Flag: Singapore
Registered: June 1, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 9:33 AM
Posts: 1505
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what can u expect from a indie company?

posted 2 weeks ago

Salah just left vitality now so maybe..........

posted 2 weeks ago

Start packing NA KEKW

posted 2 weeks ago

there wont be casting when those two are casting

posted 2 weeks ago

2 billion people tuned in for the world cup of football. how many people actually give af about where it was held, many millions probably. how many people give af about where this esports world cup is held?

it's because those 2 billion people arent aware of sports washing and the dirty laundry of regimes u dumbass. why arent they aware? cuz people like u are in denial of this kinda information and due to this, the message doesnt get spread widely enough. i am no activist whatsoever neither i have any interests in politics but the thing saudi arabia is doing right now is literally poisoning sport/esports culture by imposing strict prohibitions. stop fckin being in denial

posted 2 weeks ago

who tf is that? i only know "13-0" and "BabyJ" πŸ‘

posted 2 weeks ago

Esports World Cup

dyslexia started hitting ig

posted 2 weeks ago

Chronicle legit diffs ur two continent region πŸ’€

posted 2 weeks ago

y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0yy0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0yy0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0yy0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0yy0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y

posted 2 weeks ago

y0yster my goat will comeback for sure

posted 2 weeks ago

valorant there or not. doesnt matter. the matter is I request all of u in the website to not watch any of the events that saudi arabia hosts. We need to to put a stop at Sports washing so that the youth can know whats going on behind the scenes. normally i dont like to talk about politics and this isnt the best place to talk about it either but i request all of u to spread this message for the sake of Humanity πŸ™

posted 2 weeks ago

no its not πŸ’€ the talent disparity is way higher and wider

posted 2 weeks ago

(Region Grandfinal can't prove anything)

inserts PRX

posted 2 weeks ago

Shut the FUCK up.

posted 2 weeks ago

Shut the FUCK up.

posted 2 weeks ago

more like China needs Russia to stand a chance against TH

posted 2 weeks ago

Me 5 :)

posted 2 weeks ago

if Bilibili is tier 5, then NRG is..... πŸ’€ πŸ’€

posted 2 weeks ago

"NA- LEV KRU" πŸ’€ ?

posted 2 weeks ago

G2 and trent

posted 2 weeks ago

vo0kashu Luke and friends

posted 3 weeks ago


Shut the FUCK up.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

dude fckin chillax. FUT as a team have always been consistent throughout stage 1. just an off series

posted 3 weeks ago

FUT is still the best. just an off series

posted 3 weeks ago

he is the one having the 2nd highest clutch rate and 1st 1v1 win rate in his team.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

too bad. wo0t said himself that he didnt care about some mickey mouses

posted 3 weeks ago

i think shhhack (their assistant coach) should step in to save them

posted 3 weeks ago

as much as i love jingg, its the bitter truth that they have to accept. otherwise, they wont win an event then. prx fans are really no brains after all

posted 3 weeks ago

shitnatic won something

"Won" this word is quite ironic from chokers

posted 3 weeks ago

since the day when the goat called u out in this website, it has been worm pilling ur whole brain till today

posted 3 weeks ago

its G2 Gozen blud πŸ’€ πŸ’€

posted 3 weeks ago


as #3 op said, brain cells

posted 3 weeks ago

reykjavik shouldnt count then, that shit was the comedic event ever

posted 3 weeks ago

Come back until ur flair wins a real event and not michael mouses

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

rest in piss Doctor X

posted 3 weeks ago

he is not talking about ur flair

posted 3 weeks ago

Literal world champion masterclass

posted 3 weeks ago

i mean he was having unlucky timings and he still got 50 bomb. most of the times him and keiko just carry.

posted 3 weeks ago

just place ur mouse cursor on the flair

posted 3 weeks ago

stick to posting shit baits, this analysis is somehow the worst u have ever posted

posted 3 weeks ago

i see the name, i avoid

posted 3 weeks ago

blud doesnt realise that EU kids watch dota and CS2 over there. they dont watch some e-dating app or sumin

posted 3 weeks ago

Dogshies and Dogtor

posted 3 weeks ago

they cant get a map against a team who hasnt even qualified for vct CN playoffs πŸ’€

posted 3 weeks ago
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