Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: July 30, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 10:02 AM
Posts: 8310
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i used to hate him but hes a cutie patootie, i cant hate him anymore.

posted 2 weeks ago

omen viper cypher kj skye kayo gekko (so much gekko lol) fade (very rare now) brim (bind only) sova (sunset only for now) breach astra (very rare) and raze if im feeling spicy.

posted 2 weeks ago

cned. his chin is terrifying!!!

posted 2 weeks ago

oh ok. i dont know if i have anything like that at the moment. but i am too young to really know at this point as a 17 year old.

posted 2 weeks ago

If they do not treat others with fairness. I can overlook pretty much everything else but that. To be honest, that is quite a broad red flag, but it really rules out everything that would be a deal breaker for me.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Yes please

posted 2 weeks ago

For everyone dissing fns' aim, its widely known that you simply cannot play to your full potential as an igl. You are micromanaging an entire team, and considering how damn good fns is an one, I would say that he trades a lot of his fragging power, rightfully so, towards igling. How is it that his igling led his team to win 4v5s so often that they made top 3 at every international event in 2022? That is an incredible feat, especially if we take the narrative that fns couldn't shoot for shit. Even ethan has said in interviews how igling significantly decreases a player's ability to put up numbers, although there are a few exceptions to that rule (boostio k1nggg etc), as there are for everything. So in all fairness, fns definitely did not deserve to get dropped like this, especially considering how nrg is literally in the dumps with their performance this year.

posted 2 weeks ago

biggest flop teams:
EMEA: KOI. TL Vitality and M8
Americas: NRG, Furia, mibr
Pacific: BL00D, GE, RRQ, ZETA, TS, DRX (basically everyone that isn't geng or paper rex

posted 2 weeks ago

I think riots system is OK, but I am more horrified by the reactions to the behaviour. Its not just riots job to uphold safety for everyone in the game. Sadly, people like you and I are not fulfilling our responsibilities to protecting those whose voice is not heard. It is widely known that women are really not respected in the gaming community. Like, go look at the comments! Do men get threatened with rape in valorant? And do you think its the same as threatening a woman with rape (which is actually a real, severe issue in the world today)? I don't think so. Men think they are ultimately superior to women in general, and this is why this behaviour is not the same as men being toxic to each other on a video game like valorant. You can deny it all you want, but it's the truth and it's right in front of us. And this behaviour is accepted, or it is not denounced and vehemently rejected by all of us, and that is a problem.

posted 2 weeks ago

And why do we accept that?? You can call me a snowflake, but I don't think that behaviour should be seen anywhere, whether it is online or in real life. Just like if we saw behaviour like this in real life, I would hope and imagine that people would be horrified to see a man threatening to rape a woman in public. So why is that OK on a video game?? I must be going crazy because this shouldn't be a hot take, or there's something wrong with me! I wasn't raised to think that it's OK for me to treat anyone this way, let alone saying vile things like this to a woman in any situation.

posted 2 weeks ago

She probably could have kept him muted, but as a woman who streams and has a platform for which she can call this bad behaviour out, she probably felt obligated to speak out and I don't blame her for unmuting, recording and calling out the trashy behaviour online. That guy will just go into their next game and do the same thing if pressure isn't applied against the behaviour wherever it is seen. She most likely unmuted to document the behaviour and to make a tweet calling it out.

And I think its more important to emphasise why he felt it was fine to say that online over a video game, when I know that 9 times out of 10, he would never say that irl without getting severe backlash. It goes to show how this behaviour is pretty much deemed acceptable by everyone else in the community, and it really shouldn't.

posted 2 weeks ago

I agree it's hard to regulate this, but I feel that this is not even a problem "how should we ban people who abuse voice chats". To me, its a reflection of how we feel comfortable saying things like this on voice chats over a game. I don't have a solution to this behaviour, and I'm sure riot is searching for one without being too extreme. But I'm way more concerned by the reactions to this behaviour. As I said in a comment below, it's sad to see how so many people are blaming her for unmuting and forgetting that this man felt it was appropriate to threaten her with rape over a video game. If there was more social pressure, and we collectively called out and rejected bad behaviour like this, people like the man would really not feel brave enough to say this shit on voice chat in a game.

posted 2 weeks ago

I would just like to say, if you have criticism for a teammate, no matter who they are, I'm not saying you don't have to say it. I was playing valorant yesterday and I had to call out annoying teammates every game i played, including one who was a female. I did not even mention her gender, let alone talk about raping her. The gaming community actually attracts some really disgusting people, and we are all influenced and made to think this behaviour is normal and acceptable by the echo chamber we find ourselves in, where men support other men unconditionally, while silencing women for the crime of calling out bad behaviour. The comments here and on the tweet proves this clear as day.

