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Registered: August 23, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 4:43 PM
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I feel japan gonna b number 1 after tokyo. I think they cheer for everyone bc their culture is pretty humble and into val.

posted about a year ago

dad buff

posted about a year ago

I think this is pretty complicated. If I were an igl I would make sure everyone else is in their comfort role and then fill. I feel that if take away someones comfort role, then it takes away from their potential fragging and playmaking. For example, yesterday fns played kayo on ascent. victor used to play it b4 bc his util was insane on it and kayo played it a little like an entry. the whole team then looked so off yesterday bc of the role switch. Like on other maps crashies used to be the primary imitator but now is playing viper and kj. His fragging is so down compared to when he is on initiator.

posted about a year ago

very much agree, keep crashies on primary initiator. they can switch ardiss and victor if they really wanna play raze. I also feel they are the only team not forcing jett like other teams are.

posted about a year ago

just go back to the old roles lol. let fenis play sentinel and viper in double controller comps. s0m keep doing wat hes doing. keep crashies on primary initiator. let victor flex. And let ardiss play duelist and u can switch him with vic if u want for raze.

posted about a year ago

i think its just for this week thats wat they made it seem like

posted about a year ago
very well said. i can c y they let victor play raze but cmon jett, really. Like chamber really made ardiss that bad at playing jett even though he played it last year and was good at it.

posted about a year ago

i say move fns to kj. on ascent today it was all fucked up. like y would u sign ardiss to be your jett and put him on kj. victor util on kayo is insane but u instead put him on jett. idk with this team anymore.

posted about a year ago

Just pls put nrg above 100t. We all know 100t are the biggest frauds in the league and their remaining games are all against the top teams.

posted about a year ago

its bc they losing too teams that they should be beating like mibr and c9. It looks like they are in a really a really bad form especially ardiss.

posted about a year ago

i feel loud arent gonna go too hard until playoffs, no reason to show off any new tech.

posted about a year ago

lmao classic zellsis

posted about a year ago

yea that aint happening mans going back to streaming and upping his pay check for free agency

posted about a year ago

i love marved but bros playing long game. he going back to streaming after this week and let everyone beg for him to save sen again. Mans then gonna ask for hella money in free agency.

posted about a year ago

only way is if ardiss returns to form. I think they have a lot of issues with their roles. like y r 4 ppl playing kj. i do think they have some cooked up stuff and cringe comps for the playoffs but the problem is that they need to make it there first.

posted about a year ago

wat u expect its na vs na. someone gotta kick their pc for a reset. or c9 were trolling and ff middle of game

posted about a year ago

I dont know if its true but I dont think aspas best quality is his aim or his cracked op skills. I think its his movement because whenever I watch him, he would be in a spot where he should be dead or traded but he escapes somehow. Also whenever he does die, I notice that he delays his death as long as possible so his teammates can trade him instantly. I rarely c him get caught out in a bad position or off guard.

posted about a year ago

Who are the most clutch players in the world? I personally have mostly only watched optic so I would say icy jimmy. The only other person I have seen clutch some ridiculous situations is shao. I think shao is better then marved in the 1v2 and 1v3 but not in 1v1. Jimzo just too ice cold in the 1v1.

posted about a year ago

lil bro drx aint beat optic once, granted all their matches were close asf and all bangers

posted about a year ago

I would say yay didnt look good but he also didnt look too bad for a debut. He didnt have the support he had when he was on optic so I think he still has to get used to that. Also they have only been practicing with yay for like 2-3 weeks. I would say give him about 2-3 matches and then we can evaluate properly from there.

posted about a year ago

idk if its just me but nrg (optic) always play so dookie and then in playoffs and important games, all of a sudden they turn into a demon mode team and destroy everyone.

With all that being said tho NA stinks EU stinks. SA fucks us.

best match is kc vs eg loser gotta disband as an org.

posted about a year ago

i mean really NA was just a 1 team region in optic. Then riot fucked them in franchising.

posted about a year ago

here have eg kc and dfm play in a tourney against each other to determine who gets demoted. shit will b trolling and funny 2 watch. the team that gets demoted is who trolls and throws the most.

posted about a year ago

I got u
1) com
2) cryo
3) boostio
4) jawgemo
5) ethan
6) derrek
7) dephh
8) tenz
9) stellar
10) keith

posted about a year ago

i would put leaf for c9 bc that man just w keys and runs at u on any agent

posted about a year ago

uh yay had the best jett b4 chamber. He just abused chamber bc of how broken it was b4 the nerfs

posted about a year ago

Marved is really good but he was a system player in optic. He was pretty average on faze b4. Although Im pretty sure marved is better then tenz, tenz brings in the views and clout.

posted about a year ago

kc + eg the most troll team(shit will be entertaining and funny to watch tho)

posted about a year ago

They need to shift back to pre set plays instead of mid rounding. Stellar aint suited for that type of calling bc he can frag with it but his calling is doggy making his team look bad.

posted about a year ago

I mean this is wat sen gets for signing marved as 6th man knowing he cant play rn.

posted about a year ago

when they had sean they went off of pre set plays for each round. After he left they been going towards more mid rounding bc stellar is more comfortable. Stellar has been fragging but his calls have been god awful. Because hes not making good calls, the rest of the team are not in good positions to frag or to win rounds.

posted about a year ago

bc he is ice cold

posted about a year ago

Cmon dont u know we not in it for the competition. We in it for the memes content clips and clout.

posted about a year ago

guys we just trolling when we say yay got killed by chambeer
like chill

posted about a year ago

Im pretty sure they been doing this already lol. They been running the most basic comps and Im pretty sure chet and fenis cooked smth up

posted about a year ago

Its wat we do when top na team loses to worst br team. They threw a lot of rounds tho especially on split i with getting first blood like 75% of time.

posted about a year ago

i thought when they had sean they went off like pre set plans. Ever since he left tho stellar wanted to play more mid rounding stuff bc he said he feels more comfortable. Now this mf igl is fragging but the rest of the team looks so shit.

posted about a year ago

USA USA USA o fuck theres so much homeless ppl here.

posted about a year ago

nitr0 igl tho and he really isnt known for fragging

posted about a year ago

How much better r cs pros then val pros? Im asking this bc Im pretty sure if s1mple, zywoo, yekindar, niko, monesy, twistzz, and all the other good cs dudes can come to val and dominate. Im pretty sure if ppl like aspas, yay, derke, and all the other val ppl went to play cs they would get shit on even in tier 2.

posted about a year ago

lmao i mean surely they can beat kru "RIGHT"

posted about a year ago

I mean u kind of not wrong. fs no one is beating drx in pacific. only team that can beat fnatic in emea is navi. Now Americas is another story. Only team I having a chance rn at beating loud is furia and leviatan. When yay returns tho and depending on wat team, it might change.

posted about a year ago

lmao tarik would have to play. Sen big brain to sign marved as 6th man but cant even use him bc he got no visa. Now they actually need a 6th man.

posted about a year ago

mans saving ardiss job rn

posted about a year ago

jizz on fenis

posted about a year ago
as long as this dont happen they should b fine

posted about a year ago

tf fact com not last is mind boggling to me

posted about a year ago
After watching this vid, their comms r insanely good. Fenis is good at calling but victor and crashies mid round calls seem crisp. They literally just been telling som and keith to hold an angle and aim.

posted about a year ago

just make them face each other at every tourney at this point for the memes. the amount of funny trolling and content will b more entertaining then the actual finals

posted about a year ago

he has a really good jett and sage but they forced him on sentinel where he looked so uncomfortable. babybay was missing hella op shots

posted about a year ago
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