Flag: Canada
Registered: October 5, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 10:00 PM
Posts: 142
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most bipolar community i've ever seen

posted about a year ago

lol im not even gonna take a side but g2 has never played the guard so why say they cant beat em. ig we'll see how this plays out tho

posted about a year ago

surely its at least 2mbps

posted about a year ago

sen sick !!! :D:D

posted about a year ago

what other word would you suggest that better fits what they were trying to say?

posted about a year ago

he doesnt even anchor lol and actually CAN rifle so its not like hed be exclusively 100% judge in proplay

posted about a year ago

this is true. if he can succesfully igl a team around his playstyle I believe he could find some success.

posted about a year ago

his ego can't handle the success das is having. I know vanity is not a top 3 igl but he is someone who thinks that dasnerth could be (or has the potential to be) a very good igl in proplay. i don't have clips or anything but it was on stream

posted about a year ago

21+ 19+ 18+ 16+

posted about a year ago

oh fns had an opinion? mb i take it all back he sucks

posted about a year ago

been saying this guy is unironically like rly good. people just cope by saying "his playstyle wont work in pro play" but then don't elaborate and then turn their fanbase on him :)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i play .24 800

posted about a year ago

This guy has made so much progress in the last few years. It's clear he's been on that grind and his stats/gameplay show it. I feel like in the next year he'll be a top duelist in NA for sure. And being capable of IGLing his mid-rounding is also really good but as a duelist, I get how they switched him off of IGL

posted about a year ago

makes sense makes sense

posted about a year ago

a clear reason is that TT played good :)

posted about a year ago

idk about the reset time between bursts but I agree with everything else. i feel like precise shooting (as in tapping/bursting) should be rewarded so adding a longer reset time people might be more inclined to just spray

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

in what way?

like specifically what do you dislike and what would you change

posted about a year ago

w random surprise collab

posted about a year ago

music diff artist diff agent diff

thank you riot

posted about a year ago

gimme some of that zaza you on rn

posted about a year ago

blackheart isn't a no-namer lol. though i do think that there are better options

posted about a year ago

the joke is that they are actually boomers

posted about a year ago

that's actually cool. sadly my uni is quite small so I doubt they'd have multiple rosters but I know we're about to have one soon.

posted about a year ago

I'm coping pretending that d3 is good enough btw

posted about a year ago

Does anyone know what the average ranks are in this scene for a team? I'm wondering how diverse they are with plats on the same team as immortals or something

posted about a year ago

poor kid first post and its this

posted about a year ago

had a nice ace at least

posted about a year ago

how does joining sen make you a "traitor" like bro it ain't that deep they're just exploring a unique opportunity in their careers

posted about a year ago

asuna is not the centre of 100t lol. just cuz he has the biggest following and stream doesn't mean he is the star player. to say the entire team is built around him is just nonsense lmao

posted about a year ago

does 0 ounce of you find skrossi background story interesting? kinda lame lol why not cheer on some guy who is beating all odds

posted about a year ago

is he the 6th man or what? i was expecting to see him play tbh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

100t won with 2?

posted about a year ago

did my boy dirty

posted about a year ago
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