Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: November 25, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 10:22 AM
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where is alecksdesk?

posted 2 months ago

everyone had the same chances

what do you mean? like i get why sen deserve the win, and that is why i made this thread, but sen fans are getting stupid with comments like this when they are just not looking at the overall picture

posted 2 months ago

while sen deserved the trophy completely you saying things like only deserving teams made there is a low shallow. get out of your bubble and try to be more open to differing opinions

posted 2 months ago

the year when edg won worlds was 60 mil or something, we cant compare chinese viewership

posted 2 months ago

just see the trend. masters shanghai will underperform in terms of stats no matter what time zone.

it may be true that madrid was super high because of sentinels, we also need to look at the fact that it was geng they were playing against, the least clouted team entering this event (bar fpx)

optimistically speaking loud sentinels fnatic prx, and if kc actually get good(international finals level good), they'll bring in more fans then we can imagine

posted 2 months ago

none of it counts china. and if we count chinese viewership for lol, we need to compare it to superbowl and not other esports :)

posted 2 months ago

can we not discount any teams achievement whenever they win a tournament?

yes, not every team may have the same type of situations when they enter an event, the format may not be the most optimal or the "form" of teams may not be there. but at the end of the day, we will never get to replay a event that is happening or has happened.

all we can and we should do is applaud the winner, and expect (if not already) to have your team win the next one.

no matter how good or bad you may think the team that won the recent event was, whether they played a micky mouse tournament or played a covid cup, whether it was a shit meta or burnt out teams, if it was really that easy to win an international event in valorant, PACIFIC would've atleast won a trophy or two by now....

posted 2 months ago

we'll overtake csjoe by this year in terms of peak viewers ever.

lol is like 6 mil, so a long way to go, but hopefully in a similar length timeline as lol, we can be there

posted 2 months ago

1.6 million peak viewers for the first event of the year!
(possibly going to be 1.7 mil by tomorrow after updated stats)

average viewership of 670k , which after considering this was the shortest event in a long time, still outperforms the rest, even champions!
Valorant is only growing, add chinese stats to this as well and we so up.

and the most important part of it is, valorant has consistently seen a rise of viewership since 2021, we always grow, no matter whether the most popular team plays or not, the growth may not always be significant, but its always there.

One day we will be in the same bracket as League of Legends!

posted 2 months ago

this is some man city real madrid 3-5 level of throw

posted 2 months ago

riot will add a "wildcard team" gimmick that event to somehow deny apac of any glory in valorant

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

the guy below me has to be crazy. we love all types of balds

posted 2 months ago

geng played so bad on bind
one round they look like prime fnatic the other round like knockout stage drx

posted 2 months ago

rhetoric question

posted 2 months ago

its a hot take here and to probably any NA fan elsewhere. but to anyone looking to listen, its jjust a basic good and obvious take

posted 2 months ago

people were saying how t1 and prx was the real final.
we all know about fnatic, and possibly navi.
who knows who would've won between loud and nrg?

posted 2 months ago

you cant teach these people bro, they'll listen to what they want to listen and reply to what they want to reply. you'll get downvotes, so will i, but i think looking more generally you just cant deny how single elim favoured some teams and how it harmed the rest.

posted 2 months ago

destiny will still find a way to somehow deny that trophy

posted 2 months ago

its not even funny anymore.... when will you guys win something?

seriously asking, this isnt supposed to be a roast or anything like that

posted 2 months ago

its pretty normal if you have a team you support in traditional sports, atleast in my opinion, its normal. however in esports its quite rare which i acknowledge

posted 2 months ago

you can check my loyalty by looking at the oldest and the most recent posts on vlr

posted 2 months ago

some things should be obvious but i digress

posted 2 months ago

i know some of you are just enjoyers of val, so this thread is not for you.

for some fnatic fans like me, who just cant watch valorant without fnatic being in it, how are you doing?
personally, i am just skipping over any tweet or youtube video i see regarding valorant, i am just avoiding things as much as possible. saying it again but, i just cant watch valorant without fnatic.

wont watch many games this masters other than probably the semis and finals, and if kc heretics get a nice match up.

posted 2 months ago

probably, but then again, the "casual" players will have a variety of tastes, so its not necessary they all will go with what generally looks the best to most people. they might just go with their fav colour scheme

posted 2 months ago

i will be surprised if lev reaches top 5

posted 2 months ago

dont care until april

posted 2 months ago

dont worry, with those shit takes of yours, you would have been cooked regardless of the time of the day

posted 2 months ago

this is so fkn true. it needs to be talked about more how this site turns to shit the moment it gets to NA timings

posted 2 months ago

i have played like 1 week of valorant in the past 1.5 year.

still love the game and would love to play it more consistently, but i have to choose one of esports or playing the game, and i choose the esports. dont have infinite time

also i bought my first and only skin, the fnatic capsule to support them which i probably will use 5 times a year. (yeah i am that type of guy)

posted 2 months ago

oh i definitely missed that

posted 2 months ago

China: lazy mf

not all of us are unemployed bro

posted 2 months ago

no i dont mean specifically impact kills. i mean highly skillful kills in a relatively tense situation. not all of it has to be the most impact. but when i see johnqt hitting flicks like alfa or less, i just dont see saadhak hitting the same (and as frequently)

why cant people set history, achievement and status aside and look at a completely different player and judge him.

johnqt being the most skillful igl does not mean saadhak is a weak fragger, or isnt no. 2 in fragging when it comes to also being an igl.

posted 2 months ago

How is this the worst take?

