Fixing every Duelist - hbake

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TMV recently made a video on the upcoming duelist changes and offered his thoughts on what should happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVB9WlJIGLc&ab_channel=ThinkingMan%27sValorant

While his ideas aren't bad, they wouldn't have the desired impact in pro play that is needed to bring agents other than Jett and Raze into contention. Here's what Riot need to do:

1. Give every Duelist a movement ability

Everyone says that "duelists take space" but few actually know what that means. Imagine a 2v1 situation with two attackers trying to get through a (smoked) choke point and two defenders in random positions: a forward Jett dash drags the defenders crosshair away from the choke point, giving the second attacker an advantaged gunfight even if the Jett dies. Movement abilities are different in this simulation as they are absolute: flashes can be turned, recons can be shot but two players in separate positions must be dealt with. This is the same reason the P0PPIN (and something) swing is so effective - increasing the time to kill guarantees a trade (this also applies to jumping through a smoke instead of swinging). It is for this reason that the likes of Pheonix, Iso, and Reyna will never be able to compete with Jett and Raze.

2. Movement abilities are ONLY for going forwards

So why then are Jett and Raze so much better than Neon? Neon also has a movement ability, right? She does, but Jett's dash functions as a 'get-out-for-free' on defence - the same as Chamber's TP. Raze's satchels can move enemies off the bomb and deal damage to break cypher trips - why? If duelists are 'space takers' their E abilities should be for that purpose only: moving forward to take space! Jett should only be able to dash forwards and Raze's satchels only move herself and don't deal damage - then their abilities would be in line with neon and what should be the rest of the duelists.

These changes would require a rework of most duelists, but is well worth it to see a more balanced class of agents. Move variety means more creativity. What do you think?

  • hbake

I really dont like the idea of funneling all duelists into the same type of character. More and more we are seeing other duelists being used that dont use standard movement (yoru, phoenix, even reyna on icebox again). The kits of the other duelists need something else to make up for not having good entry. Right now, each of the duelists that arent purely movement based have a "dud" ability. Phoenix wall, Yoru Clone, Reyna kind of only having 2 abilities etc. If they want these duelists to be played in pro, they need a full kit that complements their playstyles rather than having an ability that has very limited use 90% of the time.

Im bad with coming up with replacement abilities so I wont even try but thats what should be done, other roles dont have all characters funneled into the same category so duelists shouldnt either

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