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Registered: July 29, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 3:32 PM
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Real SEN fans knew that was coming. You can't scare me anymore. I have no expectations so I will never be let down.

posted 10 months ago

They aren't throwing they're just dogshit and their IGL refuses to adapt his philosophy. Classic NAVI IGL ego

posted 10 months ago

NAVI is being sabotaged from inside by the Range bot named "ANGE1". That is all o7

posted 10 months ago

Fan* i don’t play the game.

posted 10 months ago

NAVI good??? Being in LCQ alone is disappointing for this roster. NAVI is scraping by in maps against a 4-7 team. Keep in mind if it weren’t for FNATIC’s dominance, they would need to beat Giants tomorrow, which is absolutely not a guarantee. They made Champs so the job is accomplished, but they are far from meeting expectations.

posted 10 months ago

InB4 “keep talking shit about NAVI!!!” coomers. They beat KOI. They still have massive issues that need addressing. Thank your daddy Fnatic otherwise you’d have to win tomorrow too. I hope they sort the problems but there are still red flags flying all around this team. o7 see ya at champs

posted 10 months ago

They are essentially washing this man’s feet like the second coming of Christ. Someone remind them that no player is bigger than the club. Shameful groveling

posted 10 months ago

I will never agree with ANGE1 about his FD’s being beneficial to the team. My brother in christ if you don’t get your ass off main smokes i’m gonna lose it. Dying first on Omen or Brim is literally shooting your team in the foot. I don’t care how big brain you are, losing your main controller just so he can micromanage the team is never going to outweigh having smokes. If he was on second controller, or stayed on sova/2nd init then it would be much less detrimental to the team. He’s been on this cope train for years now and no success since he’s taken this stance. 26 First Duels over 3 maps on Omen, Brim, Sova… why man why? 13 FD’s over 3 maps. That’s just over 4 rounds a map where your team is without a main controller. I think it’s time for a new braintrust at NAVI

posted 10 months ago

you're playing KC bro calma

posted 10 months ago

ok i take it back that 3k was sick he can stay

posted 10 months ago

Months ago I said cNed fell off and I was laughed off the site lol now here we are

posted 10 months ago

I'm aware Shao played Initiator first 2 maps but there's no reason he should ever play anything but Initiator. He's too good at the role to be on Astra.

posted 10 months ago


Shao to Initiator (like he's supposed to be)

From winning majors to losing to KC KOI Sadge

From a SEN fan I feel for you guys

EDIT: My eyes have been opened to the Zyppan magic. I now understand ANGE1's IGN.. he's always dead first

posted 10 months ago

CS enjoyers stand up

posted 11 months ago

Copy this pasta if you agree 🍝

posted 11 months ago

Felt like i wanted to make a post about this for a while but it’s really irritating me noticing this trend of so-called random brackets from Riot at these tournaments. They obviously are skewed to have cross-regional matchups in the biggest matches. It’s been occurring for the entire lifespan of valorant. For example they will put all of a region’s best teams in the same side of the bracket so they will eliminate each other and have another region reach the final. I’ve noticed the trend in every masters and champions event and it’s essentially killing any claim to competitive integrity.

posted 11 months ago

Wait this is actually fucking stupid??? Why would they split the regions on purpose? What kind of comp integrity is this? Predetermined brackets are the biggest fuck you to anyone who cares about the esport.

posted 11 months ago

If you’re a fan of a team that’s in a different region than you, I was wondering what drew you to that team. Was it a player (or multiple)? Or have you always pulled for that org? Just curious what determined what team u guys pulled for :D

posted 11 months ago

hi BoChad (:

posted 11 months ago

Keep in mind it also depends on the team around them. Derke and cNed get setup much better than many other duelists in the league. qw1 is getting setup by much less accomplished players than they have on Fnatic and NA'VI. Don't forget it's a team game

posted about a year ago

screenshotting stats doesn't make a point, especially when the rating system is heavily critiqued as being inconsistent in portraying the full picture. in no way is he a bad player but to call him top 5 in the world just because the rating statistic said so is naive.

