Flag: Wales
Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 7:25 AM
Posts: 507
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Tory Slideshow is silently judging the youth right now

posted 1 week ago

xccurate is taking all of f0rsakeN and by extensions PRX's choking energy into his body through and ancient Tibetan rituals in order to give PRX the best chances to win Shanghai. Another Susanto masterclass

posted 1 week ago

FUT and FPX basically play the same style but FUT deffo have higher firepower and don't seem like they'd struggle in the scrappy chaotic rounds that FPX thrive in. I mean qRaxs is literally the king of getting absurd 3k's in muddy rounds

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Cuz he lost some of his consistency, which is honestly impressive that he'd kept so consistent for so long. He was near the top of the game for pretty much all of 2021-2023, and only now is showing some cracks

posted 1 week ago

I feel like this line of thinking kind of falls flat when you realise everyone else in 2022 could also pick Chamber and never hit the heights that yay did. Obviously part of his success was down to Chamber but his utter dominance was largely down to his superior mechanical skill

posted 1 week ago

Singular Masters win + never won a regional final despite NA being a 1 team region in 2022

In terms of achievements bro doesn't clear that many people in the goat discussion

posted 1 week ago

I just came a little

posted 1 week ago

I wasn't taking last year into account. This year ardiis has been insane and looks like 2022 ardiis again

posted 1 week ago
  1. Leo - Perfect player

  2. benjyfishy - Absolutely insane fragging, great decision making, actual untouchable anchor player and a clutch god, best vibes merchant in EMEA

  3. cNed - Finally seems to have the confidence and the freedom to take advantage of his insane mechanics

  4. ardiis - Incredibly flexible, has very good supportive util on flash initiators and still puts up insane numbers even on support roles

  5. Alfajer - Actual inhuman mechanical skill

  6. MiniBoo - Absurdly high mechanical skill and insane entry capabilities, plays with negative self preservation and enables Heretics' aggressive playstyle

  7. qRaxs - Is good for like 5 free rounds that should've been unwinnable every series. Will frequently 3k from spots that should be at best one and done's and clutches impossible rounds while providing great supportive util

  8. Shao - Fairly self explanatory, makes very few mistakes, has insane fragging and has fantastic utility

  9. Wo0t - The other enabler of Heretics' aggresive playstyle, he's an insanely good second entry and fills any holes in Heretics' gameplan

  10. Chronicle - Puts up insane numbers while playing hard support, insanely good utility usage and maybe has the biggest clutch factor out of anyone in EMEA

Honourable Mentions - RieNs, Sayf, N4RRATE, marteen, tomaszy, yetujey, Elite, SUYGETSU

posted 1 week ago

Honestly I have them as favourites to win Shanghai. PRX have choked too much for me to believe they could beat 100T

Obviously if PRX win Shanghai I'll fucking cum enough to end world hunger but until it happens I will be on the doomer train

posted 1 week ago

RRQ now definitively top 5, possibly top 3-4 depending on how well the team gels

posted 1 week ago

Yoman to RRQ would actually go so hard ngl

posted 1 week ago

Redgar above Boo is actually mental icl

posted 1 week ago

zeddy, soulcas, Sayonara in 2 years time when he turns 18 because he looks like the next Wo0t

posted 2 weeks ago

Babybay hijacking the broadcast to yap about irrelevant scrims on FaZe so he can remind everyone he used to be a pro and desperately try and advertise himself to orgs for half of the games in Shanghai. I pray he's not casting the Grand Finals.

posted 2 weeks ago

Chainsaw Man

posted 2 weeks ago

Jinggg, goes 102/79/23 across the series

posted 2 weeks ago

Just had his first negative map of 2024, in which he went -2. Polaris farmers league or soulcas finally fixed his inconsistency issues and become the caliber of player that can smurf tier 2?

posted 2 weeks ago

GM8 (50/50 matchup)
All Gamers

Congratulations NRG on becoming the 33rd best franchised team

posted 2 weeks ago

Duelist - kiNgg
Flex - Saadhak (IGL of the IGL's)
Initiator - stax
Controller - Boo
Sentinel - Laz/johnqt

posted 2 weeks ago

Bruh, NAVI were already basically locked for Champs and got robbed of 2 Masters events purely because they had to face the best EMEA team in a single elim BO3 twice. Why would they make changes that fuck up the existing structure and chemistry of the team?

