Ban trans discussion

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This is just a waste of my time. Arguing with someone who is using arguments built upon non-existent facts and false news is impossible. You have no understanding of this subject nor do you even live in the same country as me. Admit that you are WRONG and stop digging yourself deeper and deeper in your own lies, or maybe you are just that lost that you can not even accept that you are wrong when handed CONCRETE evidence debunking your whole premise, then i feel bad for you and the people around you because that is an internal issue that is going to hurt you a lot.

I do not need to look into what a trans person. Firstly I do not care. Secondly, in my field of work there is no trans people. The law only recognizes TWO genders, male and female. And living in a country where a third gender is not widely accepted, I would embarrass my self more by recognizing a third gender than if I did not.

You refer to "ethics and empathy" like that is relevant when it is really not. The truth does not care about "ethics and empathy".I choose to live my life according to the truth not fantasy.

Personal attacks on me just further proves that I am right and you are wrong. And to the last sentence "hope this helps :)" why would I need help from someone with no juridical experience or education?

Hope I brought you back to reality and that you can stop spreading lies, biological misinformation and stop poisoning weak peoples mind into believing in your lies.


hey man, you just dont know what you're talking about and thats fine but now you're 4 replies in and still don't know what you're even debating against nor will even google it and its kinda cringe. you very apparently dont know what trans even means. you know so little that you think trans is a 3rd gender. your "field of work" very clearly recognizes trans people and I've even quoted it to you so I don't know how you still think it doesn't. you have quite literally fabricated and are arguing a trans definition and narrative made up entirely in your own head.

why you feel so passionately about debating trans validity or existence on a valorant forum when you don't even know what it is, im not sure. you're right, this is a waste of your time. you have no understanding of what someone who is trans is. you have no meaningful "expertise" on anything regarding law as a freshman in law school or lets be real, someone lying on the internet lmfao. what is there to possibly argue to you? youre not even at a level of understanding where one could begin to argue anything. use google? this is an embarrassing showing of "concrete evidence debunking the premise"...


firstly, im the only one who has cited a source here, you havent cited a single source (cuz you dont have one).
A simple google search "does sweden recognize a third gender?" just disproves all your arguments. Just because you clearly lack the IQ to complete a google search on your own i will do it for you, here: https://www.google.com/search?q=does+sweden+recognize+a+third+gender%3F&oq=does+sweden+recognize+a+third+gender%3F&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigAdIBCDQ4ODFqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-

Keep accepting your trandgenderism (which for a fact is classified as a mental illness in sweden HAHA but you wont like that information)

lastly, your just here to spread hate arent you? seek the help you need. You are just miserable and unsuccessful in life and projecting all that hate and anger onto the us others. So again, for the sake of others and as you like to mention "empathy and ethics", stop being chronically online and seek the help you clearly need (you have made 600 posts in the same time I have made 60).


Why are you acting like I haven’t cited actual legislation to you lmfao

“2009 - Transgender identity or expression were added as grounds for discrimination.
2009 – the National Board of Health and Welfare ceased to classify transvestism as an illness.”

Transgender isnt a 3rd gender, idk how you still think it is or when you will google that

Big dog IQ talk, coming from you lol… you’re pretending to be a legal expert on a Valorant forum bro. Ranting about the existence of people you don’t even begin to understand, don’t know, and are so incredibly angered by. Let’s slow down, back up, and do some self reflecting about chronically online low IQ lil bro

Talking about projection lmfao

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