Flag: United States
Registered: December 27, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 3:40 PM
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Does volunteering in patient care at a hospital count

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah they switched sometime before their match vs geng

posted 2 weeks ago

NA: Verno
EU: Sayonara
APAC: SyouTa

posted 2 weeks ago

Didn't Fancy get whooped by Team Flash on two separate occasions

posted 2 weeks ago

I switch between Sova and Fade depending on the map. On Ascent (plz remove from game) I play both

posted 2 weeks ago

5 years consistently cause then I won't get flamed for supporting a washed team

posted 2 weeks ago

LMAO NRG fan no wonder this list has braindead takes 🤡

posted 2 weeks ago

pretty sure she stated that she intentionally unmuted the guy and instigated the reaction for content

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

we literally cannot watch any of the matches live

posted 2 weeks ago

keznit owns you lil bro

posted 2 weeks ago

With the Advance Stage now over and the regular season coming up next week, here's all the teams that will be participating and how I think they'll place


After coming off a Split 1 win, FENNEL look just as poised to win this split as well. They have a deadly combination of strats and firepower, with players like SyouTa and Xdll looking like the best players in the country. They had a near-perfect regular season last split, with their only two losses being against REJECT, who they would eventually beat in a 9-hour long grand final series. For Split 2, they made a very exciting move in signing former ZETA DIVISION player TENNN, who will be coming in to replace Derialy, who was benched allegedly due to personal issues. With how formidable TENNN was in 2022, he will definitely provide even more mechanical power, which will help the team fight for a spot in Ascension.



REJECT has stood out in Split 1 for having a hyper-aggressive playstyle that has the capability of running over other teams in the region. Their two main duelists, Akame and BRIAN, have ran the show on multiple occasions, pushing out insane numbers with overwhelming site executes. They were the only team to hand FENNEL losses in the entirety of Split 1, in both the regular season and in playoffs, though they would eventually come just short of the Split 1 victory. With Hals becoming an official member of the roster, they have ample opportunity to refine their unique gameplay. REJECT is more than capable of seeing the same success in Challengers Japan, much as they did in Apex Legends just recently.

Akame (IGL)

  1. Sengoku Gaming

Sengoku Gaming were pretty underrated coming into the start of the Challengers league, but have definitely shaped themselves as a powerful force of the Japanese league. A large part of their success came from the twins Jinboong and Gwangboong, who have consistently fragged out throughout the first split, and with Jinboong putting up something numbers on Killjoy and Cypher in playoffs. Coming in as a middle-of-the-pack team out of the regular season, they made an unexpected run by making their first LAN event. There, they took FENNEL to a map 5 that was definitely winnable, but Xdll decided to have a life series. Coming into Split 2, they kept the same roster, but added former Jadeite IGL Art as a coach (If I don't see someone using an Odin I will be very upset). If they keep their form from last split, this team can definitely go far.

Misaya (IGL)

  1. SCARZ

SCARZ's Split 1 run was nothing short of a disaster, considering the fact they were the Ascension runner-ups last year. Getting only 2 wins throughout the entire regular season, with most of that coming off of Yoshiii, definitely warranted a roster rebuild. Half of the roster got dropped after Split 1, with Only1 moving to T1's Academy roster, Allen moving to BC SWELL, and Tempura still in free agency. For this split, SCARZ expanded even further on their national diversity, bringing in tixx from Oceania, who's taking over the IGL role, and Yotaa from the French Challengers league. The two new players showed a lot of potential in the Advance stage, dominating their matchup against a formidable Crest Gaming Zst. Though I think they will need some time within the season to fully recover, this team definitely has a shot at restoring their former glory.

tixx (IGL)


NORTHEPTION had a pretty solid run in Split 1, so it came as a surprise to see the team part ways with Yowamu as he moved onto BC SWELL. The current state of their roster is still unknown, though there have been various rumors that the team is planning to sign HaReeee from IGZIST based of some scrimbux (Anyone escaping that team is making the right decision) Last split, they came just shy of getting a direct LAN spot to REJECT, who they beat in the regular season. They would unfortunately choke the LAN spot again to Sengoku Gaming in the playoffs, ending the split at a still respectable 4th place. Esperanza and Thiefy were the main shooters on the team, with Wolverine being up there at times but being fairly inconsistent. Ultimately, this team's Split 2 performance will be dependent on who the team will end up getting for their last player, but I have pretty high hopes for them.

Esperanza (IGL)


A second content creator org has hit the Japanese scene. RIDDLE ORDER is owned by Vodka, a popular Japanese Twitch streamer. The watchparty for their match against VARREL racked up over 40k viewers, so it's safe to say this team has a lot of support. The clout extends to their signings, as they have a lot of big names like former NORTHEPTION player JoxJo, the Korean Jett Seoldam, as well as the remaining three players from ZETA DIVISION's Academy team. The only reason I have them this low was because their qualifying match in the Advance stage against VARREL looked pretty shaky, losing Breeze 3-13. However, JoxJo and Seoldam have plenty of experience under their belts and can shape their rookie players to be forces to be reckoned with. This team has the potential to surprise the other teams, much to the pleasure of their large fanbase.

