Flag: Russia
Registered: January 21, 2024
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 3:11 PM
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cryos op is more passive, reminds me of yay
my op is more aggressive and always looking for that contact and that +1

posted 2 weeks ago

ive seen enough move them into MIBR main roster

posted 2 weeks ago

oh shit forgot about that

posted 2 weeks ago

yea ranking teams is always hard because upsets happen a lot in val
i can see EDG winning a game in playoffs tho, wouldnt surprise me

posted 2 weeks ago

They made top 2 in madrid so their skills are proven, but thats not the point
If (hypothertically) PRX is rated the best team as favourites to win Shanghai, GENG went head to head with PRX going into map 5.
They have the firepower and the strats
They will 2-0 any team below 5th place and mow them down with their phantoms

posted 2 weeks ago

i have a gf
she told me to cut my hair actually

posted 2 weeks ago

honestly idk what the fuck they were doing against t1
but they just look so good
texture meteor karon and munchkin are all INSANE aimers
they will make top 3 FS

posted 2 weeks ago
  1. PRX (they just look the best)
  2. GENG (honestly they might be even better than prx)
  3. 100T (solid team)
  4. FNC (solid team)
  5. LEV (aspas is gonna make a deep run, although they lost to G2 i think they look better)
  6. G2 (ppl underrate this team)
  7. FUT (sry cned fans)
  8. EDG ( honestly interchangable with fut and g2)
  9. FPX (hope they continue to run clove)
  10. Heretics (patitek is not it man)
  11. T1 (idk man they just look so lost)
  12. DRG (Vo0kashu is the goat but their roster lacks experince)
posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

hes like cade on the pistons he was never the problem

posted 2 weeks ago

yes. its literally like top 3% of the playerbase xd
u cant tell me that the top 3% is still low elo thats just statiscally wrong

posted 2 weeks ago

aston villa

posted 2 weeks ago

as a PRX and ARSENAL fan this hurts

posted 2 weeks ago

oh hell nah

posted 2 weeks ago

nah EG was not in form yet
they lost to fnatic at tokyo

posted 2 weeks ago

tbf thats subjective but CS has always single elim
no quals i guess but name 1 team that wouldve done good but didnt qual. also i dont think anyone other than loud wouldve beat fnatic

posted 2 weeks ago

thats exactly what it was
they just added some prize money for some stakes and showcase but i wouldnt weigh it as much as masters
PRX were literally one of the favourites to win because of the single elim format but they bombed out first round but i dont complain that its a "bad" format, just rewards teams that are consistent in winning.

posted 2 weeks ago

just because ur favourite team didnt win doesnt mean its a bad format lmfao
its an invitational, meant to showcase the skills and talents of every team at the start of the year.
its not an actual masters tournament

posted 2 weeks ago

SEN failed because they dont have a good igl

posted 2 weeks ago

honestly no idea tbh
imo i think he wouldve done ok

posted 2 weeks ago

but tenz has only shown in the group stage????
yes group stage wise hes a top 10 player, but group stage + playoffs u cant say anything because u cant judge if tenz can be consistent or not, so u really dont know if tenz would be up there for sure, so yes u can say hes a good player stat wise if u ONLY look at the group stage stats, if u look at group stage + playoff the sample size is too small

posted 2 weeks ago

yea thats exactly what i meant. theres no way of knowing if Tenz would be consistent in the playoffs so that is a valid argument
mwzera is a good player but his teammates dont know how to trade or set him up for shit so hes stuck with bad stats

posted 2 weeks ago

does that translate into split 1 playoffs tho?
teams have evolved. u cant tell me with a straight face that kickoff 100T was the same as playoff 100T

posted 2 weeks ago

unlucky hope he comes back for split 2 and makes a good run at champs

posted 2 weeks ago

Beat NAVI an arguably top 3-4 team in EU to stop NAVI from qualifying just to attend with a sub without their main duelist. i know we complain about monyet and such but patitek is arguably worse than monyet and even worse than qck. I genuinely think TH have a better chance letting Weber (their assistant coach) play like he did for zeek instead of patitek, but i dont know honestly since theyre both pretty ehh. Now EU's only chance to win Shanghai would be fnatic. Thankfully TH didnt send them into group stage.

