Flag: Norway
Registered: January 17, 2024
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 9:36 PM
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allat post for the big brained

vibes r important dont get twisted but literally every person affiliated with SEN last year always blamed their performance on having bad vibes and how they think they got a chance this year bc their vibes are good again like im tired of hearing this. they had a good mental entering Americas last year but everything started to collapse once they faced a few losses and they couldn't recover from it, NRG went thru the same thing with FNS even saying that the vibes the entire year were bad for them but they still made up for it by actually focusing on the game that led to them having a comeback into the Americas finals.

its always vibes this, vibes that, mental diff, blahblahblah, fr just power thru it like everybody else. EG also had a terrible start and even made a desperate starter change, then they realized that Demon1 was cracked even though their vibes were still shit at the time so they just played thru allat in order to improve and look what happened and how good the rest of EG became. SEN will face a loss and take it to heart every time and you can literally see it from their gameplay alone on how lost they look whenever shit starts to go bad.

When shit goes sour its always "focus on yourself", when things go really wrong its always "oh but we still played well", when they lose an important series its always "oh but we had the game in our hands" even when they get completely outclassed, and then there's the little things like the associating confidence confidence with unnecessary peeks, ALLAT strictly for morale boosts.

This part of their vlog in their match vs EG ticks off literally all the boxes I mentioned. Even though EG at the time were a decently strong team and were unbeknowningly on the path to become the best team itw, SEN's entire gameplan against them boiled down to "we're the better players so lets just skill gap them bc SEN > EG" and "just disrespect them, who cares about how we play" even though this was a must win match for playoffs chances. Then when they lose they're all like "oh nooo how did we lose to EG even though they're so bad and we're so much better oh nooo", Zekken even goes the extra mile in saying that EG just had a good day that day when their performance at the time wasn't even close to their peak form from what we've seen this year.

this iteration of SEN hasn't faced a loss yet but it's obvious atp to assume they're gonna start doubting themselves for the rest of the year if they fail to make it out of their group or something. There's been literally no improvement from them since 2021 in the sense that they will always collapse onto themselves when losses come pouring in.

posted 3 months ago

how so? if your partner (assuming you have one (unlikely)) is showcasing their anger, would you think that it's attractive? feeling romantic from seeing your partner be in distress is fucked up and can be a strong indicator of domestic violence

posted 3 months ago

ok and? my point still stands

posted 3 months ago

the orange bear is showing to have an outburst of anger while the pink bear seems to be attracted to it since it's obvious that they're romantically together. did Riot fuck up here? there's nothing cute or romantic about seeing your partner express their wrath at all. should this be on the news?

posted 3 months ago

important bump

posted 3 months ago

make a romance VN about being a teen attending a normal high school and have our main love interest be Viper our homeroom teacher. Phoenix can be our best bro, Jett can be the stuck up, Brim can be the principal, blah blahj blah none of that matters bc 98% of the game will consist of us visiting Viper after class until the elope. the thought of keeping my composure but failing miserably as Viper tries to explain a problem I don't understand from my textbook over my shoulder is worth more than any game Riot has made.

posted 3 months ago

that story is fake

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Phoenix has the longevity w her, super friendly to be with, has IRL fame, but he’s too full of himself at times and a bit stupid ngl

Iso has the Asian2Asian buff (massive), is way cooler, and is definitely way smarter and has shown to know his shit which is attractive, but might me too quiet and/or unfriendly.

posted 3 months ago

should be an off topic thread sorry

posted 3 months ago

was watching my daily runs of SEN TenZ montages while eating Cheerios and I ended up letting out an extremely wet fart that I knew sounded bad. I thought it was the regular mucus coming out that everyone gets every once and a while during a fart so I didn't mind much until I dug my fingers up my ass and felt A LOT of shit. Sniffed my hand a bit and inspected what came out and it was definitely brown poop that was really gushy, so at least it wasn't any other color fortunately. I really wanted to finish the video I was watching though and I was already sitting down anyways so once the vid ended I got up, wiped my ass, and changed my underwear. Idk I always thought that stuff like this only happens to really old people and I'm not even lactose intolerant at all so this was a fun first time experience and I wanna know if you guys went through something like this too. I can't imagine going through this outdoors. My fingers still stink though :/

posted 3 months ago

in their absolute peak:

