Flag: United States
Registered: May 21, 2023
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 9:08 AM
Posts: 581
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as a legit non baiting american
we deadass have a super top heavy region
Sen NRG Loud are the only good teams imo
everyone else is mid as fuck
100t has the potential to get good but i haven't seen them yet so i cant say
G2 and EG are chokers
KRU, MIBR and Furia aren't sharp
Lev is gonna fall apart
100t is unproven

posted 1 month ago

its so fuckign weird. why are they going for HS when 2 bodies suffice?

posted 1 month ago

best in the world fo sho

posted 1 month ago

nah aspas is God

posted 1 month ago

iso needs the speed boost on kill more than clove
make his wall curveable like harbor
his vulnerable is too telegraphed, like they know ur gonna swing right after u toss it - either give him a nearsight, or make the vuln curveable or have a non linear trajectory like phoenix

posted 1 month ago

yeah nepo is the candidates goat, hikaru is a fucking gigachad for throwing

posted 1 month ago

if your a girl then you have a 100% success rate.
if you are a guy then make sure hes gay too, id give u 45-55% odds, most gay relationships originate from close friendships from my experience.

posted 1 month ago

they were in the chamber meta, im sure if kang kang was transported to 2022 he would dominate in his peak form

posted 1 month ago

xccurate hasn't played on an international stage b4. i know hes up and coming but he's not primary duelist so idk how often he'll get the awp

posted 1 month ago

imo he needs too many resources while awping which makes him stand out but his team is focused on setting him up. its too selfish
other great awpers like something and texture can awp on their own with minimal support which is why i rate them higher
up to interpretation ofc

posted 1 month ago

he never was

posted 1 month ago

hes like the better turkish flashback

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

yes it feels like i have faster/more aware movements, but it feels like im more imprecise, since my muscles are like not in the same state as they were when i learned to aim/move

posted 1 month ago

fax no kizzy

posted 1 month ago

GPT is fucking useless, what equation do i use to find the fugacity coefficient tho,
its not at saturation, nor a species in solution
so is the equation just
ln(0/) = int(0->P)(zi-1)dp/p

and then i just do mol fraction times coeff times pressure?

posted 1 month ago

im not given a virial equation of state interestingly, so in this case wouldn't I use redlick kwong bc its a high pressure system?

posted 1 month ago

how do i calculate the fugacity of each component of a gas mixture with 3 components:
example: 70 mol% N2, 20%O2, 10% CO2 @ 100bar 150C

posted 1 month ago

damn we got a bunch of liars here.

posted 1 month ago

buy the sen bundle then act like a diehard mentall unstable sen fan at the next lan u can make

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

LEV is wayy to high, idt they have good synergy yet

posted 2 months ago

God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?

posted 2 months ago

do people not know the Nietzsche quote, this is literally sarcasm...
ig it would be prudent to put /s but this is clearly satire

posted 2 months ago

yeah saadhak is FNS father and karrigan is Gramps

posted 2 months ago

is karrigan FNS's grandpa?

posted 2 months ago

idk there's no macro strat that i can see so far. feels like they literally just try and take as much map control as possible then exect at some certain time with no overarching conditioning or manipulation of rotations on T side and on CT the point is just to let ur 2 guys try and hold the site and get their ones and end up in a 3v3 retake

posted 2 months ago

Faze clear

posted 2 months ago

Monyet - raze/primary smokes
pancada - viper/smokes
babyj - senti/viper
fns - initiator
s0m - duelist/initiator if monyet is on raze

posted 2 months ago

.4 800
s0m my goat

posted 2 months ago

i fw it. bro is too good to waste his talent away in the military

posted 2 months ago

damn this guy spitting facts on facts, glad we got another redpilled truthsayer up here.

posted 2 months ago

You are calling them something that they aren't how does that make sense?

Was done in response to US affirmation of LTBTQ rights which shows the point clear enough

posted 2 months ago

you haven't shared the basis of these moral beliefs, code of values, or culture is.
is it based on religion, logic etc?
They aren't forcing you to do anything
its literally just a formality, acknol

you say that you are treating them like a normal human, then there should be no difference between a trans person person and a cis person in your mind no?
the fact that there is a distinction is discrimination
if you were treating them like a normal human then you wouldn't be having this cognitive dissonance - between not wanting to discriminate and trying to stick to whatever cultural values you have

yeah you aren't obligated no, nor is anyone forcing you to. its just like a name. like if your name is Joe, and i keep calling you Gil-Dong, every time we meet its kinda weird/inconvenient

another thing.
if you've ever met a trans person, then you would know that the media blows it up way out of perception and regular trans people are chill
i grew up in a household where my environment was super bigoted and i used to not believe in the concept of a trans gender until i actually met someone who said: 'bro im just tryna live my life, just respect i am and we got no problem'

imho Streamers and such overblow the pronoun thing because less reasonable people are less likely to go with the flow quietly and more likely to discriminate/cause drama etc. Its literally just to show support