posted about a year ago

cNed would do much better on a team like BBL that plays more loosely rather than NA'VI's playstyle. Obv no hate to cNed as a person, but as a duelist in this NA'VI squad, i agree he just doesn't fit

posted about a year ago

Good analysis SevenStreet

posted about a year ago

PRX vs EG on Fracture would be a MEGABANGER

posted about a year ago

finished me too tbf. idk how these kids are arguing he's top 5 itw and top 4 in emea when he's been the 3rd best jett from just turkey this season

posted about a year ago

absolutely not lol. top 5 jetts itw have more than .85kpr. Out of 331 rounds on jett, cNed is only +5 in FK/FD. These are essentially my ranked stats. If he's top 5 itw i'm number 6

posted about a year ago

Derke, Sayf, QutionerX, qw1 all have a better Jett than cNed rn.

posted about a year ago

they should just pick up a player who can play more than one agent at a pro level, considering that cNed doesn't even have a top 4 jett in EMEA

posted about a year ago

cNed being disappointing. keep up

posted about a year ago

I think Keiko from APEKS would be a great fit. Young player with a lot of talent and great statistics.

posted about a year ago

The time has come to admit cNed was never as good as he was hyped to be. He hasn't had a good or memorable performance since he was on Acend. NA'VI need to dip into T2 to look for a different duelist player, in my opinion. cNed is not creating anything for this team (especially playing YORU???) Go ahead and downvote but they won't win an event until they move to a better star.

posted about a year ago

according to his tweet it was a mutual decision to both head separate ways (allegedly ofc). Disguised already locked in MSI so this change will give them more time to practice with riku. I assume it will essentially be a trial while they discuss other options.

posted about a year ago

of course I read the post. where in the post does it say he's a permanent player? it says he will play for the rest of the split, however that doesn't mean that they aren't in talks with other players to fill that spot. exalt was supposed to be on the team for the rest of the split until he wasn't lol.

posted about a year ago

in what world do you not half-buy on 12-10 to have full buy on 12-11??? i really don't get that decision

posted about a year ago

to bag yay of course. disguised is the only team with the money lol

posted about a year ago

L bigot

posted about a year ago

For every match in LOCK//IN NAVI banned Haven and Icebox, obviously they can only ban one of the two for a BO5, and they didn’t play poorly obviously, but why stray from banning FNATIC’s best map?

posted about a year ago

LISTEN BRO I’m seeing the bright light lol

posted about a year ago

Absolute class

posted about a year ago

MIBR WALKING HOME Sadge Subway Surfers

posted about a year ago

i'm about to rizzk it all

posted about a year ago

Stuck On You by Lionel Richie

posted about a year ago

Are you an initiator? Because I want to take to the Skye and Breach your bombsite. The sexual tension we share will never Fade. Honestly, since I saw you, I knew you were a KAY/O. All I know is that I'll be in shambles when it Sova...

posted about a year ago

I was excited for it, but he's not finding the value right now.

posted about a year ago

Would be surprised to see this roster stay together unfortunately. Most of the teams in EMEA who will secure a franchising spot already have some solid players that they are unlikely to get rid of. Most likely, this roster will be picked clean. Hope they can stay together though.

posted about a year ago

only way a single pick is wrong is if SEN pull off the run of a lifetime

posted about a year ago

you're right, huge opportunity for streaming but "ruining his rep as a T1 pro" is just untrue. anyone that watches the games and thinks TenZ is embarrassing himself must be watching a different game than i am. TenZ and Sick playing well is the only thing keeping them afloat rn

posted about 2 years ago

wdym? tenz is one of the only reasons they've won anything at all. if TenZ never joined SEN they would have been irrelevant much sooner. low tier bait

posted about 2 years ago

considering they've only been Optic since the beginning of 2022 i'm guessing you haven't been a fan long then lol. just jokes tho of course

posted about 2 years ago

bro you're dumb af i've been an envy/optic fan since the start of last year, even before they had chet as a coach (when victor was called food and they hadn't even signed yay); i've always had the optic flair on since the time i joined this website even b4 your ignorant brain had heard of them

posted about 2 years ago
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