real iso thoughs

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X - Is cool something new but blud how the fuck is this going to work like it feels something that won’t be used in pro play

E - blud really is bullet proof dude survived a raze ult to the face, it that’s not say much was it’s the most broken/unfixed ult in the game https://x.com/valorantupdated/status/1715025655853719653?s=46&t=DWfnzchnXKTWF2k6R045jw

Q - Basically like hitting someone with a KJ alarm bot or viper molly, they die in 2 bullets hm…. kinda nice if you know where they are https://x.com/valorantupdated/status/1715024170805772686?s=46&t=DWfnzchnXKTWF2k6R045jw

C - Badically a harbor wall but bullet proof…

overall : ain’t this supposed to be a duelist ? feel like it won’t be used as one feels more like a support character like a passive dulist like a reyna, feel like it won’t be used as a duelist in pro play bc raze and jett are definitely still a better option over this lmaoooo


I agree...but he will be fun to play for sure.


question is if it survives only one point of damage then is it useless if someone shoots you twice?


E is so shit

ionlyHave1Zuni [#4]

E is so shit

ya feels like a reyna, blud is basically pointless tbh, another character riot added that will be a ranked agent for bums


Idk about the E, you can't take aggressive awp fights like with chamber or jett


Honestly, his Q seems like the best part of the kit.
Should be a pretty useful supportive util.
and it has two charges

C is solid, quite small but it's good for taking space.

E's usefulness will be lowered considering you have to get a kill/damage first and then aim way above head height to collect a shield.
Similar to reyna, the ability will help you snowball.

Ult is okay depending on the cost, it allows for some unique plays. Like ulting an oper off an angle and then the rest of your team can push up.


he looks like an initiator if anything but I hate his concept. His ult doesnt make any sense from a tactical fps stand of view and his walking shield seems like it will be annoying to play against in ranked

and do we know if the enemy wins the 1v1 in his ult where will they spawn again on the map? The enemy may as well just die if hes gonna spawn where he was taken to begin with


he looks like an initiator if anything but I hate his concept. His ult doesnt make any sense from a tactical fps stand of view and his walking shield seems like it will be annoying to play against in ranked

and do we know if the enemy wins the 1v1 in his ult where will they spawn again on the map? The enemy may as well just die if hes gonna spawn where he was taken to begin with

i think they jsut respawn where they were ulted from like a phnx ult

and yeah i agree with the initiator and tac fps standpoint, feels like riot is just aiming for more of a casual standpoint then a competitive standpoint tbh which is how it should be but it feels like the last 4 agents they have added haven’t benefited the competitive side of valorant at all.

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