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He had already let it play longer dude. Offisides/fouls/corners are called wrongly all the time, it just happens to be the last play and player decides to shoot it regardless. Not saying it's not a mistake but common dude

For the record I'm not a Madrid fan


You're acting like he let the play go on for like 20 minutes longer, not 1 minute longer. Again, your time argument makes absolutely no sense, especially with Madrid players falling onto the floor. Moreover, the referee has a watch and knows the time, he kept the game going to give a fair amount of time as he should do and correctly did.

There was nothing out of convention this game in regards to time that doesn't happen in other games, just let it go and stop arguing about something standard that and happens all the time. The fact that you're trying to base your entire reasoning of such a blatant mistake, about the referee giving a fair and correct amount of time, shows your lack of substance in backing your argument up.

Sure mistakes happen as I said above, but such a simple failure by supposedly one of the best referring trios (the best on paper many say) at such a crucial game right at that specific situation is inexcusable. And there is no question that this mistake was heavily in the benefit of Madrid and significantly helped them in getting to the Champions League final.


Lmao even the referee admitted that they f’d up. Nobody but Madrid fans agree with this call, to absolutely nobody's surprise.

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