non duelist

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Im a duelist main but when Im not playing duelist, I expect my teammates to be shit and do nothing, Do I expect an entry frok. my duelist? No. But im not gonna complain about it cause im the best diamond player in the world. Ill be an agro sage if you want, If im playing omen, its demon time, Ill smoke for myself if want to achieve success. Playing chamber? No problem, I have tp, jump out of the smoke, kill someone to back, are my teammates in site after? No but Ill go in entey again. Gekko and fade are basically duelist, so no problem. Only struggle would be sova, Idk how my king sinatraa does it, thats how you know how great sinatraa is when someone like me (the most versitile player in the world) cant even do it.


keep yappin man 🤏

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