Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: April 10, 2022
Last post: April 10, 2024 at 7:43 PM
Posts: 154
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  1. FNC
  2. PRX
  3. EG
  4. EDG
  5. NRG
  6. TL
  7. LOUD
  8. DRX
  9. NAVI
  10. KRU
  11. T1
  12. ZETA
  13. GIA
  14. FUT
  15. BLG
  16. FPX

my list ^

posted 10 months ago

how to not go 0/16

posted 10 months ago

i figured this could be the case but i also figured my EU plat brain could have overlooked something. cheers.

posted 10 months ago

when watching pro games/random pro gamer streams, they often shoot as they hit the ground and i was wondering why they do it

please tell me if i'm completely idiotic and the reason is plainly obvious thanks

posted 10 months ago

I feel like the current roster should work with another year, but at the same time they could do with a seasoned IGL.

Option 1 - keep Marved on IGL, full roster stays, maybe make TenZ a sub and sign Nismo, put Zekken on full duelist.

TenZ is undoubtedly not bad at all and wasn't the problem, but also not the full solution, and could definitely make for a really good sub, which would also allow him more time for personal stuff, especially with Kyedae's current situation. also means he can stream more which is never a bad thing for TenZ fans.

Option 2- Bye Bye Brazil

Although I personally think this is worse than having the Brazilians, given their experience and ever-improving English, with this comms will improve in terms of faster conveying of info. the M80 are by no means weaker than the average T1 team, and with the new IGL in Johnqt can bring fresh ideas to the team. the roster will likely be rounded out by another Canadian, either eeiu or Zander, depending on how the team feel out the roles to be.

Option 3 - No changes at all.

Just tank it out with the current roster, and hope it goes ok. It could work, but so far not worked yet.

posted 10 months ago

I would defend you as a fellow British, but your distinct lack of sentience discomforts me
every region has a decent chance of claiming the trophy, whether for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or potentially 4th for 1 player (i wonder who...)

these region v region arguments are pointless, just root for your own team privately and enjoy some good valorant

posted 10 months ago


KRU return to beat Sen in finals

posted 10 months ago

i mean if you add nismo to tenz, marved and fns its already gg
who needs a 5th right?

edit: nismo isnt canadian rip

posted 10 months ago

from the start of the season SEN should have been top 4 from player quality alone, even with Dephh. Now that SEN have put in work, apparently more than any other team, they should win this match 2-0. 100T are not bad by any means, but this should be a demolishing from SEN.

posted 10 months ago

m8 save their way to a 1-3 loss

posted 10 months ago

immaculate grammar there lad

posted 11 months ago

i dont think we need any specific person to diagnose you with a distinct lack of IQ

posted 11 months ago

marved i guess?

posted 11 months ago

this match is live, but the date is set for this time tomorrow


posted about a year ago

can't tell if its an in or out of game problem but sen were playing rlly well as the roster with marved but also tenz has some personal stuff going on. maybe they start having a rotating roster depending on the map, like if its a double controller map then have marved in or if its a more agressive comp like fracture have tenz in for someone

posted about a year ago

syyko is gone - we'll see if it affects the team. Tenz should be well again by this point so i guess sen 2-1

posted about a year ago

i find it difficult to think how dfm get more than 3 rounds per map in this.

i want to be proven wrong.

but i wont be.

posted about a year ago

in fairness to him, he did post that a month ago, before the shocking performance against leviatan...

posted about a year ago

hes better than zexrow which is the main point they were making
also tenz has been playing a hell of a lot better than he was last year, could come back into top 10 consideration

posted about a year ago

same as me

posted about a year ago

that's assuming g2 beat oxygen (pretty likely)

but most likely a guord 2-1 or something like that

posted about a year ago

(when) are we getting pickems for the 3 tier 1 leagues (pacific. emea, americas)

I want to figure something out but i cant be bothered doing it the hard route so im waiting for pickems to be released so its practically done for me

posted about a year ago

my heart says dsg but my brain says tsm

tsm 2-1 dsg kanpeki buff

posted about a year ago

he either the best or worst.

hes rlly young so he can swing between being rlly inconsistent. when he walked out to face fnatic he looked so nervous so he didnt play to his full potential.

posted about a year ago

also they made noise a lot more to help LLL in situations, like when boaster had the judge up close in A main on split - as if the crowd were warning them :/

idk if its intentional but a couple of times LLL took advantage of it

posted about a year ago

drx should win here
massive throw if not

2-0 to drx

posted about a year ago

that was a blowout from lions

posted about a year ago

FAZE 9-3 half on g2's pick

its still early days but it aint looking too hot

posted about a year ago

its because we have laws that reduce gun sales... maybe get some for yourself

posted about a year ago

you have detonation winning a game...

posted about a year ago

why are they no longer squirtle squad? that logo was iconic

TT 2-0 ez

posted about a year ago

2-1 for either side could be either way here

imma sen 2-1 bc hopium

posted about a year ago

someone really doenst like na valo

i agree its not gonna be a clean victory for sen, but i think its a 2-1 for either side

posted about a year ago

aged well for map 1

posted about a year ago

zombs is playing i think

posted about a year ago

its gonna be a 2-1, not sure which way... depends on maps

it depends if FPX go for counterstrats or not really

posted about a year ago

called it, as well as like 10 others on this thread

posted about a year ago

the problem with NA valorant is that they are putting too much emphasis on mechanical skill and not team plays, combined util, etc. for example sentinels have some of the best mechanical skills in the world but lose to t2 teams because they get outstratted

posted about 2 years ago

basically, any team that can let yay and tenz have fun with good util and supporting gunplay

posted about 2 years ago

i've never watched korean valorant before... do you think it would work well on the international stage?

posted about 2 years ago

watching korean vct right now - they are running sova, skye, and kayo, as well as chamber and viper.

is this the new strat?

posted about 2 years ago

name checks out

posted about 2 years ago

its probably gonna be an NA winner unless loud or drx go crazy on LAN

posted about 2 years ago


q u a c k

posted about 2 years ago
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