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Registered: December 12, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 7:59 AM
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I wonder how many more BLG bundles were bought just cuz of the incident

posted 2 weeks ago

Astra Viper Jett Sova Kayo

global util, dive entry, recon and flashes

maybe a bit weak on defence

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Is it confirmed he was dropped?
or is it possible he wanted to explore elsewhere and asked to be let go

posted 2 weeks ago

agree with the players but not the order
forsaken should be in HM and sexture should be on the list

posted 2 weeks ago

if someone is being an ass, which is like once every 3 games

posted 2 weeks ago

Just when the cooking was becoming perfect

posted 2 weeks ago

gg if we lose, ggwp if we win

posted 2 weeks ago

Nah defo not a superteam, they’re still great players but even in Copenhagen I think I would’ve had only Shao as a top 10 player in 2022

posted 2 weeks ago

Ok I know you’re #2 cned glazer, but he wasn’t allat (mostly cuz navi did him dirty, and not rly cuz of his own fault imo)

posted 2 weeks ago

Shahzam who’s not a pro anymore

And genghsta and crazyguy for doing y0y dirty

posted 2 weeks ago

He does F1 content regularly too, alongside doing another channel called breaking point. Bro is the actual content creation goat

posted 2 weeks ago

Will get back to you if i remember to after they announce the roster changes

posted 2 weeks ago

haven't been officially depressed or anything but there's 2 CGP Grey vids that helped

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snAhsXyO3Ck (about the Pandemic but you can take 99% of it away for today)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO1mTELoj6o and basically the opposite of this

hope this helps

posted 2 weeks ago

if Pacific chokes, its a huge IF but yeah
other than that 100T is hard to tell until we've seen them play imo

posted 2 weeks ago

ok yeah 1 is completely valid, i have no idea how theyd manage that, but im sure they can find a workaround if they put their minds to it

for 2 I don't think this happens very often, I often queue with a friend who's got quite a bad lisp in European servers (where the quality of English is sometimes understandably lower) and we've not really had any trouble with anyone understanding him (although sometimes people have had to reply 'what did you say?' or something along the lines, but nothing toxic)

3 I'm sure this would just be a simple case of taking the average vote and dividing by the number of people in the party

4 maybe you could have it be more generous to people who go -ve? not really sure tbh good point

posted 2 weeks ago

yet its one of the most demanded features by casuals (pros request it too dont get me wrong)
also i mean to emphasise more on the rep system ibr idrc about replay or not

posted 2 weeks ago

How so?
If you mean that people are gonna just downvote everyone when they're tilted I guess that's a good point, but surely u could have some algorithm to see if someone downvotes a ton of people, and then you could dilute said persons downvote power

posted 2 weeks ago

bro spent hours arguing with a discord mod

posted 2 weeks ago

Screw the replay system, I guarantee when it comes out 95% of people are gonna use it once and never touch it again.
What this game actually needs is a reputation system, so you actually get rewarded for being a good teammate and be queued with other high rep players

posted 2 weeks ago

It was out a while ago, I remember seeing a clip a few months back of FNS admitting that literally the day they got double BLG'd they were told in the coach that him and s0m were cut

posted 2 weeks ago

I recon TH could atleast beat FPX
im glad FNC is high but ibr I wouldn't have them above geng, there's an argument for below 100T too but im too biased for that

posted 2 weeks ago

FUT have all the pieces, but I think they're just farming against some worse EMEA teams, their comps are very bad, I would be very surprised if their fundamentals carried them against international teams, their issue doesn't have a 'quick fix', and the turnaround time for them is certainly quick.

LEV on the other hand have the opposite problem which is much easier to fix (unless you're NRG lol), and they've had way more time to fix up. I also trust in the experience of their players.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

forsaken is a great player, but this is indeed a crazy take

posted 2 weeks ago

pretty good list, maybe I'd just swap FPX and T1, and maybe swap LEV with FUT too

posted 2 weeks ago

this might be the worst bait ever

posted 2 weeks ago

most people watch watchparties anyway tbh, the fact that (imo) the only S tier casters are missing is defo gonna have an impact on main channel viewership even more. Hopefully it prompts riot to put in some more money into hiring talent

posted 2 weeks ago

homeland, shit goes hard

posted 2 weeks ago

I dont reallyplay ranked as much anymore but kinda wanna get back into it, I peaked asc but I have no clue how
basically im asking how many agents I should know how to play, cause some people say literally play everything and others say play only 1 agent and dodge every game u get outinstalocked

posted 2 weeks ago

derke not for any objective reason (although there are plenty)
but because I was a bronze jett one trick back in the day and saw that he was the top jett for EMEA in vct in reykjavik 2021

posted 2 weeks ago

Not out of the question tbh, confidence goes a long way in team synergy

posted 2 weeks ago

I think Chinese teams are gonna upset this event, they’ve been getting better and will have some high quality practice before and during the event so I think its defo possible for EDG to come like 3rd as a dark horse

posted 2 weeks ago

wow, actually based

posted 2 weeks ago

TH players are better than that, miniboo said in his tweet that they as a team decided to take the initiative to ask him not to play
also mini didnt step down for studies it was for his mental health I believe

posted 2 weeks ago

actually saadhak could be a good igl too

posted 2 weeks ago

redgar (fall off is real)

no regard for roles cuz of different metas

posted 2 weeks ago

I think you don't have to blow up giants, you can probably just get rid of f1t and hoody and bring in some russian talent, there is plenty in t2 and even the possibility to snipe nAts from liquid if they have the money

posted 2 weeks ago

for NA esports thats on the lower end I believe

posted 2 weeks ago

flair disclaimer
reading through this there are some understandable critiques, you can subjectively not like their playstyle and stuff, but why does everyone find boaster annoying? Like I agree he is a bit childish at times, but personally I think its whatever. Like idk man my take would just be let bro be happy

posted 2 weeks ago

own that guy (yukky one of the few SEN flairs who isn't a fraud)

posted 2 weeks ago

idk what they claimed, but I think it is slightly better
like they brought in swiss for groups and made t2 actually viable

though there is defo room for improvement as everyone is saying

posted 2 weeks ago

the way i kinda got over this was just to appreciate how much more valuable and significant my current life is to me, but i defo still have mini existential crises every now and again

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

I think they said that they'll promise to fix it for the 25-26 offseason so ig we'll just have to wait until then

posted 2 weeks ago

make sure one of the first things you do is get the samsung magician software and get the new firmware for samsung ssds
there was an issue for a long time where you could lose a ton of capacity, or even the whole drive due to a software bug if you used it on the old firmware for an extended period of time.

posted 2 weeks ago

I think there has to be a balance, right now I think we are too much on the output side. Also it makes each new agent less exciting if there's more and more, it will sort of become an expected thing instead of a cool new refreshing thing. Think of the battlepass, you expect to get one every act, that is how agents will become if they keep at their current rate of 2-3 per year

posted 2 weeks ago

I agree, so far so good(ish)
but the more you add the harder it becomes to balance, fix bugs and update things like voice lines
and even right now we have 3-4 very bad agents with all of them being recent, and it seems we might receive another one after shanghai.
I'd rather they balance/rework what we already have before trying to add more

posted 2 weeks ago

inspired by the delete an agent forever thread

posted 2 weeks ago
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