posted 2 weeks ago

The number of people who are in her comments blaming her for men being disgusting on the in game vc is shameful. Yeah you can just mute and move on but that man is going to do that to the next woman who has vc on in their games and talks. Are we just going to ignore that? That's like letting a murderer go free and telling people to just avoid going near the person if they see them. What is wrong with the gaming community, and men in general??? As a man, I'm ashamed.

posted 2 weeks ago

248 :(

posted 2 weeks ago

C9 -xeta +curry was horrendous. Curry just didn't fit into the team well at all.

posted 2 weeks ago

Holy moly this has to be room temperature iq take??? Either give the team time or drop the whole team and build around mako. Those are the only two options for DRX rn after their roster changes at the beginning of the year.

posted 2 weeks ago

idk much about pcs but this looks quite similar to the one my older brother built, just a slightly better graphics card. I think its good, but the one he built was much cheaper lol. idk if things have become more expensive or whatever since last november, but it looks really good, and my brothers pc runs really well so yours will be better.

posted 2 weeks ago

i hate chamber so much, so chamber.

posted 2 weeks ago

I believe in a traditional sense of the afterlife, but I am certain of two things. One is that is not physical, or in our 3 dimensional universe. It is on a higher plain that we simply can never see or access in our human physical form. Secondly, I believe that we will never find scientific evidence for it, at least not for many generations

posted 2 weeks ago

Oh yes I'm sorry, yeah I am wrong 😞

posted 2 weeks ago

ok? good thing i wasnt talking to you. :)

posted 2 weeks ago

0/8 or you are an embarassment to all sen fans.

posted 2 weeks ago

ive always hated you but it makes me happy to see that not only are you annoying, you are also stupid :)

posted 2 weeks ago

SEN is giving brainrot aura so i will take all three of them over needing brain surgery.

posted 2 weeks ago

idk, ive heard that video gamer degenerates are banned from linkedin to prevent spam. vlr.gg is the next best networking method so....
also i doubt they let anyone under the age of 16 to make a linkedin account, especially the chronically online ones. what would their resume look like? professional time waster, with 25 hours a day on [insert favourite video game here]??

posted 2 weeks ago

FPX, GenG, 100T, TH

posted 2 weeks ago

such a shame that a uk flag SEN flair fnatic fan was given enlightenment of the kwisatz haderach for a brief moment

posted 2 weeks ago

just put tuyz duelist. qck senti and GOATcada back on the role he deserves. LOUD if you are reading this thread, thank me when you start to win :)

posted 2 weeks ago

i thought they bought yay because juicy had military service?? or was that nephh?

posted 2 weeks ago

LEV is just aspas and friends. i think GenG win that personally. would be extreme diff though, i expect at least one OT map.

posted 2 weeks ago

probably the teams that make it out 2-0 then a coin flip between who out of the two of them that get to choose first. or maybe they use map diff or round differential even though they played different opponents.

posted 2 weeks ago

sadly the goat foxy9 is slept on because chokeRX cant win a playoffs game to save their lives :(

posted 2 weeks ago

oh my god. its time to take another break from this site. all i can pray is that any team but fnatic wins shanghai, otherwise these fnatic fans' heads/egos might just eat the whole planet

posted 2 weeks ago

fnatic fans are the new sen fans. or is it the other way around? i cant wait for the brainrot to seep into this site :D

posted 2 weeks ago

i knew this from 2022, when i saw he was the only pro back then consistently getting shok dart kills and multikills with the hunters fury on sova.

posted 2 weeks ago

idk but why does aspas need to carry for LEV to win?? it doesnt make sense. If aspas top frags, they win. if aspas does not, they lose. LEV won't get far at all if that is their win condition because aspas cant always stay so consistent in every match, and tougher opponents would make it harder for aspas to carry.

posted 3 weeks ago

this guy is always a SEN fan at heart. surely you didnt expect that fut flair to stay of forever did you?

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

rating the baits

posted 3 weeks ago

cooking from a michelin star restaurant

posted 3 weeks ago

ok lets make one thing clear. his fortnite career was on the decline since 2022. you clearly know nothing about benjyfishy. im glad that he found success again but he did kind of fall off in fortnite. secondly, you are the worst navi coper ive seen since yesshitskiii, its not a good look.

posted 3 weeks ago

doesn't having 6 dicks in your mouth all the time hurt? how does it taste?

posted 3 weeks ago

well for me it is jinggg haven because asuna didnt do it at a LAN event.

posted 3 weeks ago

dont remind me... ive taken the flair off to wipe the memory from existence :(

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

this is why aspas and jinggg were the best reynas we ever saw in VCT

posted 3 weeks ago
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