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Registered: February 12, 2023
Last post: May 7, 2024 at 2:10 AM
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they getting cooked by lord carpe

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

bro you cannot deny the faze/mlg/trickshotting/edgy cod gaming era, for what it was faze led the way back then, even if they're in shambles rn

2016 was great man i miss it :((

posted 11 months ago

they're angry because faze has a rep of getting very passionate people about a certain game, or gaming, but grace is relatively new to gaming which brought up questions about the org's direction and going for just clout instead of keeping the fans interested. and yea the beef but what do i know, both sides are right in their own regard

posted 11 months ago

1-9 rn LMFAOOO

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

yea his oping is really crazy ngl, but i still think buzz/foxy9 is a better fit for the way drx plays

posted about a year ago

buzz was better than him this matchup tho, what matters to a team like drx is a consistent player, not a player who gets 2 good rounds and dips no? altho not making foxy9 play is a bit sus

posted about a year ago

holy shit it's the real PewDiePie

posted about a year ago

zellsis got competition

posted about a year ago

let them cook

posted about a year ago

shit looks like an anime battle where they're going punch for punch the fuck was that breach ult 💀💀😳💯

posted about a year ago

i swear bro it feels awesome, i didn't expect so many replies to my braindead rant tho haha

posted about a year ago

Alexa, play "Yebba's Heartbreak" by Drake

posted about a year ago

i aint

posted about a year ago

you're right, imma go watch some Mushi-Shi

posted about a year ago

I saw their segment on SEN, and yes, I agree that the management has been horrendous this year, just all around, but holy shit.

WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT DEPHH'S POOR IGL'ing? All they keep saying is they got stomped by EG and THAT'S BECAUSE EVERY TIME THEY WENT TO A SITE IT WAS A MAN DISADVANTAGE OR A STACK? Like I dont wan't people to hate on dephh but surely we just don't straight up ignore that he has had 4-5 of the best players in the world to work with for like half a year and always fucked up on the IGL'ing? he didn't frag nor did he have great reads. BUT NO LET'S FARM tenz in the title and shit on him. How can they be this oblivious to one of the biggest problems in the team? It's been 7 games and you're telling me these people WHOSE JOB is to analyze teams haven't noticed this discrepancy? Ah yes, the igl will solve all problems on this roster yes, give them more time yes, surely the team needs maturing, and most of these points do make sense but if you've watched all the matches IT'S not the only problem here. But yeah man they just chose to ignore it like always, shit on the management, and these guys always make it seem like they're not shitting on the players WHILE SHITTING ON THEM? honestly infuriating how they choose certain people to shit talk about (impressions for podcast views) but ignore dephhh even after 7 weeks of his trash calling.

rant over sorry i just had to get it out somewhere, fuck plat chat, i just wanna see SEN succeed, i love the players dawg :(

posted about a year ago

yea bro i have my engineering math exam tomorrow so just got to catch up once before sleeping :(

posted about a year ago

what is better for SEN, if furia wins or nrg? imma support them based on what's beneficial for sen

posted about a year ago
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