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Registered: May 28, 2023
Last post: May 13, 2024 at 7:40 AM
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Yeah but he’s but been better than any of the fnatic players they’ve been insane everybody seems to forget that just because of 1 bad game plus even while fnatic was having an off day leo got more kills than him despite not being in top form derke only got 5 kills less but had more first kills while alfajer was by far the best player out of both teams he almost single-handedly won fnatic that grand final when 3 players were having an off day and 1 player was sick also chronicle before that grand final was probably fnatics best player he even had a map in playoffs where he got 441 I believe acs all 4 of those are better than sayf as sayf was in top form in that final as was the rest lf liquid as well also aspas and less are better than him and mako sometimes single-handedly carries drx and at international events and even most regional events he is a big reason why they do so well sayf is at most the 8th best player in the world and that’s but me saying sayf isn’t great I think he’s amazing just not quite at the level of those 7 yet if he can take liquid far at masters tokyo then sure he is at the same level as those 7 but until then he can’t be placed in that top 7

posted 11 months ago

I think he has sayf and something too high they are great but he has a bit too much of a bias towards duellists in my opinion the top 10 should be chronicle, Leo, derke, aspas, less, alfajer, mako then sayf, something and davai with the 1st 7 names I named being the top 7 and having a small bit of a tier gap than the rest at the moment you can list them anyway but those are the top 7 the order I put them in is my personal opinion but in my mind there is no difference between the level of all 7 they are all number 1 at the moment and the order they go in is just what you prefer as for the other 3 I think they are the 8th to 10th best player but honestly there’s like 10 to 20 players who could go in those positions but the top 7 are obvious it’s just a matter of what you personally want a player to play like which will determine where you place them as well as what type of play style you like watching the most

posted 11 months ago

The only reason you won your international trophy is because Nani were dealing with a lot of issue with the Ukraine Russia situation so they couldn’t attend Iceland im not even a navi fan I’m just a fan of every emea team and even I know that it’s common knowledge so you should be thanking navi instead

posted 11 months ago

Nope it won’t happen because the best emea teams are actually participating this time with their full strength and also this is the 2nd international tournament of the year and I know lock-in wasn’t a masters but it was still the 1st international cross region tournament so this is flawed in so many ways plus loud we’re the top seed in the grand final not nrg

posted 11 months ago

Because he farmed a drx that had like 4 days of practice or something since before that they were playing with foxy9 something has good aim but against fnatic and loud when they are serious he won’t get much done the same with prx this isn’t Copenhagen anymore prx are good but derke and aspas are still better than something and pretty much every player on fnatic except maybe boaster as he is igl can diff prx, prx are probably the same level as liquid and fnatic almost beat liquid while having 4 players having an off day and saving strats pretty much only 1 player playing his normal level almost single handedly beat liquid sayf who is probably about the same level as something got only 5 kills more than derke and less first kills and derke was having an off day while sayf was in top form you will see at masters tokyo that something might be thw 3rd best duelist but he’s not at the level of the top 2 yet and when prx meet fnatic this time around or loud their usual tactics of relying on their superior aim won’t work as both of those teams have better aim and better strategies than prx at the moment

posted 11 months ago

The problem being that the top teams from Copenhagen are also better now especially fnatic since Copenhagen they are probably the team with the biggest improvement to a point they managed to save their strats throughout an entire split and even in the grand finals against a very good liquid side who was on form have 4 players having an off day all their team except alfajer and still have a close game with even chronicle not being well while playing I would like for fnatic and prx to play a match and just have a straight shoot out on pearl as sliggy has admitted that mini fnatics coach told him while in his chat that they have been practising pearl they just didn’t want to show it in vct emea a battle between probably the 2 teams with the best just raw aim in the world would be interesting and we would finally be able to crown the true best aimers in the world

posted 11 months ago

Not having alfajer even top 20 is crazy he is literally 1 of the 2 best sentinels in the world right now and despite the rest of his team having an off day he almost single handedly won them ten grand final making it close he practically was taking on team liquid himself at some points and 1 of the main reasons ascent was 14-12 and fracture was 13-11 2 close maps was because of alfajer mostly not to mention he almost single handedly won fnatic lotus the highest rated player in emea and the highest k/d in emea and 1 of the highest across all leagues if not the highest he is definitely not just top 20 but top 10 when his team was having an off day he stepped up and made the series very close almost single handedly he is on the same level as chronicle, derke and Leo the others are certainly debatable though

