Flag: Palestine
Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 9:16 PM
Posts: 852
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some people have no self control, and dont excerise (even walking) im a pretty big dude (~230 pounds 6ft 2in) and for wrestling I had to wrestle up to 285 pound weight class, and it was very hard to gain weight, even eating alot. i think you bassicly have to spend all day in bed and eat constantly

posted 2 weeks ago

Fut Th GenG T1

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

We all know they are signing less source which means saadhak is probably gonna come too
They will bring pancada back in and this will be the roster
Less: Sentinel
Pancada: Smokes
Sacy: initator
Saadhak: Flex/igl
Tenz: duelist (they will never take him off the roster he makes too much money

They will most likely comm in portugeuse, and tenz will do his own thing while the other 4 carry.

Bzka will return as head coach and 2022 loud will be back to win champs. Aspas<<<<Tenz on duelist

posted 2 weeks ago

mostly because if one of them isnt frying, the others are. Jingg drops 5 kills, forsaken and something drop 20

posted 2 weeks ago

if he drops a stinker game against a decent team, i doubt they can win. Their comps are shit and they are aim based team, with no one else on the team coming close to cned

posted 2 weeks ago

On how much their team would fail if they played trash (less than 5 kills) in a match


  1. Aspas
  2. CNed
  3. Zmjjkk
  4. Leo
  5. Leaf
  6. Valyn
  7. Cryo
  8. Texture
  9. Alfajer
  10. Kingg

By Team

  1. Leaf
  2. Valyn (only reason hes below leaf is cause he can still igl)
  3. Trent
  4. JonahP
  5. Icy (bro barely frags anyway)


  1. Aspas (by far)
  2. Kingg
  3. Mazino
  4. Cum
  5. Tex


  1. Cryo
  2. Bang
  3. Asuna
  4. Eeiu
  5. Boostio


  1. Leo
  2. Alfajer
  3. Chronicle
  4. Derke (bro barely frags)
  5. Boaster (im suprised if bro gets more than 5 kills a game)

Heretics (no mini boo)

  1. Benjifishy
  2. Woot
  3. Boo
  4. Riens


  1. Cned (without cned I doubt they could win a map)
  2. Qrax
  3. Ata Kaptan
  4. MrFalin (he frags alot but hes igl so i put him lower)
  5. Yetujey

PRX (team relies on everyone to shoot well, so if more than one is off they will lose badly)

  1. Jinggg
  2. Forsaken
  3. Something (top 3 interchangable imo)
  4. Davai
  5. Mindfreaj


  1. Texture
  2. Meteor
  3. Karon
  4. Munchkin
  5. Lakia (how is this guy a worse frager than the igl)


  1. Sayaplayer
  2. Xaccuarte
  3. Izu
  4. Carpe (dont remember a game where bro has top fragged)
  5. Rossy (same as carpe)

EDG (same as prx, if 2 players arent firing they look ass)

  1. Zmjjkk
  2. Nobody
  3. Smoggy
  4. Chichoo
  5. Haodong


  1. Life
  2. Autumn
  3. Berlin
  5. Lysoar

Never seen drg play so not including them

posted 2 weeks ago

The goat Rb

posted 2 weeks ago

yes because those problems were with the 6 man problem, not the og roster. Lets ignore DRX placing 3rd at lock//in (losing by 1 map against loud) for a second. Need i remind you what the og roster did at champs when they werent be fucked by the 6 man thing?
2-1 Loud (4th place team)
2-1 Navi (wouldve have beat other playoff teams if they werent stuck in group of death)
2-0 Blg (not even NRG could beat them TWICE)
Only losses were to EG (winners of the tourney, looked like the best team in the world BY FAR)
and FNC (winner of lock//in and tokyo, only lost to Loud at champs, argument could be made for best team itw) where they 13-1 them map 1 on their second best map, and would have beat them if a hurrcaine wasnt happening (no crowd gave FNC crazy advantage)

Now lets look at DRX this year
2-0 DFM and Talon to make it (wow such impressive teams)
Lose 0-2 to GenG (lost so many 1v2 1v3 etc, old drx never would have lost this game) FAIL TO QUAL for the very first time since reykajivik 21
Go undefeated in regular season against bums, not even geng is playing as good as they did at Madrid
Lose 1-2 to prx (fine whatever)
Lose 1-2 to geng (you were up map 1 and 7-1 on map 2 how tf did you throw this) which marks the third time (second this year) since DRX have never made a intl event.

