Game changers discussion

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I want to know what the community thinks about it, do you watch it?, should it continue as an alternative circuit going forward in time?
Correct me if im wrong, but isn't GC on a limited time, as its goal is for women, trans and others to be able to compete in the main circuit. Or do you think it should stay permanently as way to develop the players.

I know it's a bit of a controversial topic for some, but I wanted to hear some opinions.


It feels like riot views every league outside of VCT as a development league.
GC has remained small to not become an alternative to T2, game changers could have easily expanded in some capacity.

The goal for GC in my eyes is to create a more sustainable and welcoming pathway for marginalised genders in esports.
Ideally when this goal is reached GC should cease to exist, however this seems a challenge than has roots too deep.


I think it's a really tough discussion. I don't think at the present time, trans people demonstrate an advantage that I would consider unfair. The top trans competitors seem to benefit from things that a biological woman could also benefit from, i.e., experience in T2 or starting to play fps from a young age. However, if in the future the league became like 80% trans, then it would most likely be too late to make any reform to prevent trans people from being as prevalent as they would be. I think the real key is that Riot needs to seriously monitor the issue. I don't think it's in anybody's best interest to just write off any criticism as transphobia or to ban trans people entirely. I also think Riot needs to decide what they want GC to be, they've stated they want it to be a developmental league for people who are marginalized, but I worry about how much they'll stick to that, or if GC will just be a place where some people spend their entire career.

Tooker [#3]

I think it's a really tough discussion. I don't think at the present time, trans people demonstrate an advantage that I would consider unfair. The top trans competitors seem to benefit from things that a biological woman could also benefit from, i.e., experience in T2 or starting to play fps from a young age. However, if in the future the league became like 80% trans, then it would most likely be too late to make any reform to prevent trans people from being as prevalent as they would be. I think the real key is that Riot needs to seriously monitor the issue. I don't think it's in anybody's best interest to just write off any criticism as transphobia or to ban trans people entirely. I also think Riot needs to decide what they want GC to be, they've stated they want it to be a developmental league for people who are marginalized, but I worry about how much they'll stick to that, or if GC will just be a place where some people spend their entire career.

simply stop forcing gender roles on people and women will grow up playing video games (i see it starting to get better with this 2010s era of children) but we all need to work to give both men/women the equal opportunities in all walks of life and not limiting them based upon "what it should be"

TM06Nick [#4]

simply stop forcing gender roles on people and women will grow up playing video games (i see it starting to get better with this 2010s era of children) but we all need to work to give both men/women the equal opportunities in all walks of life and not limiting them based upon "what it should be"

I don't disagree with this, but I think it goes a lot deeper than that. I think even if parents and society stopped pressuring people, I think you would more or less see a similar distribution. I think people need to start seeing people that are like them competing in this. Which is why I think someone like meL playing in T2/T1 would be really good. Having a role model for girls to believe that they can actually break into a male-dominated scene.

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