downvote spam

Threaded Linear
  1. version 1 is not good enough to be competitive for iceland
  2. china nguyen/exuinox could have been tier 1
  3. jasonR should have stayed on faze
  4. sinatraa intentionally not providing evidence and still being acquitted by the vlr community is insane
  5. after s37 of esea premier the free agent pool will get too big and will oversaturate tier 2 val
  6. the ez5 roster was and will never be good
  7. brax being replaced by curry was a good idea
  8. shanks/marved/tex/c4lypso should be but wont be punished
  9. the run and gun meta will fall off after iceland
  10. tenz is the worst decision maker in tier 1 valorant
  11. noble has the worst management in any orga NA
  12. if extra salt or bad news bears rosters join val, nobody in NA will even touch them
  13. dcop needs to gtfo of these pub teams
  14. EGs lineup had potential but they proved that it wasn’t worth the hype and should be dropped
  15. Sentinels post plant strats are extremely boring and I hope no other pro teams follow
  16. Iceland prize pool should be larger

ive raked at least 100 downvotes from #4


I agree with most of these. You have a valid point man


why should mada be punished, he isnt in the list of matchfixers, instead of him, u should have added tex

sm0ke3 [#4]

why should mada be punished, he isnt in the list of matchfixers, instead of him, u should have added tex

damn i mixed them up my bad will edit


#4 is too true, and #14 is so true too, temp doesn't belong there, #freetemp

bigpeensheen [#5]

#4 is too true, and #14 is so true too, temp doesn't belong there, #freetemp

Aleksander as well. All the MR players got a downgrade in team.


for 11, have u seen ontheway

FireII [#7]

for 11, have u seen ontheway

I feel like OTW just picked up a pug team without intending to improve, noble just fumbled a bigger bag ig

kumi [#11]

I feel like OTW just picked up a pug team without intending to improve, noble just fumbled a bigger bag ig

sure with roster management, but otw's owner is a crypto miner who made a giant scene about paying players and lied about their contracts


Dapr used to play for bad news bears and was one of their better players and no one on extra salt is better or even close to sick, nitr0 and Ethan.

Swiftmal [#8]

Dapr used to play for bad news bears and was one of their better players and no one on extra salt is better or even close to sick, nitr0 and Ethan.

I would argue that osee is a top 20 player in csgo, bad news bears look much better now compared to their older roster, and we saw how a full team shift can be extremely successful with even a below average csgo roster (version1)

kumi [#9]

I would argue that osee is a top 20 player in csgo, bad news bears look much better now compared to their older roster, and we saw how a full team shift can be extremely successful with even a below average csgo roster (version1)

CHAOS was not below average they were one of the best teams in the online era for a bit lmao

Swiftmal12 [#10]

CHAOS was not below average they were one of the best teams in the online era for a bit lmao

Yeah but that’s not the lineup representing v1, you would more be describing extra salt


honestly didn’t really see any bad takes here


all good takes but disagree with 9, 12 and 16


Question about nr 8.
Why do you think that will be the outcome of the situation?
I thought since FBI and some kind of special committee they created are involved in the investigation finally we will get some creditable answers.

anniemal [#16]

Question about nr 8.
Why do you think that will be the outcome of the situation?
I thought since FBI and some kind of special committee they created are involved in the investigation finally we will get some creditable answers.

I personally think that because Riot is doing a independent investigation, esic won't have much say on the punishment.
FBI and esic work hand in hand with valve for the investigation and how the punishment will be for csgo, but Riot heavily relies on the csgo community to succeed, probably swaying them to give light punishments

I thought about it again, and I would personally just give warnings, especially since these the people who did it are super young and aren't making a dime off of being semi-pros.

Also, I'm pretty sure the FBIs involvement is more with the betting syndicates, not the players.


Little update:
1) version 1 is not good enough to be competitive for iceland
They had a poor showing at Iceland, havent been able to bounce back since

3) jasonR should have stayed on faze
Dont know exactly why he got dropped but hes still one of the best minds in the val community

5) after s37 of esea premier the free agent pool will get too big and will oversaturate tier 2 val
I was wrong on this, if people kept playing csgo even when they arent getting good money were that dedicated, it there was no reason why they should have left (think about floppy)

6) the ez5 roster was and will never be good

7) brax being replaced by curry was a good idea
The brax hype train has left already, and it's pretty clear that he wasn't made out for high level val (at this point COPIUM)

8) shanks/marved/tex/c4lypso should be but wont be punished
We will never get an update

9) the run and gun meta will fall off after iceland
I personally think that it did, thanks to riot

10) tenz is the worst decision maker in tier 1 valorant
Hes starting to prove me wrong, maybe it was the slump of not playing pro for a few months, but hes definitely making better decisions

11) noble has the worst management in any orga NA

13) dcop needs to gtfo of these pub teams
And he did! thank god

14) EGs lineup had potential but they proved that it wasn’t worth the hype and should be dropped
And they did! thank god

15) Sentinels post plant strats are extremely boring and I hope no other pro teams follow
And they dont! thank god

ok ty <3

kumi [#19]

Little update:
1) version 1 is not good enough to be competitive for iceland
They had a poor showing at Iceland, havent been able to bounce back since

3) jasonR should have stayed on faze
Dont know exactly why he got dropped but hes still one of the best minds in the val community

5) after s37 of esea premier the free agent pool will get too big and will oversaturate tier 2 val
I was wrong on this, if people kept playing csgo even when they arent getting good money were that dedicated, it there was no reason why they should have left (think about floppy)

6) the ez5 roster was and will never be good

7) brax being replaced by curry was a good idea
The brax hype train has left already, and it's pretty clear that he wasn't made out for high level val (at this point COPIUM)

8) shanks/marved/tex/c4lypso should be but wont be punished
We will never get an update

9) the run and gun meta will fall off after iceland
I personally think that it did, thanks to riot

10) tenz is the worst decision maker in tier 1 valorant
Hes starting to prove me wrong, maybe it was the slump of not playing pro for a few months, but hes definitely making better decisions

11) noble has the worst management in any orga NA

13) dcop needs to gtfo of these pub teams
And he did! thank god

14) EGs lineup had potential but they proved that it wasn’t worth the hype and should be dropped
And they did! thank god

15) Sentinels post plant strats are extremely boring and I hope no other pro teams follow
And they dont! thank god

ok ty <3

havent read the entire thing but version 1 showing in iceland was hella good LMFAO they came in as the underdogs and no one expected them to do much but they did really well but I do agree abt not being able to bounce back

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