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Registered: May 23, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 7:18 AM
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The more I think about it if kru is world class and lev can go head to head against them. I am getting unsure if I should pred lev as the 4th place team in a group they can fr upset. So far theyre actually looking pretty good utility and idea wise literally impressed 6 rounds in.

posted about 2 years ago

In this moment and at this time. Ban is better than wardell so yes, that would be better. Meaning in the needed role of an actual main entry, ban is a better rifler/space maker and is still great with an op. He's still a rookie and has way more room to grow and still has much more to prove compared to wardell who literally hasn't done anything since vct started. Ban is great and the only place for him to grow is with more actual top-level experience with timings, teamplay/set-ups and just in-game decisions and idek about comms.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

LMAO i don't even think anyone's rating that team rn

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh atleast they look better than NIP like literally anyone else at iceland and theyre actually pretty exciting teams to watch.

posted about 2 years ago

One of fnatic, liquid, loud or optic is gonna choke atleast and it's not gonna be fnatic. Surprised that many people are going drx aswell as xerxia. For sure anyone can make it out but its pretty much gonna end up being 2 groups of death.
I just want xerxia agaisnt optic again, fnatic to come out as group a 1st seed and to match up agaisnt kru in quarters and for loud and drx to do actual damage.

posted about 2 years ago

problem is even if they're good right now every other team is good or great so like just unlucky. That literally most if not all of the other teams are world class

posted about 2 years ago

bruh vlr with spoilers tf
. Edit: nvm there was a bug on mobile where it said it finished 13- 4 for a sec 3-2 for kru or something

posted about 2 years ago

What placement do people think would be considered a success for loud and make people hopeful for the brazilian scene? I think they can make it to top 6 atleast but honestly think it depends on if prx is actually world class or not and if they are in the same level as the top of NA/emea. Seems 50/50 against most teams so far just because idrk much about loud yet. For the people who have watched more loud, how good do you guys think loud are? Do they have good mid-rounding, set-plays etc with the insane fire-power i'm guessing they'll have?

posted about 2 years ago

hope keznit starts to play breach on haven if they make it to iceland because he can play breach and that's where the meta seems to be for most regions now

posted about 2 years ago

think it's gonna be 3-1 guard now

posted about 2 years ago

holy fuck that thrifty play might just win bleed this game unless xerxia win a low buy or play for ot

posted about 2 years ago

Today gaules has been mentioning mch and valorant br in his tweets. What does he mean? Does he mean he enjoys/wants to see something related to valorant? Or is there something like a joke/meme or an insult behind the tweets?

posted about 2 years ago

im saying this rn the optic win against c9 was a fluke top 4 should have been this top 4 - optic

posted about 2 years ago

TSM bought cned so they just have seven as a stand-in while cned on his way

posted about 2 years ago

literally have no idea.
Think about how competitive a 12 team bracket or two groups of 4 into playoffs with 4 other teams would be with these teams.

Literally have no idea whos gonna end up winning. The top emea teams still look great, the good NA teams look like they can do damage but we dk their peak or how they would compare. How good the top korean team or top brazil teams and if theyll stop choking every event and game that their apart of. Feel like the vision strikers core always had and still has so much potential but they tilt so easy you get so tilted cheering for them. We get to find out if sea and latam were flukes and if they weren't and if the teams are still good, they probably improved with the rest of the regions too so basically any game could be anyones game at masters.

Playoff teams
Gambit, Fnatic, Xerxia, Kru

Group A
Liquid, The guard, Loud, Crazy Raccoon

Group B
Version 1, Paperex, Drx, Nip/furia/VK/Levi

posted about 2 years ago

i'm just hoping sen win so
xset grd or xset v1 don't meet up in lowers rounds 2

posted about 2 years ago

i just want top 4 to be v1 c9 guard xset in any order so rooting for sen to win and make it still possible.

posted about 2 years ago

the thing im always worried about is that the ideal roles can switch by meta and some teams in hindsight have had the ideal rosters role wise months after changes due to maybe roles etc . 100t had the right roles and players for this meta with the first strike roster but just unlucky ig that the roles aren't the most natural with this roster but they still got time to mesh and grow so not too worried. The only thing is if they decide to change the roster from here is that all these players are great and can be good pieces to great rosters and just unlucky if this mix ends up being perfect role wise for future metas. I guess roles are starting to get more set in stone with a main of each agent role and a flex player nowadays but we can't predict if eventually with some major patches and meta shifts through agents if itll end up being something way different. I guess you can't really expect every team to be like v1 when theyre in rolling teams mode with their util and just active comms etc but wish this version of 100t took that route. They have smart players able to midround and an active util player with bang, just have to add on to it when you can.

posted about 2 years ago

eg is actually incredibly underrated because of getting out 6th in challengers. They were in it for a reason and even if it was a fluke they showed they can have highs and honestly was improving every week since. As still a new team they can get way better too and theyre already a good team. They have a higher chance in winning this tourney than people think.

posted about 2 years ago

i like it rhyme back on sentinel

posted about 2 years ago

They don’t hate eachother tho like obviously it’s awkward but like he’s not gonna burn bridges he doesn’t have to

And honestly didn’t seem that bad when they were in calls together with Nadeshot watching the vct games he’s a chill dude

posted about 2 years ago

If this is real. Maybe babyj? Faze had that weird Batman faze remember?

posted about 2 years ago

Unlucky. This would have been a banger to watch
And like literally the only chance we might ever get to watch these 2 challengers qualified teams go against each other. Instead of a match up we’ve seen 30 million times with teams that haven’t qualed for challengers

posted about 2 years ago

Feel bad. The betters don’t realize nrg have a sub for one of their most consistent players.

posted about 2 years ago

damn i thought rb would start to play alot of chamber but ig not. Maybe their not showing their full comps yet

posted about 2 years ago

I see ... a man of culture. Same bro. Go Zoomers! and steel.

posted about 2 years ago

I think he means that Tsm was still worse than t1 and LG too to be fair. Akrews here for a reason so not even sure if its an upset if tsm lose at this point

posted about 2 years ago

Finally we get to see lft oxy. Unlucky if this becomes the only game he doesn’t average 400 acs.

posted about 2 years ago
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