Tell me how thats better.

posted 2 weeks ago

americas: mwzera
emea: woot
apac: jinggg
china: zmjjkk

posted 2 weeks ago

tenz trophies: 2
cryo trophies: 0
tenz rosters solo carried: 3
cryo rosters solo carried: 0

posted 2 weeks ago

honestly as long as she gives me hugs and cuddles im fine with anything

except fat bitches

posted 2 weeks ago

Fns hasnt won a game in 9 months
Som hasnt won a game in 9 months
Pancada hasnt won a (t1) game in 10 months
Scream hasnt won a game in 10 months
k1ng hasnt won a (t1) game in 10 months

yet all these players are considered goats?

posted 2 weeks ago

assuming less and saadhak are gone
Qck-move to sentinel where he played much better on Furia

idk about the other four but their duelist will carry them to champs at least

posted 2 weeks ago

4th at tokyo, almost beat loud at lock//in, 2nd in americas. Yes this is mid compared to the team we are currently seeing who can only beat brazil

posted 2 weeks ago

compared to rb and zest? hell no. if drx had there old roster and kept up their form from champs (need i remind you they almost beat fnc) they would have EASILY won madrid, and have qualed for shanghai. Recency bias is crazy, yall saying that the current drx is better when they cant even qual for events? old drx was top 2 in pacific, and consitently top 6-top 4 at intl.

posted 2 weeks ago

Wont count role swaps because that would be too many

  1. Loud -aspas +qck
  2. Loud -Less
  3. NRG -marved
  4. Lev -keznit +tacoillia
  5. NRG -som -fns +marved +ethan
  6. DRX -Rb -Zest +flashback +foxy9
  7. Furia -dgzin +havoc
  8. T1 -k1ng +rossy
  9. C9 -yay -vanity +jakee +runi
  10. Furia -qck +konan

what did i miss?

posted 2 weeks ago

we getting mimi and ender every game, gonna have to watch this shit on mute

posted 2 weeks ago

this cope is crqazy

posted 2 weeks ago

bro i lowkey feel bad for you. how tf are you gonna spin this into a positive angle and d ride your team

posted 2 weeks ago

pancada isnt even an upgrade, if anything hes a downgrade, they both are similar skill/util wise, but marved has much better chem and can speak english better than pancada (what got him benched on sen)

posted 2 weeks ago

i mean its a bit sus that out of everyone chet picked crashies and vic over fns (best igl itw) and som (one of the best smokes players)

posted 2 weeks ago

less isnt a smokes player tho. With viper nerf his smokes characters goes from 1 to 0

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

NRG have a role and igl issue, so they decide to make a change. Fine makes sense. So to solve the issue of having no sentinel player, no competent igl, and ethan/crashies and demon1/victor role overlap they decide too...cut their smokes player??? The only person on their team who can play viper (THE MOST USED AGENT IN THE GAME, ik shes getting nerfed but shell still be played on a lot of maps) and omen (THE MOST USED CONTROLLER BESIDES VIPER). So now going into the next split they
Still dont have a good igl
Still have the role overlap between ethan/crashies and victor/demon1
Still have no sentinel player
Have no player who can play viper and omen
And will no longer have one of their best and most consistent players (NEED I REMIND YOU ALL THE BEST SMOKES PLAYER ITW)

Yeah we are winning Champs with this one.

posted 2 weeks ago

3 reasons

  1. Boaster
  2. Chronicle fans
  3. Chronicle
posted 2 weeks ago

How do you get ekittens? im a iron 3 jett main and i still havent gotten any femboys

posted 2 weeks ago

EDG willl have a major run in front of their home crowd getting 3rd
FNC will not win a map (im a hater)
G2 will not win a map (im a hater)

posted 2 weeks ago

not many of the american players are that big. Many of them are slightly big (boostio valyn jonahp c0m tex etc), but not so big as too make the list.

posted 2 weeks ago
  1. cNed
  2. Texture
  3. Munchkin
  4. Davai
  5. leaf
  6. Mazino
  7. Boo
  8. Haodong
  9. Chichoo
  10. Karon

Let me know what you would change!

