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Registered: April 9, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 9:18 AM
Posts: 423
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i always see a raze farming the ult so fast in pro play so thats the reason i think it should be 9 cost and it has a site wide impact like a kj ult or breach ult it forces you to play retake unless you kill the raze super early

posted 1 week ago

i mean i think hed be good but the shield still has a wind up its not instant and the wall is just a slightly smaller harbor wall thats bullet proof. the ult sucks right now this the only change i could think of that would make it good.

posted 1 week ago

thats a good change would defiantly make him a lot better just thinking about if that would lead to too many abilities in one round since riot wants to keep the game far from overwatch level

posted 1 week ago

just thought up a devour rework lmk what u think

posted 1 week ago

whats an example of a change breaking the agent?

posted 1 week ago

duelists have always been problematic for the games design our first look into how flawed the role is was phoenix getting power creeped by an agent who isnt even in his class. they got themselves into a spot where a sub class was competing with an entirely different role which is really hard to address when one is fundamentally more useful then the other. with raze and jett both are overpowered and have been for the entire games lifespan and because of just how overpowered they were/are it took riot a long time to nerf them because each stayed in the meta for a very long time so we didnt get to see the other thrive bc pros valued jett at its best higher then raze. the core issue here is that half the duelist roster doesn't actually compete with the overpowered duelists this is what i would do to fix it.

Raze: Imo raze satchel is still too multiuse so by limiting the other uses for it the fun factor will still be there but its still a big nerf and the rocket has a little too much impact compared to other duelist ults

  • Blast Pack no longer moves enemies
  • Showstopper is 9 cost

Neon: shes already decent but where as other duelists with abilities similar have counter play to sentinel set ups she has none and some of her kit leaves a bit to be desired

  • Neon can slide through trips to break them
  • Neons stun now instantly starts to wind up upon impact instead of waiting for the second bounce
  • Neons wall now does damage to enemies if they touch it (just bring back the old damage tick)

Yoru: he sits in a niche between phoenix and jett he can in some scenarios fill the role of a primary duelist but in most cases is a secondary duelist. I've noticed to counter yoru teams will just wait out his tp at the start of the round and for an agent like yoru you shouldn't be able to wait out his viability imo.

  • Remove gatecrash timer

Iso: this agent makes no sense to me as to why it was added it doesnt fit either duelist sub class and sits in a niche between reyna and a controller. i think this agents design is shit but without reworking this is the only way i see it being balanced and maybe viable.

  • Double Tap now activates a shield immediately on wind up
  • Wall increased in size and can now be stopped like a harbor wall
  • Wall now has two charges
  • Iso can no longer die in his ult he instead respawns at the point he casted it
  • Double Tap additional charge Costs 100 Credits
  • Iso Wall Costs 150 Credits Per Charge

Phoenix: Hes basically a flash initiator without the info so you have to make every ability as impactful as possible to make him able to compete.

  • Phoenix Molly is now as big as gekkos
  • Phoenix Molly Regenerates After A Single Kill
  • Phoenix Wall Now can be casted through Walls
  • Phoenix Molly and Wall can each heal himself to full hp

Reyna: Imo has no way to be balanced without a rework she has an issue only she has that being she punishes sloppy trades in ranked which makes her insane in ranked but has zero team utility so she cant be used effectively in coordinated play.

  • Leer Now is Unbreakable
  • Leer Has 1 Charge
  • Upon a kill you will activate the ability to dismiss and it can be used at any time throughout a round
  • Dismiss Only Has 1 Charge
  • Devour Rework works like a breach c deploy it on a angle has a wind up once it pops it begins sucking the life out of anyone in its radius it ticks for 20 hp with a max of 6 ticks with each tick on a enemy reyna gains 20 hp it can over heal
  • Devour Has 1 Charge and Costs 300 credits
  • Reyna Ult Works the same you get a dismiss on each kill and over heal after each kill. if you get a kill in ult and dont dismiss and your ult runs out you will still have the ability to be able to dismiss

lmk what you think about my ideas especially reyna im sure somebody has better ideas then me just thought id give my ideas for a patch to fix this issue.

posted 1 week ago

its in a cave

posted 1 week ago

2093 clears that atrocity

posted 1 week ago

mf put steel as a hm 💀💀💀💀💀

posted 1 week ago

are we fucked in the head? g2 is entirely a macro team if you think the calling is bad you needa check yourself into a mental asylum

posted 1 week ago

recency bias has got to be the most retarded shit ive ever heard in terms of valorant if you can explain to me why im biased towards a certain time period in valorant ill agree with you.

posted 1 week ago

ang0l and b0aster is how

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

didnt say boaster hasnt shown he can do it with multiple rosters explained why fns is on the list which should be a given

posted 1 week ago

hello poeple of may 19th 2024. gen.g just won shanghai im from the future sorry for the spoiler.

