Flag: Fiji
Registered: July 26, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 8:59 AM
Posts: 244
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I'd fire whoever decided to give sentinels split in this type of elimination or paypal whoever if im sentinels

posted 3 months ago

How does mibr give sentinels split when they know it will propably go to rounds differential they prolly got paypal'ed knowing they wont go thru anyway like ong how is mibr cosidenered sane to give sentinels their BEST literally EVER map lol.

posted 3 months ago

btw what happens when all the teams are 1-1 do they go thru based on less rounds lost?

posted 3 months ago

bro u didnt even mention the fact that they were not playing a broken jett at the time and he was barely above players that were playing controllers and initiators like cmon and yeah he did great but Berlin MVP literally doesnt matter he didnt get voted as mvp never won an MVP brother you know who did tho? Nats and u know who gapped yay in finals 3-0 of berlin? nats and chronicle sure if we take into account even groups then "heat" on jett was top 4 player on the tournament because he played 200 rounds less mvp is not only given by stats but also achievement overall have u ever seen a LOSER get an mvp? me neither. he wasnt the mvp nats actually WON the mvp there. And yeah cool it was still bro was dogshit on champs just after berlin no way he deserves to be the goat no fucking goat doesnt make it out of groups he was great he wasnt the best at all people who WON were.

posted 3 months ago

egoist did great tbh

posted 3 months ago

he is still consistent also u could see and even in his interviews and all thru his career that he's not shining he's making everyone else shine he's a support you'd love in every team he's clutch,smart, 0 ego and consistent AF he deserves the praise he's getting it's just like in baseball he's getting bases he's doing work to get rounds and not necessairly stats that's why he's on top everywhere he went

posted 3 months ago

He still prolly expected a bigger salary than everyone else that's on the team lol buyout is literally paid to the team not the players so the fact that he gets a salary is the most important for a player and he's a pay check stealer

posted 3 months ago

yeah but that's why saying that hey guys he was still an mvp for 6months doesnt make him tier 1 player when he's been average at best for 1,5 yrs now he's currently 0/7 and he had in 2 maps combined 4 first kills and 5 first deaths that's nothing when they played like 40 rounds

posted 3 months ago

like everyone else in the team? its the same for everybody lol they still performed better than him on fckn KJ SOVA AND HARBOR than he himself on JETT

posted 3 months ago

the issue is that yay is just average at best at everything nowadays its been 1,5yrs since he had a good showing even when chamber got a little buff he was still geting goomba stomped on Tier2

posted 3 months ago

and lurks on jett XD

posted 3 months ago

he's a duelist bro no one is supposed to peek with him so he doesnt die 1vs1? especially fckn jett her identity is literally being the safest duelist in terms of going in alone killing and escaping

posted 3 months ago

Chronicle? literally a champion? and 2nd place and winning everything back to back masters and lock in and champions? there are so many players that are consistently better than yay even fcking ardiis that was as insane as yay in his prime but his low isnt as low as y0y

posted 3 months ago

Bruh reading what these twitch chatters are saying is making me lose braincells ngl like "yay dont need FNS to win EZ" "1vs1 yay and see what happens" "yay is good never doubted my kingg hes back guys!!" "my goat" "never doubt yay" and that's all i saw in just 1 min bro is still after 3 kills 16-15 vs Global Esports XDDD(half of his kills are eco and lurks on jett btw XD) and the casters are so disgustingly biased its crazy

posted 3 months ago

u can't say horribly they're def not playing even bad just not very good either if anything its bleed playing horribly

posted 3 months ago

Lmao that was some fcking gold movement on god XDDD bro got spotted waited for a second left used smoke even tho he's scanned and didnt dash and die lmao hahahahah wtf

posted 3 months ago

always has been.

posted 3 months ago

indeed i mean he had his good time on jett for sure just when jett was so broken that about anybody was doing good on her and ppl didnt know exactly how to counter her now he's 1/6 in the 2nd map XD! delulu yup

posted 3 months ago

y0y HAHAHAHAH he's actually finished soon it will be 1,5yrs of pure bad performance give this man a chamber and let him save some face before he retires ;_;(also cry is free btw)

posted 3 months ago

bruh G2 is so clueless on sunset they play worse than ascendant lobby like yeah leave 1 player in the corner of the site with 2 entrences and keep one afk cypher in spawn that dies everytime without doing anything and the trips are so useless its insane

posted 3 months ago

Chill these NAtards are just coping if not for Loud this whole region would have 1 masters first ever when no one knew how to play the game yet and ofc the miracle c0m god igl and demon1 turning demon but well that wont happen again
Tho this year EU is def weaker but fnc and navi still strong

posted 3 months ago

i mean we will see ig but its a rather good sign for first match to do so much in a new team

posted 3 months ago

-derrek +jawgemo and they bang af boostio som nismo jawgemo and keep cryo or bring another top tier actual igl

posted 3 months ago

ppl well saying that aspas wont be as good without loud which is funny bcs it wasnt aspas playing off of loud it was loud playing off of aspas he was always finding his kills on his own and it shows with his 30kills 1st map performance

posted 3 months ago

30+kills first map aspas? huh

posted 3 months ago

was he wrong tho? bro went like 0/12 at the beggining no?

