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Registered: November 6, 2023
Last post: May 25, 2024 at 6:31 AM
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sorry mods xd

posted 1 week ago

this shit works no?

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

I’ve seen ppl genuinely hate him for how much he sucks up fns and that’s honestly understandable. Deciding to sit out an entire year mainly to stick with fenis after looking insane is pretty crazy, it’s even likely that he got an offer from every NA Tier 1 team ngl.

I love bro but I honestly still can’t believe he isn’t playing this year. Don’t think there’s any pro out there as good as him that would voluntarily leave competing in hopes of playing with another player, he’s too good for that shit.

posted 1 week ago

me seeing someone else call him autistic makes me a fan? 😭

posted 2 weeks ago

nah but rewatch bin's backdoor and put that shit on repeat to properly anaylze how stupid he played that. He has E and ult up, holds both of them in against a flashless azir shredding his face off, decides to then use his E to go TOWARDS THE NEXUS in an attempt to bait the azir in, then realizes that what he did was unbelievably stupid once he got the ult off and died insta to the azir ult. scratch the probably part that shit is the worst choke of the tournament bar none.

posted 2 weeks ago

they alr committed to the backdoor but he didnt even do it fucking right at all. once a play like that is committed then its hard to fall back on so it at least has to be done properly, my guy just e'd into their full hp nexus and then died in 5 seconds like what was the plan. Probably the biggest choke this tournament.

posted 2 weeks ago

im completely convinced if bin just full combo'd azir in that backdoor this would've went to a game 5. how can you make the decision to backdoor over contesting baron and then not even backdoor properly. he had fucking everything up but he let chovy melt him face to face for free

posted 2 weeks ago

stg ive seen a few people call him that dont push that agenda on me 💀

posted 2 weeks ago

that teamfight was crazy but then i remembered blg is an lpl team so they were obligated to follow up great plays with insane ints xdd

posted 2 weeks ago

bro i alr dropped this because i just realized u are literally the same guy i dm'd a month ago on whether or not you were grooming ace because of that one thread lmfao. lets just stop, i dont think ur a pedo rn and I've already said that but you can't act stupid and not understand why people see you that way. if you're upset about it still then idk i stopped caring already.

posted 2 weeks ago

acegamer is for sure a child, never called you a pedo but rather pointing out the fact that you straight up admitted that you knew people were calling you a pedo for doing what you were doing and that you got enjoyment out of that, and none of what I'm saying is out of hate but instead out of genuine sympathy. I am letting you know that what you're doing is being perceived as extremely weird behavior but you clearly dont care so u do u. The fact that you're even getting all serious here at all as a dedicated baiter isnt a good look lol.

"a lot of NRG fans dont have NRG flairs" ive seen people that are diehard fans of other teams call you two out for being obsessive. just make an alt and bait normally no?

posted 2 weeks ago

one of your threads that's active rn has no nrg/optic fans crying. the thread you were talking about prior that acegamer just bumped because of this convo is on the recent discussion tab and it has literally a single nrg flair out of the 58 bumps complaining. you using this obsession to bait these apparently invisible nrg fans isnt normal bro, and there's a very strong reason why a lot of people are assuming acegamer is very young, don't try and play it off like it isnt obvious.

posted 2 weeks ago

what nrg fans bro, you guys are baiting anyone BUT nrg fans aside from asuna who is literally a baiter himself. Also there's no way you're anywhere near being 10 years old so please don't call yourself a child to relate to AceGamer more please dont do that. again just be a regular baiter so you can at least farm hate attention that doesn't make you look like a pedo to some (like the user you just mentioned).

posted 2 weeks ago

so what you wanted to be proven is the fact that you use acegamer in hopes that he continues acting like a 10 year old so that you can follow him around and glaze him both in and out of his threads to farm pedo hate and allegations? atp just be a regular baiter bro this is not making you look at any better.

posted 2 weeks ago

is it not weird to follow and glaze a potential child online or what, the fact that its not just nrg fans means something bro u just look weird to the majority lmfao.