posted 1 week ago

asuna_yuuki was this you....

posted 1 week ago

this aint gonna age well....

posted 1 week ago

i agree 😭😭

posted 1 week ago

yeat snippet may 18th 2024 :)

posted 1 week ago

are we fucked in the head?

posted 1 week ago

he got fucked by franchising grinded tier 2 with his team won ascension and made it to the second international tournament he could have in vct. the valyn international choker only gonna work for a few more days lmao

posted 1 week ago

we have never seen fns shit the bed for half a season and hes proved he can do it with multiple rosters. also fns > boaster aim wise

posted 1 week ago

tf is recency bias? why would i not take into consideration how they are preforming currently?? and why would i be biased to a certain time? we are currently in the most competitive version of the game we have seen its more impressive to be good right now then in 2021. if you want a igl legacy ranking then go make one its pretty self explanatory just rank consistency and trophies.

posted 1 week ago

ive been saying valyn is a top igl for years yall doubters will see never had more faith in a players skill. also

posted 1 week ago

when valyn poops on paper rex you will call him daddy

posted 1 week ago

😭😭 bros a prx insider

posted 1 week ago

he missed masters berlin and failed to do anything at any of those events besides reykjavik 2021 which is a fraudulent tournament in valorant stone age

posted 1 week ago

fns aint even playing this year and with 100t making shanghai as first seat there is no world in which they dont make champs so how is fns better than boostio? why are we coping for boaster fnatic wouldnt have even made playoffs in any other region or any other bracket in emea for that matter they won against vitality with a sub and the other team in their group was m8s. even this split they looked bad until lower grand final. sure you can defiantly argue he should be higher bc of his legacy and consistency but he also cant shoot back and if you think none of the igls higher then him could have his consistency with the caliber of players he has on his team idk what to tell you.

posted 1 week ago

ranking them based on players overall trying to take in their success igling in to account

posted 1 week ago

redgar cant shoot and hasnt won anything for 3 years his legacy is the only reason hes on the list and munchkin is newer to igling he hasnt been igling his whole career and on his 2nd roster igling he brings his team to a grand final which they defiantly could have won hes improved a lot this year compared to last year and he is a demon in the server where as a lot of igls cant shoot back obv if he flops after shanghai and all of next year he'd be lower but atp i dont see that happening especially with how gen g is calling.

posted 1 week ago

yeah my fault new list

  1. jingg
  2. forsaken
  3. d4v4i
  4. something
  5. mindfreak
  6. saadhak
  7. boostio
  8. fns
  9. valyn
  10. munckin
posted 1 week ago

lmao i dont even know whos calling each round how tf do i include them

posted 1 week ago

boaster is more accomplished obv but valyn has been consistently great with his calling for 3 years and can shoot back unlike boaster. valyn also has significantly worse players on his team compared to boaster and has still made his team look better than fnatic this year even with a roster change. legacy wise boaster clears so far but in terms of calling and if i was building a super team i would take valyn any day.

posted 1 week ago

boos mid rounding breaks down sometimes and hes only made 1 event redgar has a championship and looked really good on liquid last year until the team died behind the scenes so he obv has was it takes still boo aint far behind tho

posted 1 week ago

he improved a lot and has a championship and is currently proving he can do it on multiple teams him being shit before 2023 is the only reason he isnt above saadhak

posted 1 week ago

he cant shoot back and this year his igling hasnt been good ive only seen 2 games from this year that have looked good that being lower and grand finals split 1 but he is the most accomplished igl so hes above people who can actually shoot back.

posted 1 week ago

ranked them based on fragging power, the general calling style across all teams, how consistently their reads are right, and accomplishments. obv ive never been on a team so idk how each of their systems work etc so its hard to rank but i did by best.

  1. Saadhak
  2. Boostio
  3. FNS
  4. valyn
  5. munchkin
  6. johnqt
  7. Boaster
  8. ANGE1
  9. MrFalin
  10. Redgar
posted 1 week ago

gen g is gonna take the trophy home not choker rex

posted 2 weeks ago

union beat m80 last year

posted 2 weeks ago

for their time yes but this list is based on the best teams we had seen play valorant and 2021 was the caveman era all of those teams flopped in 2022 and showed a lack of adaptation and 2022 a majority of teams were also clueless and they couldnt even beat the other clueless teams. if u think gambit 2021 vs eg 2023 would be a close match idk what to tell you.

posted 2 weeks ago

drx could be a hm the other teams suck ass good players tho for the most part

posted 2 weeks ago


kicks is good

posted 2 weeks ago

at least it wasnt a 10-2 lead to eg

posted 2 weeks ago

number 1 g2 hater spotted

posted 2 weeks ago

what is it gonna take for people to stop underrating them i genuinely think they could place top 4 and people would still hate

posted 2 weeks ago

game of thrones
breaking bad
clone wars

posted 2 weeks ago
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