posted 3 months ago

3rd apac = 8th NA = 14-16th int

posted 3 months ago

but unlike optic setting up yay loud werent playing to set up aspas they were playing off of him he was finding entry on his own many many times i think you're gonna be surprised the level of consistency he has and yeah i said kingg is meh imo in comparsion to his teammates but well if we're talking only abt his "agent role" then he is very good

posted 3 months ago

honestly Boostio is really good yeah but i think c0m is what leviatan needed to win vs actual NA teams and aspas is a great tool
tbh kingg is meh but he def got a clutch factor to him 100t might be better than sentinels again unless this time SEN actually practiced im comparing to sen because ppl still have high expectations of them and the team is still kinda stacked in comparsion

posted 3 months ago

I Imo think that they'll get at least top 4 in regular season and top 3 in playoffs and if they start this kickoff with a win they're gonna get top 3 aswell
if sentinels wont be protected by gods of the game they're gonna flop as hard as they did

posted 3 months ago

LEV are even bigger chokers than 100T tho still their team is so stacked but 100t usually starts strong and lev usually starts bad and slow
Imo if they start well LEV will at least make playoffs this kickoff

posted 3 months ago

nothing new he played skye and it never look good only in ranked y0y is finished o7

posted 3 months ago

BRooo i was saying literally the same and got bullied to oblivion i said it was clear that optic was playing to set up yay so much its like 2vs1 in football vs keeper and u pass the ball they were making space using smokes and flashes Alllll for him they didnt want to do it for their whole carrer they changed style and yay was hot garbage they sold him when he was still worth smth wp on them, but imo he is a chamber one trick bcs neon and chamber are the only agents he's actually pro active when he's not getting babysit

posted 3 months ago

yeah 3rd apac thanks to meeting geng TWICE in playoffs last to qualify for playoffs by a thin margin but while in internationals that year they literally didnt leave groups a single time at lock in sao paulo their journey ended after first game with furia 0:2 and it was 13-7 and 13-5 so yeah T1 was literally trash in 23 in apac there was literally no competition only drx and prx

posted 3 months ago

bruh ppl were calling me delulu when i was saying that he's been literally average at best for more than a year and he only looks Tier 1 with chamber
finally this fraud getting exposed

posted 3 months ago

as an NA hater im happy eg won if any other na team won i wouldn't they made a whole year underdog run until winning first worlds for NA GJ demon1 turned up af

posted 9 months ago

Yo EG vs PRX imo show insane team synergy and strats, high lvl gameplay and fast paced in my opinion

posted 9 months ago

they are sleepy their slow start didnt kick in yet hopefully it will now

posted 9 months ago

idk kangkang was getting gapped that 1matchup and now fithinho couldnt do anything they were all mising eaaaasy shots like literally immortal 1 lvl gameplay it was ez for edg giants played like shit i wanted them to win but they never with that performance deserved it

posted 9 months ago

Yeah but chichoo had an amazing game of his life too and now kang kang is hitting shots that shouldnt be possilbe the amount of LUCK that edg has its weird af ngl i never ever seen a team hit this many "lucky" shots like they hit jump,rope,run,no scope,walls riot is chinese maybe they encoded that shit idk hahahah

posted 9 months ago

Wow giants are playing so bad today wtf like literally some immortal 1 lobby they look lost and their aim is bad af sooooo sad i was hoping they would revenge

posted 9 months ago

exactly that's cope if it aint idk what is like lil bro said they are #1seed from their region and qualified to champs before most teams and having to play more games is arguably better for any team since they still qualied before most teams and played more games ppl acting like they got fatigued from 2 bo5's more and qualifying a week before their opponents

posted 9 months ago

it literally is cope from edg they ended their qualifs FIRST also their qualis were just qualis they were no last chance so it was Q vs LCQ and like i said its just facts that they barely won and had the most time to prepare out of almost every team on the tournament and especially every lcq team

posted 9 months ago

Lol no edg is China's #1 lol every chinese team went thru qualifs because they are relatively new and they didnt have their own main league like america pacific etc so saying its lcq is a cope and their lcq ended before everyone else's season not to mention lcq teams like giants that qualified last

posted 9 months ago

13-11 13-8* and the rounds were really close and the amount of rng shots edg hit was smth else+ it was 2-1 and they were getting bodied 9-3 until they brought it back to ot

posted 9 months ago

even if, they barely won vs an lcq team being a #1CN team and having more time to prepare for the whole thing is kinda shameful also sorry but fnatic clears prx tho i think prx might be runner ups

posted 9 months ago

prx are a team that played together in the same squad like almost from the beggining and they have a brilliant coach meanwhile sentinels have brand new squad each split and coach lul also their style is really agressive which i'd say favours more 5 man calling than not but still i think everyone but pancada and sacy were too bad for freestyle playing to work, they lost sooo many rounds where they had a brilliant anti strat and man adv like 3v5 4v5 and lost most of them +sacy was igling with marved

posted 9 months ago

About to be exposed barely won vs lcq eu team and ppl lost their shit its about to be a massacre

posted 9 months ago

pretty sure they were doing content for riot so most teams were there around the same time+ last master and champions there were some issues like visa and transportation and no one gave these teams more time. + it doesn't actually matter for teams playing each other since they all got propably the same practice but they got the least out of any teams

posted 9 months ago

stop lying we all know u didn't watch alfajer before he joined fnatic literally no one outside the scene watched surreal esports play and thought damn that alfajer guy is so good he might be one of the best players in a completely different tier of gameplay in a better team. They gambled also alfajer wasn't looking THAT good when they took him fnatic definetly took all these players to another level except chronicle

posted 9 months ago
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