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

considering the entierty of 2023 they were complete shit and at champs 22 the only teams they beat were a trash kru, lev with tacoshitta and could only beat xset because of a bug...yeah seems pretty flukey to me

posted 3 weeks ago

sad thats the case leaf is bassicly na sayf, cracked duelist who goes to senti/viper role so a t3 underperforming duelist takes his place

posted 3 weeks ago

cum will flank you and cum all over your back

posted 3 weeks ago

imo if g2 kept net they would have even better than they were now. Leaf was the 2nd best duelist in americas (after aspas) last year, and icy is shit

posted 3 weeks ago
  1. Lev (Aspas cum all over the competition)
  2. PRX (destined to always get 2nd)
  3. EDG (will have a major run in front of their homecrowd)
  4. Heretics (will do well, but will be beaten by other teams)
  5. 100T (boostio will stand the entire tourney)
  6. Fut (their shit comps will be their downfall)
  7. GenG (texture will diff everyone, but theyll get pulled apart by better teams)
  8. FPX (will come up with some crazy shit and upset some teams)
  9. T1 (will have a miraculous upset then go home)
  10. FNC (im a hater)
  11. DRG (worst of the worst region)
  12. G2 (im a hater)
posted 3 weeks ago

underperform? bro hasnt performed since 2021. He makes every team hes on worse, and is by far the worst player in emea this year

posted 3 weeks ago

REDGAR???? bro must have brain damage

posted 3 weeks ago
  1. Boostio
  2. Rb
  3. FNS
  4. Jinggg
  5. Jawgemo
posted 3 weeks ago

Sykko-one of the worst coaches in the world highered d0phhh put sacy on smokes and pancada on sentinel, got fired mid season
Dephhh-worst player itw, trash igl, forced sacy on smokes and pancada on sentinel so his mediocre igling could be 'better', was so bad he retiered mid season and marved was a better igl than him
Ayrin-got fucked by his coaches, actually was a decent igl with a ton of potentional in the roster (texture, monyet LF) but got fucked with having skrossi on jett every game
BcJ-signed to EG to play smokes (mind you he was a top 3 initator at champs and carried his team with cryo and zekken to 6th), benched for not being good enough at the role THEY FORCED HIM TO PLAY
Cryo-was put on 100frauds, horrible igling and coaching and didnt look like he knew how to play the map on the attack side
Zekken-somehow managed to look good but was being dragged down by his team

Sykko-head of m80
Dephhh-head of m80 counterstrike
Ayrin-retired, living the happy life
BcJ-looks amazing playing for m80 with extreme chance to win ascenion
Cryo-qualed to shanghai, diffed aspas, looks like 2022 him is back, is a god on other agents besides jett
Zekken-won madrid, looks like top player itw, finally has a good team behind him

posted 3 weeks ago

us 13 men

posted 3 weeks ago

I miss bro, wish he came back and streamed, those streams before he dipped were some of the funniest shit ive ever watched

posted 3 weeks ago

In Tokyo Leo was blatantly cheating on Split vs EG (this round ),

posted 3 weeks ago

The goat has returned. GG Loud

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

-vanity (role issues)
switch runi to igl
+jakee (smokes)

posted 3 weeks ago

We almost lost to team liquid MOTHER FUCKING TEAM LIQUID. Idk how this team is the same as last year, i think its chalked for us ngl

posted 3 weeks ago

played sova on breeze, came from cod and didnt realize run n gun didnt work till like my 5th game

posted 3 weeks ago
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