Flag: China
Registered: July 14, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 10:48 AM
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How do you see btw, did he change it recently

posted about a year ago

Ain't no way this guys name is "I love valorant"

posted about a year ago

Booster is the best guy there what you on about

posted about a year ago

EDG made even more mistakes lmfao. They're both very good teams regardless

posted about a year ago

way too inconsistent though, missed the easiest OP shot which led to losing haven in the invitational finals vs FPX

posted about a year ago

You're missing Yuicaw (from FPX), this guy was both diffing zmjjkk on chamber OP and also far more consistent across all maps. If you haven't already you should watch most recent EDG vs FPX invitational finals.

posted about a year ago

Oh so there are 4 regions now? Maybe they will franchise those 2 teams then, can only hope so..

posted about a year ago

China viewership def won't be bad, did you hear about the owl issue? I think it was that China made up the majority of the viewership which was insane

posted about a year ago

Valorant was finally released in china, but only after they decided on the franchised teams. Riot only says the Chinese teams were "invited", so not exactly franchised. But it could be a sign it'll happen, however it'd be pretty weird for there to be more pacific teams than other regions..

posted about a year ago

Two teams from China just got invited to sao paulo, maybe they had this in plan because idk how tf they would make brackets with only 30 teams.. Either way it said they only got "invited" to the event, this could be a sign that they'll be franchised later but that would also be unlikely as it completely disrupts their format (more teams from pacific seems pretty unfair for other regions), but this would also mean a huge L for china region which looks pretty promising. Thoughts? or who cars ig

posted about a year ago

Heart says EDG 2-0
Brain says 100T 2-0

OK neither were correct

posted about a year ago

yeah TSM looked seriously good on ascent there, the calls hazed were making were insane, and let them clutch multiple times preventing guard from getting 11 on the board

posted about a year ago

Huh bro chose to reject the offers he got himself, he wanted to stay with guard

posted about a year ago

he was given offers, but he rejected. Respect to him for wanting to stay with his guard bros

posted about a year ago

OK this is just wrong, how can anyone hate Boaster

posted about a year ago

This. mCe coordinated them and their teamwork so well, which was honestly their best part. We'll have to see how good their new coach is, but I doubt they'll adjust to a new style of play even if the new coach is good

posted about a year ago

He was struggling hard on chamber too actually, tex would have def been an upgrade but now that metas changed it may not be so much

posted about a year ago

They had to intermingle roles because of chamber and only chamber pretty much, they could not find the right person to play him. Now that he's not as meta anymore they should be good, I mean they're bringing in a chamber player anyway.

posted about a year ago

Looks like EDG were just saving their strats and playstyle during groups lmfao, now they're actually trying to deny plant with util. Only Edward can play the game like its ranked and go 4-1 in groups

posted about a year ago

They're saving strats and playstyle either for international games or playoffs. Probably since they got hard antistratted in champions. I mean just look at EDG vs NTR today on icebox, they actually used util and played smart. In groups, it honestly looked like either Haodong wasnt IGLing, they aren't comming (because of covid), or coach Muggle is testing the players individual performance, and stress testing them by going OT.

posted about a year ago

predicted it from the start, I'm already rich af

posted about a year ago

Wild guess: SR 3-0 G2, missing coach buff trust

posted about a year ago

Wait this could turn out to be true, that'd be hilarious

posted about a year ago

Abo insane wtf, EDG always got cracked subs

posted about a year ago

Abo is just a sub filling in for nobody who can't plat atm, Life did leave tho but Smoggy can replace his role.

posted about a year ago

Nobody was part of the reason - but life not really, smoggy can replace his role as the jett. And lots would say he's actually better, but for now he needs to play initiator for the team until nobody can play again.

posted about a year ago

EDG roster in shambles rn without nobody, they might at least lose one map

posted about a year ago

Hopefully nobody plays in this match, otherwise smoggy is forced onto initiator again, meaning KK forced onto primary duelist. Ideally they have KK on chamber and smoggy on jett etc. Otherwise they might actually lose this

posted about a year ago

But why?? Looked on his socials and he gave a leaving message but no reasons for why. The team was perfect, and now with him leaving it puts EDG in an awkward spot with KK forced onto primary duelist, and smoggy now in main roster. Which means their only player chamber is the sub Abo.. unless nobody can.

posted about a year ago

no shit team play is off with someone who they don't usually play with. Smoggy's performance + synergy on pearl was pretty bad and given they didn't throw that one round where mindfreak 1v5 ace clutched they would have won pearl so 2-0d PRX. You can use that same argument against your own point lmao

posted about a year ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/2a2772f0 HOLY real gigachad sigma W pickem EDG>PRX predicting the upsets mark my words

posted about a year ago

they... owned?

posted about a year ago

you crazy bastard for thinking CR wins against DWG, but they actually did. This pickem is it, this is the one.

posted about a year ago

Bro you're hating on a group of young adults playing valorant, not CCP officials

posted about a year ago

DRX trashtalks a lot??? Have you seen what kang kang was saying??

posted about a year ago

me wanting a slot for CN.. I need to see EDG

posted about a year ago

Unbiased, although I'm judging this based off the assumption that guard was trying out different comps against t2 scene instead of losing for real..

posted about a year ago

Totally agree, even during challengers they couldn't maintain a consistent team comp

posted about a year ago

Refusing? Saya would literally prefer to play Jett? However the meta is changing and they need to adapt, or they'll play their dinosaur age comps and lose again. I would prefer to see neT on chamber, but they have every reason to switch off Jett, her pickrate has been killed and for a good reason. Saya's chamber is not the problem, its that the others can't entry instead and create the space that saya used to.

posted about a year ago
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