posted 2 weeks ago

i dont think thats his point tbh
hes saying tenz wouldnt be able to keep a 1.18 rating throughout playoffs, or in other words, remain consistent against top tier teams like LEV. Is this true? well tbh idk i dont watch tenz that much but his argument is valid tho

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

do i look like a baiter to u

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

we back

posted 2 weeks ago

just iso tbh or at least completely rework them

reynas good if ur good, ppl hate reyna because dogshit ppl lock reyna and dont know how to aim

posted 2 weeks ago

nah academics are more important than val
i respect miniboos decision

posted 2 weeks ago

i like an all black inv, just collecting the operator skins because im an op merchant thats why i bought mystbloom op

posted 2 weeks ago

I forgot some since val is undermaintaince rn so ill say what i can remember
Knife: Champions 2021, Champions 2022, Champions 2023, VCT lockin knife reaver karambit, ruin dagger, magepunk guantlet, xenohunter, glitchpop dagger, prime karambit, ruination blade, oni katana, gravatational neuroblaster baton

Classic: PRX, spectrum

Shorty: Araxys, oni, prelude

Frenzy: Elderflame, prime, origin

Ghost: Ruination, reaver, soverign

Sheriff: arcane, protocol, reaver, singularity, kuronami,

Stinger: Rgx, prelude

Spectre: singularity, prime, protocol, kuronami

Bucky: origin, oni

Judge: Elderflame

Bulldog: Araxys, protocol, spectrum, glitchpop

Guardian: rgx, reaver, spectrum

Phantom: Champions 2022, singularity, recon, oni, spectrum, protocol, spline,

Vandal: rgx, xerofang, champs 2021, champs 2023, reaver, araxys, prelude to chaos, kuronami, prime, forsaken, chronovoid, gaia

Marshal: Kuronami, soverign

Operator: Cryostacis, araxys, reaver, elderflame, ion, sol, gravatational neuroblaster, valient hero, magepunk, forsaken, origin, prelude, rgx, mystbloom

Ares: Singularity

Odin: Glitchpop, reaver

posted 2 weeks ago

SEN might not even qualify lmfao
also i dont need the money js give 1 dollar more to 10 random people

posted 2 weeks ago

less is like a sentinel ATP
he plays cypher and when he plays viper he plays viper like a sentinel

posted 2 weeks ago

jasonr has a wife

posted 2 weeks ago

i cant believe we live in a world where -qck is consiered a top 10 worst roster move

posted 2 weeks ago

since everyone is saying aspas
TEXTURE- duelist
LEO- Initiator
VALYN- smokes/igl
VOOKASHU- sentinel

posted 2 weeks ago

how r u even an NRG fan but saying this
Demon1's GF has rheumatoid arthritis, have some sympathy. How would u play if ur loved one had a series condition? Also he was the undoubted BEST player during champions, although he shit on prx still one of my fav players. also if u kick him whos gonna play jett? victor?
They chose Ethan to igl because he was CS experience and is probably the most experienced on the team
jimmy is alrd kicked so we cant do anything bout that
honestly drop crashies and get s0m if he wants to play
NGL if they r getting saadhak and less the lineup should look something like this
Demon1 Jett/raze
vic raze/senti
less viper/senti
saadhak igl /flex
s0m smokes
ethan initiator

the roles are kinda fucked so idk

posted 2 weeks ago
  1. rgx
  2. ruination
  3. spectrum
posted 2 weeks ago

Hey where are your periods and capitals buddy!

posted 2 weeks ago

yes u certainly dont NEED them but saying ap scores dont even mean anything is just outright wrong

posted 2 weeks ago

idk what most people think how much AP scores mean but they are definitely very helpful towards applying for uni and having credits for uni too

posted 2 weeks ago

nah like 5'1

posted 2 weeks ago

this is just not true

posted 2 weeks ago

somewhere around milan

posted 2 weeks ago

what is prx got to do w this?
this post has 0 revelance to prx
also thats just statiscally wrong.

bait or retardation?

posted 2 weeks ago

im aware

posted 2 weeks ago

not in a million years would brazillians accept this

posted 2 weeks ago
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