posted 2 weeks ago

Where does paTiteK go? This guy is too good of a supportive player to not have a spot in tier 1. He could probably greatly improve Liquid, KOI or GX (although I'd only want that if those teams changed a bit more around if they signed pati so he would be on a good team)

posted 2 weeks ago

vo0kashu will mentally attack every enemy team by tossing the pistol round then forcing a naked Vandal with no util and utterly destroy their mental

posted 2 weeks ago

Tbh I have more faith in KPI than Apeks

posted 2 weeks ago

pANcada incoming? Oh I'm getting close

posted 2 weeks ago

Win win for me then, either my goats finally win and by extension overcome the choking problem and start winning even more trophies and become the Astralis of Valorant, or I get a free bundle

posted 2 weeks ago

Achilios and Paperthin get to cast I believe their first Grand Finals (because realistically who else could do it without Brenshow or Panpoc)

posted 2 weeks ago

Melee - RGX Blade, RGX Firefly, Xenohunter Knife
Vandal - Champions '23, Prelude to Chaos, Reaver, Glitchpop
Phantom - Recon, Glitchpop, Oni
Spectre - Ion, Prime
Classic - Radiant Crisis
Ghost - Sovereign
Sheriff - Reaver
Operator - Reaver, Forsaken, Cryostasis

posted 2 weeks ago

Me when there are only 2 flex players in tier 2 NA

posted 2 weeks ago

Felt like he was the only one on the whole team who was shooting back. Is this so they can put Demon1 full time smokes and Jett like 100t do with Cryo? Marved already plays Viper for them anyways I don't see why he couldn't pull a bang and just be perma Viper while Ethan plays flash initiators plus Killjoy, Victor plays Raze + senti on Jett maps and crashies plays scan initiators.

Only possibility is they're replacing him with a smokes IGL but then who even are the smokes IGL's in NA?

posted 2 weeks ago

Bedge game, hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby

posted 2 weeks ago

Depends honestly. Regular season LEV doesn't drop a round. Playoffs LEV loses 1-2 with every map going to OT

posted 2 weeks ago

Dragon Ranger Gaming, my glorious king vo0kashu will become the official CEO of Valorant

posted 2 weeks ago

SEN with a break, yes. NRG would get 5 rounds a map at most

posted 2 weeks ago

vo0kashu always forces naked Vandals with no util after losing pistol, that is the most terrifying thing ever. I'd never wanna play that guy

Probably G2 ngl, T1 have had higher peaks this season and seemed to just be mega slumped in regular season, plus they had to play 4 games in 2 weeks so that certainly didn't help

posted 2 weeks ago

Aight as a certified T1 hopium addict that is the worst bait I've ever seen

posted 2 weeks ago

In terms of calling, probably like 2nd or 3rd below FNS and ANGE1

In terms of shooting, 2nd behind kiNgg

posted 2 weeks ago

You are what CS fans think we all are. Cease

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean he's pretty fuckin close to it

posted 2 weeks ago

DRG will play both these teams to make playoffs and go on a run

posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah idk about LEV at 9th chief

posted 2 weeks ago

Me when the complete rookie who just turned 18 goes negative against a team with Alfajer, Leo, Chronicle and Derke in his 5th game in T1 ever (he's clearly terrible and not fit for competition, and will never improve)

posted 2 weeks ago

MiniBoo, bro looks like such a Chad

posted 2 weeks ago

I thought the G2 script was winning NA and then not winning a map

posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah 100t are just kinda running over G2. Kind of a stomp. So disappointing when u realise we could've had regular season form LEV vs 100t. That would've been a banger

posted 2 weeks ago

Idk, one of my friends said Leo looks like he'd be a manipulator and gave massive red flags, now I can't unsee it

posted 3 weeks ago

TH are getting experience diffed, their mental is boomed

posted 3 weeks ago
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