they will reach the semifinals of the ''masters/champions'' and possibly win, probably SEA. Liquid will be the best team together with some SEA team, and Sentinels will disband, Marved will leave ENVY together with YAY and they will assemble a great squad in NA, but they will be destroyed by APAC and JP together with KR will dominate the world . And those who say ''kekw apac'' will say ''they really are the best''. Pyth will be the best player in the world alongside juicySG/Deryeon/DubsteP/JessieVash/f0rsakeN/Jinggg/witz/Lakia/JohnOlsen

SEA and Bleed Esports will dominate the TOP 5, they will reach the semifinals of the ''masters/champions'' and possibly win, probably SEA. Liquid will be the best team together with some SEA team, and Sentinels will disband, Marved will leave ENVY together with YAY and they will assemble a great squad in NA, but they will be destroyed by APAC and JP together with KR will dominate the world . And those who say ''kekw apac'' will say ''they really are the best''. Pyth will be the best player in the world alongside juicySG/Deryeon/DubsteP/JessieVash/f0rsakeN/Jinggg/witz/Lakia/JohnOlsen


kekw bronzil

Xaves [#5]

counter ratio + tsm first have to qualify for an international event

TSM would easily qualify if they were playing in that mickey mouse region


Korea and Damwon Kia will dominate the TOP 5, they will reach the semifinals of the ''masters/champions'' and possibly win, probably Korea. Liquid will be the best team together with some Korean team, and Sentinels will disband, Marved will leave ENVY together with YAY and they will assemble a great squad in NA, but they will be destroyed by APAC and JP together with Korea will dominate the world . And those who say ''kekw korea'' will say ''they really are the best''. Stax will be the best player in the world alongside Lakia/Rb/MaKo/Seoldam/TS/eKo/k1ng/Suggest/allow


Liquid and TSM will dominate the TOP 2, they will reach the finals of the ''masters/champions'' and surely one of them will win. Liquid will be the best team together with TSM, and Sentinels will disband, Marved will leave ENVY together with YAY and they will assemble a great squad in NA, but they will be destroyed by TSM and Liquid together with EMEA will dominate the world . And those who say ''kekw TSM'' will say ''they really are the best''. ScreaM will be the best player in the world alongside Jamppi/Soulcas/L1NK/Nivera/Wardell/Subroza/Corey/Rossy/Levi

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