posted 2 weeks ago

bro i dont follow ur threads but I can promise you most of the people in that thread dont rep nrg flairs, you guys are running this campaign specifically for asuna like idk how to break it to u

posted 2 weeks ago

the only nrg flair ive seen that gets mad from stuff like this is asuna and that's his whole thing, you're enabling bro to look and act obsessively stupid to everyone else just to bait a baiter xd

posted 2 weeks ago

enabling someone to continue acting like a 10 year old is crazy

posted 2 weeks ago

say it to the people calling him that not me

posted 2 weeks ago

you're not beating the autistic allegations with these posts

posted 2 weeks ago


LOCK//IN itself didn't hold much weight for sure, but the fact 3/4 teams that made it to the playoffs remained a top tier team throughout the rest of the year is still important. If Madrid's top 4 can't pull off the same thing for the rest of the year (ignoring the Jinggg upgrade for PRX) then you can make a real argument that it was less relevant than LOCK//IN, people are already doing it rn too.

posted 2 weeks ago

the first masters was def not a fluke lmao, people just don't care about it anymore, that's my point about irrelevancy. If that tournament was double elim SEN most likely would've still won. As time passes it'll continue becoming more and more irrelevant, that's just how it is. I mean TenZ is literally the only guy from that SEN roster that's still playing in Tier 1 after only 3 years.

posted 2 weeks ago

irrelevancy and flukes differ, idk where you categorize the word "fraudulent" for but I don't consider Madrid a fluke but instead the least relevant tourney since LOCK//IN and probably even farther back considering FNC and LOUD remained strong teams for the rest of the year. On the other hand, I think Champs 2021 was relevant but was still an absolute fluke bc of the winner.

posted 2 weeks ago

36 stab wounds in his back why would boosti do that to himself 💔💔💔

posted 2 weeks ago

the gremlin has invaded his enemy

the CCP will waste no time pining a crime on him for embarrassing China in champs, im hoping for something heavy like drug trafficking to fit his character

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

tried to rizz a lvl 90 gyatt

posted 2 weeks ago

gave up his ties with riot with this decision, riot is always china 1st sadge.

posted 2 weeks ago

msi is china's territory, script says blg

posted 2 weeks ago

he doesnt believe 100t are top 4 this arc is insane

posted 2 weeks ago

this is what happens when SEN doesn't qualify, his EU roots have been activated. Possibly one of his most controversial arcs in the making that could potentially last up until 100T qualify to the final.

posted 2 weeks ago

3rd) yay & marved 2022
4th) buzz and mako 2022

surely, also tenz zekken already here doesnt make sense

posted 2 weeks ago

best bet is beating 100T for that.

posted 2 weeks ago

at this point it should be whats expected. I don't even see it as them choking most of the time, they just end up losing to the better team when it comes down to it. Maybe it's just a luck thing lol.

posted 2 weeks ago

100T vs PRX finalist, PRX lose 1-3.

posted 2 weeks ago

you are an actual specimen acegamer

posted 2 weeks ago

a pressing matter in the val community

posted 2 weeks ago

what about tier 2

posted 2 weeks ago

theres like a bajillion LANs tho

posted 2 weeks ago

you dont deserve all this luck for what you did to that homeless guy 4 years ago 💔💔💔

posted 2 weeks ago

you see this is the issue, what do you define as a "good' player? Monyet is a great player because of his controller role, he'll 100000% replace someone in APAC Tier 1 because of it. qck on the other hand is not in that same position and it's very likely he'll go back to tier 2. They're both unfortunate sure but one of the two guys are at risk of never going back to tier 1, very diff levels of unfortunates going on here.

posted 2 weeks ago

did monyet suddenly stop becoming one of the best controllers in apac? hes set for a long time dw, qck is in much deeper shit

posted 2 weeks ago

its still embarrassing, tuyz has to leave controller that he's been cracked with for a role he hasn't played in two years. it's not even a guarantee if he'll still be great as a player now that this is happening.

posted 2 weeks ago

tuyz replacing qck in the duelist role is crazy embarrassing for him

posted 2 weeks ago

they want a lurking IGL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

posted 2 weeks ago

s0m would out right flame u for this take there's 0 humbleness there lmao. also u cant be calling facts = dick riding that just makes u look even dumber :(

posted 2 weeks ago
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