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Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 5:53 AM
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Chronicle missed all of 2022, he's not near the top in terms of appearances.

posted 2 months ago

It's a pretty good game, but there's also plenty of mistakes on both sides. Honestly NRG's map theory looked much worse than various other teams. Even Heretics had better postplants on Sunset

posted 2 months ago

They were favourites for the Americas league last year and won though

posted 2 months ago

I've never been so hyped to watch an international tournament as an EU fan. Sure Americas look unbeatable, but KC and TH are so much more fun to watch than FNC/TL/NAVI, and I'm so tired of those teams going in with high expectations and going out while playing the most boring Valorant on earth.

Even if KC and TH don't win any games (and honestly they are looking more than capable of beating anyone) I feel like it'll be so much doper than EU at internationals in the last two years.

posted 2 months ago

Enggh is a great coach, and so handsome too 🤤

posted 2 months ago

They could, yeah. Loud would obviously be favoured in either duel though.

posted 2 months ago

I mean they lost one bo3, while playing the exact same strats they've played for the last 14 months. Against a team that is looking very good.

CoJo said on Twitter that the plan was for FNC to peak at Champs, which makes sense given last year's trajectory. Saadhak also said that he wanted to do so much more stuff at Champs and he just didn't have the time. The schedule is tight and teams that do deep runs in masters won't be able to come up with much new stuff for Champs.

So this year FNC went with "we think we're good enough to win kickoff with old strats", which they were clearly wrong about. But also they will have other stuff cooked up for the rest of the year. Whether or not those things will work is up in the air, but reacting to this one bo3 like they all fell off and are shit players now is a bit silly.

based off of what exactly

The entirety of last year as a precedent

posted 3 months ago

Americans interpret any result within EMEA as EMEA being shit, it's nothing new. If FNC had won, the reactions would be the same.

posted 3 months ago

Yeah of course he was frying, he played OREsports and DSG. Put Qwerty against those and he drops 90

posted 3 months ago

All it took for N4rrate to become good was a proper team of European chads around him

posted 3 months ago

Stop thinking bro, it's clearly not working for you

posted 3 months ago

He wanted a less stressful job

posted 3 months ago

Until I find a smarter specimen I'm gonna have to go with you tbh

posted 3 months ago

smartest american

posted 3 months ago

They are tier 1 players.

posted 3 months ago

unless on phantom

Surely a Viper who is about to ult doesn't buy a Vandal unless it's carried over from a previous round, right?

posted 3 months ago

In his personal streams he's super annoying, constantly malding and whining about opponents and teammates and how bad everyone else is at the game.

I think on the broadcast he's fine though. Not the best we've got, but acceptable.

posted 3 months ago

I think the biggest problem is that SA tier 2 can't scrim the tier 1 teams, which kind of prevents the region from developing properly. It's not that apparent yet, but after a few years of all the good SA teams being based in LA, it'll probably become more pronounced. IIRC Leo said Riot considered a rotating league which moves every year but decided against it for logistical reasons. Personally I think for the development of the scene that could have been a very good solution. EMEA teams (excluding sub-Saharan Africa, but there's nothing there in terms of Valorant anyway) can all scrim the partnered teams with a reasonable ping.

posted 3 months ago

Doping, it literally says it in the post bro

posted 3 months ago

Americas - Chaadhak & Goatzin
EMEA - Vitality
Pacific - PRX
China - DRG

posted 3 months ago

Yeah, because Loud knew exactly how to best set up qck and how to counter aspas.

yay also diffed everyone in 2022, but the second he left optic, he didn't diff anybody anymore. Almost like it's a team game :o

posted 3 months ago

There's literally not a single player in the world who could replace Jinggg. No matter who they sign, if they just put him on Raze and don't change anything, they're gonna be much worse. Jinggg is the best in the world at the specific things he does. They HAVE to change if they want to be succesful without him.

posted 3 months ago

Yeah the only chance EG win maps is by good antistratting, but Loud have only shown three maps so far, and they have definitely cooked on at least three more

posted 3 months ago

This is not a courtroom

posted 3 months ago

yeah but why not just use G2 flair?

posted 3 months ago

"E in GEN G doesn't stand for EMEA" 🤓

posted 3 months ago

Nah signing Monyet was a good move, they just need to not have him replace Jinggg 1:1, that's obviously not gonna work. Just look at what Loud did with qck. He's obviously not as good as aspas, but as a team they don't look worse than last year, because they just changed their approach a bit.

