Flag: South Korea
Registered: February 19, 2023
Last post: May 11, 2024 at 1:57 PM
Posts: 603
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geography owns americans

posted about a year ago

Let's be honest: we as brazilians and fellow chinese never cared at all about whatever the heck the crowd was doing, chanting, rooting or booing. We don't care. I believe we only need to point this out as it was RIDICULOUS how everyone was commenting about VCT Lock In crowd.

Yes, it's pure discrimination and prejudice against us. They are very similar in behaviour, but less energetic. The actions are very similar though.

posted about a year ago

why is everyone on twitter so fucking annoying

posted about a year ago

they dont respect any other teams, even BR ones

why are they like this? so childish

posted about a year ago

i know man im just kidding you dont need to elaborate that much hahahahaha

that match was fucking epic my heart almost stopped, and i was in sao paulo arena

posted about a year ago

aspas is very charismatic, hes ALWAYS relaxed and happy, makes me remember of ronaldinho gaucho, its just sad that there are no official subs for loud's vlogs on their yt channel

posted about a year ago

derke 0 majors

posted about a year ago

Infelizmente acabou a competitividade, não existe mais nenhum adversário à altura do Brasil na VCT Americas e no Mundo. Talvez, a exemplo da Austrália, que se mudou da Oceania em busca de maiores desafios, esteja na hora do Brasil virar uma seleção e disputar a Copa do Mundo.

posted about a year ago

tastyCookie e Valulrante os dois maiores haters do BR

posted about a year ago

yes NA (1 ok team and 819232183 horrible teams) very unlucky to play brazilian teams (2 good teams and one ok team)

posted about a year ago

é que o time tá muito kru ainda pra jogar k

posted about a year ago

furia is bad

posted about a year ago

valorant child game

posted about a year ago

Eu falei pra galera que eles tavam dando sorte de ganhar uns jogos mesmo cometendo 1 bilhão de erros mas fui xingado pela calorosa torcida brasileira do twitter 🥰

posted about a year ago

you will find that answer in C9 vs NRG match on April 24. SEN has potential but they are currently going into some changes

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hmmmmmmmmmmm cok 🥰

posted about a year ago

1.31 rating, he was fine today

posted about a year ago

finally some lucid NA comment after the match

SEN is probably winning against MIBR

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

horroroso, ele distorceu tudo que o cauan disse e fodasse kkkkk

posted about a year ago

fodasse vai arrumar oq fazer mlk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

my grandma could be a motorcycle if she had two wheels

posted about a year ago

stop shitting on specific players, Sentinels has been HORRIBLE for weeks now, and they have grown with +Marved -Tenz, even pushing LOUD. now you guys have actual chances of making to Tokyo, seriously, be patient.

posted about a year ago

torcida furiosa de twitter é muito meme cara, vcs vivem de justicinha social vsf lkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

bro from singapore shitting on us kkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

of course they are gonna have childish fans, their fanbase is literally around Free Fire, League of Legends and Valorant

posted about a year ago

i think that's why op said "this season"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that remains as an open question for me since they are t1 in CSGO so they obviously won't make the switch because it's riskier.

but a t1 csgo pro that plays valorant horribly is arT, I've watched his lives and he gets confused all the time with shift-peeking

imagine when he finds out about jumping shorty, right-click classic, walking freenzy, running phantom spray, ADS spray, shift-peek with vandal etc

posted about a year ago

dude stfu, stop this superiority complex just because you played an older game

all I said was that a CSGO player would require lots and lots of dedication, months of practice, knowing agents tactics, combinations and comps in order to achieve literally anything on Val. It IS a different game and pure aim won't win matches, everyone on competitive level has aim. This is not your platinum ranked queue.

expected comment from worst korea

posted about a year ago

vatican user

posted about a year ago

The green team will get another ✅ and the red team another ❌

posted about a year ago

11 FK aspas kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

how many champions has fnatic won?

posted about a year ago

this made me realize tenz is literally the second worst https://www.vlr.gg/event/stats/1189/champions-tour-2023-americas-league

posted about a year ago

s1mple could get a clip or two on a tournament but never win smt like a Champions, that requires way deeper knowledge about the game's tatics, mechanics etc etc

posted about a year ago

2021 cned dude

posted about a year ago

i support sen, but God these guys are playing terrible

posted about a year ago

verdevaldo mano meu deus kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk se esse for seu nome mesmo tu devia ir no cartório agora

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

omg they didn't even play yet

posted about a year ago

how did you find that out 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

posted about a year ago
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