sentinels (agent not team) place in the meta

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I hope we move towards a place where sentinels are playstyle/map dependent, rather than 1 good 1 okay if u practice a lot, and one that is never used (mostly) i think chamber buff is a good step towards this, i think that cypher cam recharge time could be lower when broken but he is in a mostly good spot rn, just my personal thoughts.


sage is weird also so its hard to think of her in relation to the other sentinels


She feels like her own class of agent tbh


sage is in such an awkward place. On ct side her solo anchor potential just isn't very good, as her wall and slows are so temporary and can be pushed through so easily, and on t side she has barely any lurk potential and no flank protection, it's impossible to get nearly as much information on lurks on sage as you can on cypher, and her wall is much stronger on the hit. They need to rework her or something bc as she is right now she is too weak to do much other than be an easy as fuck agent that players with small agent pools can flex on when they can't play their normal role (like cryo sometimes does when Asuna plays raze)


They are adding a new sentinel later this year, If they nerf kj, buff chamber and keep cypher the same, the sentinel role will be much healthier imo


i agree but its hard to think of a good kj nerf that wouldnt make her dog ass, i am very excited for the new senti bc the role is so stale rn


I think Killjoy needs a slight nerf but I'm honestly not even sure how to do that without fucking the agent up good luck riot


maybe like nerf fuckin nano dmg or make ult take longer or some fuckin weird thing? bc like her ult is the main part of her kit but if u nerf the health again her viability goes poof


Yeah it's hard to nerf her more, she isn't as broken as she is it's just that she is now a much more viable sentinel than Cypher and Sage in most maps. Maybe if the other sentinels receive buffs it may be good


Chamber needs a buff


i have big brain idea, walking thru cypher cage supresses u for .2 seconds (i just like cypher and want more of the suppress status effect it feels weird that its only ko


kj is the most played senti on ascent haven pearl fracture lotus and is sometimes played on split

if u nerf the killjoy ult under b site on fracture by making it breakable with breach aftershock again then cypher will return to the main senti for that map
then a small buff to cypher could possibly help break the no senti meta on split rn and bring him back as the main senti on that map as he was in the past (something like making the cages last longer so he has more lurk potential attacking a site the way viper is used now)

this should bring u to a place where kj is main senti on 4 maps (ascent haven pearl lotus) then cypher on 2 (split fracture)

bind doesnt really have a senti in the current meta but cypher sage and chamber do get some picks so i dont wanna mess with anything for that map

now u buff chamber back to a place where hes playable and he can take over the senti role in certain comps on some maps (not sure exactly what i would buff but prolly his trip range)

this brings u to a place where kj and cypher are more balanced in terms of maps where they are the meta senti, then certain teams use chamber instead on certain maps and the 3 sentis that have filled the main senti role in the past are more balanced in terms of pickrate

sage imo should stay the same as shes more of a flex role pick than a main senti role pick and shes a niche pick on a few maps aswell as having a couple maps where she gets decent amount of picks (split and bind)

this is prolly hard to read and understand but i think it would balance the role

tldr: buff cypher and chamber, make breach able to break kj ult again, keep sage the same


i just imagined a way to do the kj aftershock thing u just make it way taller so it sticks out of the ground a little just because that would be funny idk


i've said this in a thread long ago, but i think my thoughts on it are still the same.

Sage is mostly balanced, she's a good pick on maps like bind, ascent, split, etc. The only thing I would change would be her self-heal to do 40 instead of 30. 30 is nothing and can't even save sage from an extra body shot if below 10 health, but 40 can give her that survivability while still being encouraged to use it on teammates instead.

Cypher I actually think is totally balanced, but it's just not his meta. I also think the camera cd should be lowered, but not by much, maybe 5 seconds at most.

I hate Chamber because i have PTSD from his prenerf form but the upcoming buff should make him a bit more usable.

I think KJ is balanced but the ultimate is too strong. You're either forced to save a brim/sova ult to counter it or literally play full retake. My nerf would be that the range of the ult be smaller so it doesn't cover literally all of a site for free, meaning that KJ would need to place it more aggressively to cover more ground, leaving her and the ult open to getting shot/utiled out more easily. It wouldn't be a super nerf, but just make the range slightly smaller, enough so there's that tradeoff


i feel like kj ult is just a pain in the ass on fracture and lotus, because of the b/c lockdowns and more orbs, besides that it's obviously good but there are gaps in spots and u can play around it better


you're right, but i was mostly referring to sites like Ascent B where you can place lockdown in B main and literally get the entire site for free :/ lotus and fracture are good examples of maps where the ult isn't that effective because the range doesn't cover everything. i agree on the orbs though, but i just think that's the cost of big maps like those. maybe change orb locations a bit so they're easier to challenge?


kj ult covers entire sites on lotus and fracture wdym. fracture b ult is the most busted one aswell

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