JoxJo (IGL)


I've expressed numerous times how much I didn't like watching VARREL play because any instance of big-brain strats or mechanical dominance were few and far in between. Split 1 was fairly uneventful, as they came pretty low in the playoff seedings, with a lot of general inconsistency, and got 2-0ed by Sengoku Gaming. For Split 2, they replaced Bangnan with another Korean duelist, former BC SWELL player kAyle. Though the overall trend lingered onto the Advance stage, he actually managed to score a handful of impressive shots against IGZIST. Hopefully I'll be able to see some more exciting gameplay from this team coming into this split.

BlackWiz (IGL)

  1. Murash Gaming

Owned by Junichi Kato, this team is one of VCJ's biggest viewer machines, as their Split 1 matches consistently racked up numbers in the 6-digit range. Their performance, however, hasn't really lived up to the mark. They scraped by the regular season as the lowest-seeded playoff team, where they lost convincingly to NORTHEPTION, with Wolverine's thumbs-down gesture practically making an enemy of MRG's entire fanbase. Outside of some plays from Absol and Reita, MRG very much lagged behind the other teams in terms of mechanics. In the advance stage, they lost pretty convincingly to SCARZ and barely beat out Crest Gaming Zst to claim the final Split 2 spot. As much as this team is a major contributor to Japan's massively popular Challengers league, I don't see this team going very far, unfortunately.

Reita (IGL)

Edit: HaReeee has been officially announced for NORTHEPTION, with Tempura as a 6th man

posted 2 weeks ago

neither of these two made top 3 in challengers brazil

posted 2 weeks ago

how am I supposed to deal with the reyna going 30/4 whose duoed with some numbnut going 2/19

posted 2 weeks ago

deryeon is bad at jett

??? It's his most used agent

posted 2 weeks ago

what a horrible day to have BetterVLR

posted 2 weeks ago

Don't be completely braindead and you'll hit four stars within a couple hundred more posts

posted 2 weeks ago

Bleed is on a pathway to recovery 😊

posted 2 weeks ago

d4v41 is the one getting the food

posted 2 weeks ago

inb4 dsg cycle 2.0

posted 2 weeks ago

juicy too young, nephh had military

posted 2 weeks ago

I don't watch enough CN to understand why everyone shits on this guy

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Posted some time ago but thread died so I'm bumping it, also I lost multiple rounds because of a buggy scroll wheel switching weapons

My Rival 3 wireless is starting to act up on top on having dookie battery life with two AAA batteries so I'm looking to get something else

Preferably <$100
Hand size 18.2x9.1cm
Palm/relaxed claw grip
Don't care about wired/wireless

posted 2 weeks ago

My Rival 3 wireless is starting to act up on top on having dookie battery life with two AAA batteries so I'm looking to get something else

Preferably <$100
Hand size 18x7.5cm
Palm/relaxed claw grip
Don't care about wired/wireless

posted 3 weeks ago

My uni laptop has integrated Radeon graphics

My main pc has an RTX 2060

posted 3 weeks ago

iphone se 2

Had it since mid 2021 and now I can barely get through a school day on its battery

posted 3 weeks ago

nah I got a 5th gen air 128gb for 350 a few months ago

posted 3 weeks ago

me when I spread misinformation over the internet

posted 3 weeks ago

Country: Afghanistan
Registered: January 28, 2024
Last post: May 10, 2024 at 3:02 PM
Posts: 29

posted 3 weeks ago

Don't make shittalking threads until the match is over cause if you end up being wrong then you will look fucking stupid

posted 3 weeks ago

chicken over meat

posted 3 weeks ago

No way you say reaver is overrated when forsaken is on the fuckin list

posted 3 weeks ago

mfw i forget there are other initiators

posted 3 weeks ago

you said that because you were salty that sen didn't make playoffs you don't deserve shit

posted 3 weeks ago

why is this a weirdly wholesome interaction

posted 3 weeks ago

LMFAO another person thinking I have the TS flair because I support those nepotistic fucks

posted 3 weeks ago

Idk who to support between Trace or Dragon Ranger

Trace looked insane at the kickoff and I was mesmerized by FengF's gameplay
But I love an underdog story and I want DRG to keep proving their Ascension win wasn't a fluke

send help plz

posted 3 weeks ago

they legit gift-wrapped Liquid the 3% chance

posted 3 weeks ago

This team was poised to win everything with two Champions winners and three Masters winners

They have made neither international event thus far, and they just got knocked out in groups

posted 3 weeks ago

You know when LOUD plays in Shanghai?

posted 3 weeks ago

He read vlr before the match ☠️

posted 3 weeks ago

Fuck idk who to support I want both of them in

posted 3 weeks ago

so basically at least 60% of initiator players

posted 3 weeks ago

Unfortunate that neT isn’t with G2 anymore because I would’ve loved to see the full Guard reunion

posted 3 weeks ago

We gon take over the world, how we come through
You just following the herd, we don’t have to
Best you forget what you heard cause it ain’t you
This ain’t Gold2, cause you know it’s G2

posted 3 weeks ago
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