  1. EG 2023
  2. FNC 2023
  3. LOUD 2023
  4. LOUD 2022
  5. OPTIC 2022
  6. GAMBIT 2021
  7. PRX 2023
  8. FPX 2022
  9. ENVY 2021
  10. EDG 2023
  11. NAVI 2023

we are massively overlooking how much the competitive depth of this game has grown ngl. EG at Champs played Valorant the closest to perfection besides that hiccup choke vs PRX at Pearl. Ik a lot of ppl here are rating their year as a whole which makes sense but that shit is boring af.

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

is it just impossible for you to make a fun prediction or what

posted 4 months ago

yeah he is, hes the most likely to stay outside of TenZ but depending on how bad SEN perform and how good the other duelists in the scene are going to get, SEN might drop him too.

posted 4 months ago

not gonna lie but I think this is Zekken's last opportunity to play with SEN if things so sour. The org loves changes and if they go through another year of failure then I could see them completely restarting their roster except for TenZ of course.

posted 4 months ago

throw away whatever goofy bias you have for a sec or admit that you're regarded, do you think this iteration of SEN are going to live up to the hype?

I don't mean them finishing like 4-5th consistently while making to at least 1 international tourney, I'm talking about them actually winning shit. Their current form looks strong but the meta's going through a change and history with this org says that failure is inevitable in one way or another. I think the expectations for them rn are kinda unfair.

posted 4 months ago

you mention the masters win but he's been very popular prior to that as well, i get that his brand profited a lot from that win but to this extent is beyond insane. That Masters feels like the World Cup to a lot of people from the way they talk about it imo. I think his performance in that tourney was perfectly timed with the expectations he had with his history and all, then he delivered and now its like the only thing he needs.

posted 4 months ago

genuinely a curious question because ive never seen someone be so popular esports-wise yet is hardly close to being the GOAT. The guy's popularity shot up in CS despite winning pretty much nothing, transferred to Valorant and won a Masters + two challengers with SEN, then continued to do nothing for the next two years up until now. After all of that he somehow has the popularity equivalent to Jesus Christ when there are players out there who've done way more than him across both games yet they can barely hold a candle to his fame. Like you look at other guys like Faker, s1mple, b4nny, etc and you can understand why they're all the most popular esport figures for their respective games, it's because they're the GOATs. You can chalk it all down to branding but the fact that the branding itself was such an immense success is the question im asking.

Is it because he appeals to weebs or something? A lot of TenZ fans I've seen have a taste for anime in some form, and it makes a lot of sense to see how he got so popular from it especially when there's not many pro players out there that would rep anime pfps + the fact that both CS and Valorant have like a billion weebs playing. This shit boggles my mind because pretty much every new player hearing about TenZ would immediately assume that he's the best player but that's not the case at all and then they start to question why is it like that. He isn't even a particularly interesting or unique streamer either, like why do we care so much about this guy?

posted 4 months ago

Who's a 10/10 or even a 9/10 in your opinion?

posted 4 months ago

we have five players right now who are in the path towards being the GOAT (Leo, Alfajer, Demon1, Less, Aspas) but Riot decided to put a player that peaked in 2021 in the thumbnail of their 2024 VCT format vid for le marketing. these goofy fellas want to milk out on him instead of focusing on the players that are actually destined for greatness in a growing and fresh esport. "face of VCT" when the guy was streaming ranked during international events last year, I'm not even trying to flame TenZ but this shit is just disrespectful

posted 4 months ago
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