posted 11 months ago

It’s not copium sayf only dropped 5 more kills than derke despite sayf playing at his top level and derke having an off day mats was literally diffed by Alfajer despite fnatic losing alfajer got 11 more kills than bats and was the highest rated player of the series leo was missing more shots than usual boaster was having 1 of those games he has every year where he makes a bunch of weird calls chronicle got by far the least kills and fnatic were saving all their strats despite that ascent ended 14-12 and fracture ended 13-11 are you seriously telling me you don’t expect fnatic to win that series if they were playing normally and even if just chronicle wasn’t sick they would of won that series at least 3-1 instead of liquid winning 3-1

posted 11 months ago

Yeah that’s similar to what happened to fnatic at lock-in the single elim wasn’t the problem it was the schedule it gave an overwhelming advantage to teams in the alpha bracket over omega bracket because fnatic was forced to play 5 matches in 7 days in a what is supposed to be a fair tournament loud got much more rest not to mention the teams fnatic played were sentinels a team everyone had high hopes for as wel as 100 thieves same expectations, a very good furia side who were thriving off of the crowd and then the most ridiculous thing despite loud and drx having a much longer rest they got to ply their series and then fnatic and na I had to play each other then the winner had to play loud in the finals famtic literally had the hardest schedule possible considering the amount of rest they got in between each series and their opponents they literally played furia then 100 thieves in 2 days and that was 1 of 2 times they played 2 games in 2 days that tournament as just with 1 day of rest after that they played navi then loud that was the reason why fnatic were struggling in that final they were mentally drained by that 3rd

posted 11 months ago

Not to mention it was 14-12 13-11 and 13-6 they also won a map when chronicle dropped only 40 kills derke was having an off series boaster was having one of those weird series even Leo was slightly below his normal level plus fantuc were using the same strats they had been using all season long since lock-in they have been saving strats the entire time including that series as there was no stakes on it had 3 players including the igl playing bad with chronicle having possibly his worst series ever literally only 1 fnatic playing maybe 2 Leo was playing almost to his normal level and still made it a close series people just look at the 3-1 to team liquid and say oh fnatic must be bad clearly there’s 0 chance they were saving there strats or over half the team was having an off day but at masters tokyo all will be revealed the top 4 teams from lock-in are still the top 4 teams

posted 11 months ago

Finally a loud fan who speaks evenly and fairly and respectfully I mean loud lost a match against nrg but I always though in the end loud we’re going to win vct americas as loud didn’t have anything to play for at the time it’s the same with fnatic they already qualified for playoffs why show your new strats at that point just to win vct emea trophy? I would I rather save strats and have a better chance at the international events

posted 11 months ago

Ur is fair because fut are technically in the place equivalent to 2nd place teams of other regions as they are the 1st seed for groups form emea and navi is the 2nd seed while ase is 1st seed, t1 and eg are 2nd seed it’s actually possible for the groups to be done like this nrg 1st, drx 1st, navi 2nd and edg 2nd as well

posted 11 months ago

Then does that mean all sports tournaments are stupid and not important either?

posted 11 months ago

It’s the same for fnatic chronicle is like fnatics mako he was the worst player by far last grand finals he got 40 kills in 4 maps and derke wasn’t playing that well as well also boasters calls during that game were very strange fnatic were clearly having an off day and when you combine that with saving strats it’s a disaster waiting to happen and fnatic still somehow managed to take a map another of the maps the lost 14-12 and another one of the maps they lost 13-11 the only bad map was haven 13-6 which they have played about a billion times and not changing anything because they were saving strats the whole time the fact it was still close shows just how monstrous this fnatic roster is having a player performing possibly the worst they’ve ever performed on a series in their career a rare derke off day and boaster having one of those weird days as well literally only alfajer and Leo were playing normally and they still made it close which is frightening

posted 11 months ago

They can’t get grouped because that grand final in emea has no stakes play fantuc will stop saving strats in masters tokyo they are qualified for playoffs alrefay and plus that last series was weird chronicle had this by far worst series this year derke was not playing good as well pretty much every one except alfajer was missing shots they normally hit and boaster was making really weird calls all series long this was just an off game plu when you add the fact that fnatic were saving strats since they already qualified for masters tokyo playoffs skipping the groups and still playing a close series with team liquid at peak form they will be fine it’s not every day you get chronicle dropping 40 kills across 4 maps

