Flag: India
Registered: October 7, 2021
Last post: April 27, 2024 at 8:55 AM
Posts: 136
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just like the whole C9, but then everyone fell off

posted about 2 years ago

They lost against LVR, 2-0, the story has completely changed, GE has beaten LVR 3-1 before APAC LCQ in Fight Night, VLT played so bad, they had absolutely no strats, Marzil got shit on, deathmaker and Amaterasu didn't play, and a lot of bad mistakes here and there, feelsbadman. I expected VLT to win 2-0 (at least 2-1) but yeah...... wanted to see PRX vs VLT so bad but what to say

posted about 2 years ago
  • amaterasu
posted about 2 years ago

yes 100%

posted about 2 years ago

LETS GOOO, GE with former-C9 Shinobi, and they will be heading to Korea once strict travel restrictions end, VLT is going to Singapore and they will (most probably) have former-G2 neilzinho, the scene's looking really bright rn, even local tournaments like Sky and TEC, their production is great and the teams are also looking strong in the region, viewership is great, GE almost won against F4Q (now rip) in Split map (in their first tournament too) in which they had won against Sentinels in Masters and won against DWG which then beat PRX too in the LCQ, they just had too much ping + expectations, they will do better the next time! 🇮🇳

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

wut am i hearing? match mvp was rossi wtf do you mean?

posted about 2 years ago

yes, mvp of the match against f4q :)

posted about 2 years ago

Nuturn vs GE let's go baby! #GEFighting

posted about 2 years ago

oh nvm, got it yeah, the community here no cap, are overconfident, toxic, spamers etc but yeah not most of them right? welp, they are in numbers, well, we can't do anything about it, so yeah.

posted about 2 years ago

but surely, some bgmi/pubg players have spoiled the reputation of India pretty badly in the FPS Scene, feelsbadman

posted about 2 years ago

bro listen, first of all, almost all the indian valorant pros are ex-csgo players and yeah, like it's not your fault right? You love that game and so do I love Valorant, there's ABSOLUTELY no problem

posted about 2 years ago

dIsApPoiNteD, these kids need to stop, its just the start and nobody dominates in their first matches, 13-0 for sure, but how good they played against DWG, no cahp, im just hoping and praying for GE for their match against F4Q, man, if that went well enough, it will be fking massive, but if they atleast make the match close/really close, then yeah ill definitely have 0 issues with that, first vct tournament, indian kids are the reason behind this mess and today's meme surrounding skrossi and india.

posted about 2 years ago

bro, you can't straight up call him bot for that match ;-; you know what? for your satisfaction and "masala", ge is dogwater, shit, absolute junk, south asia/india is the worst region with no potential and it will always probably stay the same, happy? loved this? if you loved this then go cheer TSM.

posted about 2 years ago

anyone cares about pakistan region anyways? think positive.

posted about 2 years ago

man, they won against dwg, when everyone doubted them and everyone expected GE to CRUMBLE against DWG, welp, they won it, and yes, GE has done scrims and have won a good amount of them as per rossi and ge, rossi's very positive about their apac lcq performance and it seems hardwork and stuff is paying off, what a start for them, if they can win against DWG, such a strong and hard korean team in their first match, i think its not at all impossible for GE, ge is built different

posted about 2 years ago
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