The question is , is johnqt better than saadhak technically? To me , yes

posted 2 months ago

It doesn't really effect us at all.

it doesnt affect us in reality, but it does make you (atleast me) feel a little bit better. honestly when i wrote this thread i was a lot more happy from nrg's loss, but now that you wrote, i am more or less unbothered. it gave me a moment of happiness, and that is something good enough for me.

Right now FNC are in a bit of a slump, sometimes you need a setback like this to motivate the team to do better.

i truly believe in this. there might be threads in mid august about how not making it to madrid was the reason why fnatic became so good.

and yeah i too would definitely love to see heretics win.

posted 2 months ago

saadhak is not the most skilled igl.

yes he can frag and has shown so many a times. but the kills johnqt got in kickoff is something that saadhak just cant do.

like you see in fnatic or loud itself, alfa or less turn a 3v5 into a 2v2 before dying by holding their sites, johnqt is almost at that level of impact. he wins so many crucial 1v1s, i just dont think saadhak was/is that good.
and i am not a sentinels fan at all.

and i am not watiing 2 years to say this obvious point. yes obviously consistency is factor but that doesnt mean i cant have an opinion in the present

posted 2 months ago

i genuinely think controller is one of the easiest role to learn in game.

that being said, i think he has found the perfect role for him, and is definitely not bad at it

posted 2 months ago

jingg on raze gave me nightmares

posted 2 months ago

Here are somethings i noticed throughout the time i watched kickoff:

1. EMEA:

  • Narrate is really really good, emea is lucky to have him
  • benjyfishy is more than deserving of his place in tier 1
  • enghh is still the goat
  • fnatic and navi lack some things, but honestly, it isnt a lot. a few things fixed and they'll easily be back to being top 2
  • TL will have doubters, for probably the 4th year in a row , and rightfully so. need to prove everyone wrong
  • vitality didnt live upto the expectations, hopefully with trexx they'll do what they should


  • johnqt is easily the most skilled igl i have seen.
  • nrg are a new team that show no signs of being "new". they have a strong mentality and probably the most confident team in americas
  • saadhak is the truth
  • eg is weird, they left precisely the right amount of impact such that we cant guage where do they belong. potter might be the goat if she can do it with this roster, which didnt look impossible at kickoff.
  • leviatan is vitality of americas. still got a lot to prove


  • prx are not the same since jingg left. monyet hasnt done bad, but jingg used to win maps purely based on his fragging and impact
  • geng are good (i havent watched them enough, but hope they dont repeat what happened last year)
  • bleed is a million dollar disappointment (bringing zest might be too OP)
  • t1 is good
  • GE doing better than DFM for two years in a row needs to be studied

(didnt watch)

  • kang kang is genuinely the best player in game. a true superstar, isnt an npc or super awkward. got the right amount of trash talk, humility and confidence.

and i cant imagine a single player who has as consistent aim and as wide of a map pool.
when it comes to ranking OP players:
1. kangkang

  1. daylight
  2. daylight
  3. daylight
  4. daylight
  5. aspas (probably a bit too high)
posted 2 months ago

Basically every roster that we had serious expectations for disappointed us. Lev, NRG, Fnatic, Fut, Navi - All were supposed to, bare minimum, be a top 3 team in the region.

dont think thats entirely right, or wrong. like you said its mostly about other teams and coaches doing better, building better systems.

Even Paper Rex....

i think its more because of how they couldnt really fill the gap jingg left. they did their best and still retained #2 in pacific

overall i still think the best deserving teams made it to madrid, barring one or two

posted 2 months ago

i literally called all the "fnatic fans". i dont care if you bothered to come to this thread. this thread was generally meant for fnatic fans, as said tby the title and if anyone interested in what i actually wrote.

but what do i know, another brazilian who is hyper sensitive, thinking everything is about him or his team when its not. literally calling your own insecurities to attack me. like man, you just mentioned what you think about yourself.

  1. main character
  2. everything about your team
  3. worst fans
posted 2 months ago

zip it up when you're done

posted 2 months ago

you understand how i feel

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

we all wished for that

posted 2 months ago

"Your a Idiot if you think FNC aren't gonna come back stronger."

  1. never said that
  2. as a fnatic fan, this is obvious to me. they are gonna be scary when they comeback

and definitely whats coming next is gonna be a lot more hype than madrid

posted 2 months ago

yeah , i feel like derke is too often just a sacrificial lamb. they know that they have good firepower and hence they can use derke that way. but honestly if derke gets more support, he can genuinely carry fnatic single handedly on half the maps.

what happens now is fnatic sacrifice derke to take some space and then he dies as a sacrifice. after that alfa and someone clear everyone. derke doesnt get to shine as much.

a combination of 2022 fnatic + 2023 fnatic would be perfect for derke. we need to see derke owning areas of the map. we need to see enemies fearing to go on a certain part of the map, coz they know that they will have to face derke with a lot of support from the other teammates

posted 2 months ago

"playing together as a team"

yes that was lacking at kickoff, but they were the best at that the entirety of last year. so its not something they have to develop from scratch, it will honestly comeback to them naturally as they find their right form.

what genuinely needs improvement is their ideas. and honestly i am pushing a lot on this point, since they hardly played 3 maps, we legit didnt see anything from fnatic

posted 2 months ago

and i am truly scared of seeing that day

posted 2 months ago

that sounds like a whole lot of yap to me

posted 2 months ago
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