posted 11 months ago

Finally a liquid that isn’t arrogantly claiming they are better than fnatic just because they beat them fnatic have been saving strats the entire vct emea not just the split but the playoffs as well and since the grand final didn’t really matter in terms of whether they went to playoffs or group stage as they confirmed playoffs by getting to the final they weren’t going to throw away all their work of getting to masters tokyo playoffs by try Harding and showing all their strats in a grand final that realistically had no stakes plus fnatic were having an off day boasters calling was very weird and everyone but alfajer was missing shots they normally hit 9 times out of 10 especially chronicle and derke they usually play much better chronicle only had 40 kills after 4 maps 2 maps went to 13-11 and 1 map went to 14-12 with the last one going to 13-6 he got that same amout of kills in against fut or even more i mean on 3 maps that were 13-9 13-2 and 13-1 the fact that fantuc still played a close series with both derke and especially chronicle playing so bad against a liquid side that was playing so well is quite frankly frightening to me it’s shows just how truly terrifying fantuc are the fact that they had a chance to win the series with their start duelist underperforming their igl making weird uncharacteristic calls and 1 of their players having his worst series for fnatic so far it shows how good they are Leo was playing quite well and alfajer was a monster but if only 2 of your players are playing at that high of a level and they are still playing a close series with liquid once they start actually suing their tactics and stop saving their strats at masters tokyo and all their players are back to this normal selves they will be frightening plus soulcas who is usually inconsistent was having a great series as well so liquid hit the jack pot that series a rare derke and chronicle off series, a boaster igl off series and a soulcas great series honestly if fnatic still won this series they might just be unbeatable with how much was going in liquids favour for this matchup

posted 11 months ago

Yeah Iin terms of rating in terms of acs fkpr and every other stat that duelists get compared on he was getting destroyed by derke plus 1 bad game from derke doesn’t make sayf better wait until masters when fnatic actually stop saving strats and aren’t having an off day like today sayf will be destroyed by derke just like every other time they’ve played

posted 11 months ago

Fanatic get 2 bans just like prx did they will ban pearl and most likely ascent plus to are not better at bind than fnatic, fnatic crushed them last time also fnatic are most likely better at split as well they crushed the same team that tl crushed on split but 13-2 instead of 13-5 plus every time that tl have come against fnatic sayf has gotten diffed on every map except lotus which went to overtime and now that fnatic will be prepared for liquid and their change of comp fnatic will win easier than last time and also alfajer was not playing that well last game against liquid it still ended 2-0 it will not be 3-2 it will most likely be 3-0 with a very small chance of 3-1 but most likely 3-0

posted 11 months ago

Especially considering fnatic won the upper finals meaning they get 2 bans they get to ban not only pearl but another map as well it means tl have to beat them on 2 of bind, lotus, haven and fracture and they will have to win split or ascent to be able to beat fnatic which is very hard to do with fnatic in control of the map pool it’s pretty much over

posted 11 months ago

No worries I edited it down to a more readable level

posted 11 months ago

it might work against Americas teams but not emea teams due to the way each region plays ten game and more specifically the comps they use

posted 11 months ago

That’s the point I bring up his raze stats in playoffs he’s only played raze and is averaging over 300acs the 1 who can’t accept the facts is you as jingg is not the best raze player literally statistically the only way to compare players who aren’t playing against each other derke is not only the best raze statistically but the best player while playing raze at the moment only check playoff stats and compare jingg and derke both have only played the raze but derke’s numbers are way higher

posted 11 months ago

Yes but that’s the point we are discussing who is the best raze itw that is factually at the moment derke it doesn’t matter who’s movement is better tabs not how you judge how good a player is you judge them on their performances they are duelists the numbers that matter the most is kills and that argument is stupid yay was the best player in the world last year but that was largely due to his teams support but nobody made that argument then and plus jingg is inconsistent derke is the very picture of consistency

posted 11 months ago

The discussion is about the best raze itw and derke even diffed aspas in the grand finals of lock-in while playing 3 maps on raze he the only 2 maps aspas wasn’t diffed on was split where they tied in kills and icebox where aspas got 3 more kills if derke can diff aspas while he is on jett and derke is playing raze I would say derke is a pretty ridiculous raze plus derke literally got over 400 acs on 1 map on raze just a few days ago you can’t then tell me that jingg is clear we are talking about the beta raze in the world not who has the best tech on raze in the world there’s a difference jingg isn’t putting up the stats that derke is on raze hence jingg is not clear of derke he is actually worse in fact I’m not saying jingg isn’t one of the best but if you look at it from a neutral viewpoint ignore tech and just focus on impact and stats derke is better than jingg

posted 11 months ago

He also diffed aspas in the final of lock-in on 3 maps 2 of them he was playing raze and 1 of those maps he even lost lotus the only 2 maps he wasn’t diffed was split where he got the same amount of kills again derke was on raze and also icebox where aspas got 3 more kills

posted 11 months ago

derke is literally averaging over 300 acs at the moment in emea playoffs and he’s only played raze to say he’s miles off shows how ignorant you are he is literally putting up the best numbers in the world and he’s not even using his best agent jett he’s doing it on raze

posted 11 months ago
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