posted 3 months ago

Heh. You said victor. Get it like the player from NRG. Like NRG Victor. Hehe. Hehehe

posted 3 months ago

Why tf do you want to use the flair of the org that almost cucked your favourite team out of a VCT slot?

posted 3 months ago

Don't worry, I'm already seeing a psychologist, I'm aware of my issues

posted 3 months ago

If you perceive any of these comments as flaming, you might genuinely have some issues with narcissism (not even joking, like none of these comments is even remotely flaming, I obviously regard NRG very highly, they clearly have the potential to be the best team in the world). Like if you read my reply saying, "take a breather", took that as a personal attack, went through my comment history, saw these tame ass comments, and then proceed to view those as attacks on your favourite team as well, that's actually concerning. If I were you, I'd try to look through an article such as this one and maybe consult a specialist. Good luck

posted 3 months ago

Okay, let's go through it.

"NRG will be SENt home unfortunately" - obviously just a silly pun

"In contrast to NRG of course, who were very consistent in 2023" - obviously about last year's team

"Remember, every time Bilibili loses, NRG's 0-4 only becomes more embarrassing" - obviously just making fun of the people still obsessed with BLG, and also about last year's team, not the current team

"Yeah but it's a new IGL, we don't know what their Bind looks like. FNS calling was absolutely critical for their success on Bind.

And even last year, NRG wasn't great on Bind, they lost a lot of Bind games." - this one was just talking about their map pool and why they might not be feeling as confident about Bind as Optic/last year's NRG was.

Those were all my comments mentioning NRG (I skipped two because they were just about brackets)

Again, which one of these is shit talking NRG?

posted 3 months ago

What does that even mean? Where am I downplaying NRG? Also my favourite teams aren't even playing internationally, there's nothing to worry about lol. You seem a bit agitated though.

posted 3 months ago

Take a breather

posted 3 months ago

NA isn't Sodium, Na is

posted 3 months ago

So EG get the freest group in Champions history, NRG get FNC and two bottom feeders, which is free as hell even if they lose to FNC, and Loud get DRX and NAVI (who were actually decent at Champs, hell even TL clear Zeta/Billy Billy and all the teams in EG's group).

Optic at Reykjavík had KRÜ and Xerxia in their group. In Copenhagen, it was KRÜ again and Guild (with Koldamenta and Russ btw). At Champs it was Boom and Zeta. Sure they lost to some mid ass teams but those groups couldn't possibly get any freer.

Now there are three NA teams in a four team bracket with a 50/50 draw and some people call it rigged because the wrong two NA teams are playing against each other? Actual schizophrenia.

posted 3 months ago

NRG will be SENt home unfortunately

posted 3 months ago

In contrast to NRG of course, who were very consistent in 2023

posted 3 months ago

They just did the exact opposite of last year. Instead of signing washed up ex-CS stars, they signed promising tier 2 players and actually tried to build a coherent team with a clear philosophy, no egos, and also a good caoch.

posted 3 months ago

Mistic was the free agent from EMEA with the most international experience by far, both Enzo and he are definitely more expensive than players like marteen/tomaszy or miniboo

posted 3 months ago

I feel like unless they make a run at one of the international tournaments, Emil is definitely getting nervous up there. But we'll see how this year goes for TL

posted 3 months ago

I'm Sayf's cousin and work in a data center in Qatar. I can confirm that Mohamed Salah paid me many, many moneys to make Kmao's PC go stinky mode (that's what we call it in the biz)

posted 3 months ago

Average Bri*ish "person" when he sees more than 3 sentences at once (that's more than he has ever written in his life so it must be chatgpt)

posted 3 months ago

This is considered a good scoreline for an NA smurf

posted 3 months ago

Right, and I'm the delusional one

posted 3 months ago

Losing to a bad team is more embarrassing than losing to a good team. What's delusional about that?

Calling your opponents shit after losing to them is just dumb.

posted 3 months ago

Remember, every time Bilibili loses, NRG's 0-4 only becomes more embarrassing

posted 3 months ago

No point guessing before the bracket is drawn since there's a 50% chance NRG play Loud if SEN or MIBR win play-ins (etc)

posted 3 months ago
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