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

the first point is a strawman argument
arguendo (good faith arugment) no one says or does that. The reason people identify differently is because there is a legitimate condition called gender dysphoria (which you acknowledged) and have legitimate reason to identify differently

to your second point
I can't provide an article rn, but its a phenomenon observed in research done by

Check out Victor Madrigal-Borloz and Volker Türk if you wanna learn more about it

posted 2 months ago

what does this mean? that logic would be correct if it werent for the fact that it is SCIENTIFICALLY wrong.
trans people do exist
gender dsyphoria does exist

yes but you aren't just refusing to acknowledge
you are actively discriminating
by your example:
lets assume that Catholics are eligible to be human, and enjoy human privilege
and atheists are not

in pari materia trans people ought to be able to exist and not be discriminated against

U can be trans, idc. Don't force me to call u by ur pronouns
this is discrimination no?

refusing to call black people by their name and instead opting to use N word is racism
similarly does this case not exist for trans people
and in fact in this case the prior pronouns aren't even a specific term, they just want to be respected and acknowledged

TLDR: its just a matter of respect

posted 2 months ago

this also doesn't make sense
just because it is omitted doesn't mean you can't do something
the rights are there to prevent others from infringing upon them

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience

so you can identify as anything you want

the reason they dont explicitly mention sexuality is for fear of repercussion against LGBTQ from religious governments who would crack down harder on them, because its so contentious

posted 2 months ago

this is incorrect, gender dysphoria has existed since mankind
and i quote

Among the sexual depictions in Neolithic and Bronze Age drawings and figurines from the Mediterranean are, as one author describes it, a "third sex" human figure having female breasts and male genitals or without distinguishing sex characteristics
Talalay, Lauren E. (2005). "The Gendered Sea: Iconography, Gender, and Mediterranean Prehistory". The Archaeology of Mediterranean Prehistory. Blackwell. pp. 130–148, especially p. 136. ISBN 978-0-631-23267-4.

posted 2 months ago

ok then your argument is that the act of being trans isn't a human right
which is a fallacy
because the act of identifying or being is a unalienable human right
a parallel would be identifying to a religion, or faith
thus a human is allowed to identify as a trans and have the right to do so

posted 2 months ago

are you saying that trans aren't humans?

posted 2 months ago

well who decides these people have rights? how do u know what rights a human has ingerently
i think you meant inherently
no one decides if a human has rights or not

How do I know that I inherently have that right from the moment which I was conceived???
you know this because it is fundamental to the identity of a human
if you are a human, you have human rights

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs

rights aren't unique to each country

posted 2 months ago

Steins gate
Bocchi the Rock

hajime no ippo
tokyo ghoul
Kaguya Sama
Oyasumi pun pun

posted 2 months ago

define different thing
Murderers had rights, but they lost them because they infringed upon other people's right to life
in addition, murders have certain rights as well. they have freedom to not be tortured, yeah in extenuating circumstances they ought to face the death penalty but that's different

trans people have not harmed anyone.
therefore they have equal human rights.

posted 2 months ago

these rights are defined for the sake of clarity, the UN aren't giving any rights to any people, these people have rights inherently. Like at the moment of birth they literally have these rights without anyone needing to give these unalienable rights, also the UN has no power whatsoever.

posted 2 months ago

Russia ain't doing anything right buddy, even in the modern, post cold war era.
it does correlate. They've imprisoned so many foreign nationals on no basis whatsoever (https://www.wsj.com/world/russia/evan-gershkovichs-stolen-year-in-a-russian-jail-61234ec9?mod=evan_gershkovich_lead_pos2)

Fact: humans have rights
Assumption: trans = humans
therefore trans rights are human rights

if you don't agree that trans people are humans then that's uhh. literal definition of bigoted.
think back to the 1800s, where slaves were considered humans, and were treated and classified as sub human species.

countries do not determine human rights. They are there to guard them, and prevent them from being infringed upon. the people are always responsible for giving themselves rights.

posted 2 months ago

the king of China, BerLIN, dude is the best smokes players in the world, hes just been stuck on a deadweight chinese team. Fnatic ought to import this guy and they would have top of the line players in every role

posted 2 months ago
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