Flag: United States
Registered: April 19, 2022
Last post: May 25, 2024 at 12:27 AM
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imma keep it real buddy c9 aint beating g2.. or even sen if they can make it

posted 3 weeks ago

me im actually down to give it to apac honestly.. we win champs ofc

posted 3 weeks ago

LEV KRU LOUD... possible? i dont know but i dont really trust 100t or C9.. or even G2 if they lose to LOUD tomorrow given how leaf just crumbles in playoffs

posted 3 weeks ago

that doesnt seem to be the way riot is treating other agents so why omen.. i personally think his abilities are little too strong which cannot be competed against with the current set of abilities of the other controllers

posted 4 weeks ago

any non-duelist/support agent will be rated highly based on flash + molly abilities.. other controllers dont have these abilities which compete with omen's flash.. brim has a molly but tbh its pretty trash and only works on some maps (bind) to an extent

posted 4 weeks ago

thats what im saying.. also unavoidable flashes bro is too good

posted 4 weeks ago

top 3 agent pickrate across regions.. how did this agent get a buff? also played a decent amount in ranked

posted 4 weeks ago

100t play loud/eg in single elim.. they will crash out

posted 4 weeks ago

how about a oily orgy 4sum instead 🥰🥰🥰

posted 4 weeks ago

as fns said aspas always been the second best every year which is how he keeps that spot

posted 4 weeks ago

whatever they do never enough to please 100% of the people

posted 4 weeks ago
  1. there is no material evidence of yay's alleged bribing.
  2. idk why all of you sen flairs are so hell bent on moving the narrative towards hate from the community.. sure every other pro gets obliterated on twitter/reddit/vlr based on a single bad performance on a single half of a map and the hate might be proportional to the popularity of the pro BUT an actual support system is more than just twitter/reddit/vlr posts.. its the fact that some pros continue to find opportunities to prove themselves while others not so much.. case in point - i can bet if jawgemo's team does not win for another 2 years he may not find a team, much less a team built around him for his success.
posted 4 weeks ago

ya and niether did tenz have to jump from tier 3 players to apac ascension winners thats kinda pretty important aswell..

posted 4 weeks ago

entire champ winning EG team had to split up because of EG being a shit org - that in itself is an example of how those pros have to suffer this year because of a lack of support system. imagine if they won the title on SEN - would they split up? just an example. sen didnt play a single international lan for 2 years and every pro gets fired on that team but 1.. u cannot convince me that tenz has an incomparable support system which other dont.. even his ex-teammates like shahzam and dapr and zombs have spoken about this. pancada i bet would have something to say about it aswell

posted 4 weeks ago

celebrity worship is a disease but all good

posted 4 weeks ago

you say that as if tenz is the only champ player who does that.. again im not even discounting his contribution but pointing out the fact that others dont enjoy the same privileges that tenz does even if they have achieved similar success.

i mean i've seen people bring up his fiance's health situation or his own to defend his performances on this forum but the same consideration is never afforded to other pros

posted 4 weeks ago

hard to quantify who is getting more hate but my point is other pros dont find the same support so they might actually never make a comeback. bro literally got unlimited chances which is redeemed again after madrid

posted 4 weeks ago

its 4 sentences tiktok brain

posted 4 weeks ago

im happy dude won another major but looking at the state of other prev NA champions and how they are being treated on poor performances.. gotta say tenz is the luckiest to have the support system in sentinels and fans in general.. i remember in 2022 when his team was dogshit and there was a match where a skye dog had the same kills as him.. sure he got shit on by a few but sentinels immediately picked up champs to surround him in 23 and then again in 24.. like i dont see demon1 or anyone else being this lucky.. they cannot afford to have poor performances for 2 years

posted 4 weeks ago

was always decent-ish player + good support on a team with insane chemistry last year.. mid IGL

posted 1 month ago

its impossible to know everyone's personal situation, if we take that into account this website will be dead since no one to troll

posted 1 month ago

post is about na yet a navi flair slithers in his way

posted 1 month ago

i like johnqt but it probably still is fns.. i mean the only time optic core did not make an international lan was madrid (since 2022). his team always found a way

posted 1 month ago

i dont think there is any doubt americas is the most dominating region.. i just wanna give apac 1 win cause we took 2 back to back from them

posted 1 month ago

well 100t lost to sen and still have nrg and kru to play so idk about them yet.. kru looks good for sure and lev looks decent but idk if they can keep it up to win all the way

posted 1 month ago

na i dont fk with emea.. this website becomes unbearable if they win.. u can have a masters.. take it or leave it. china takes it if u leave it

posted 1 month ago

also let new players rep americas - 100t, kru, lev

posted 1 month ago

none of the americas team look really strong... im down to root for apac to win their first international trophy.. we come back and take the champs

posted 1 month ago

thats understandable ur mad cause he prolly owned ur favorite player while on optic

posted 1 month ago

where is the proof if it was actual bribery or someone frustrated and saying they will pay thousands of dollars to get rid of someone.. context/tone matter.. bro provided 1 screenshot of random discord message with no concrete proof. you will automatically assume yay is on the wrong there if you hate him for no reason.. which i hope majority of pro players dont do

posted 1 month ago

"guys come on we NEED to call our mollies" is that toxic and bad behaviour? asking all the pookies who think yay was toxic in genghstas braindead clip?

posted 1 month ago

feel so sad that sharing the server with yay is going to be the highlight of his entire life.. go to his twitter every other like or subtweet is about yay.. at this point i wouldnt be surprised if he beats his shit to him too.. such a sad life

posted 1 month ago

where is the proof for any of the 10k shit? unless i heard actually audio clips of this happening i wouldnt know what to say.. it could have been a frustrating "bro i will give u thousands of dollars to get rid of him" that doesnt mean shit.. these guys (genghsta, coach etc) are low tier low achieving pests who will never amount to anything in valorant or any esports lol.. they are obviously stirring the pot to make themselves relevant

posted 1 month ago

never heard any complaint from Optic players so what u on about... bro is saying awful human, awful toxic omgg - thats just how competitive environment is.. alot of people get toxic.. s1mple, tarik, stew, and even tenz gets passive aggressive when he doesnt like what his team is doing because they hold the team to a higher standard.. it is never anything personal

how unlucky was the c9 situation? leaf goes to duelist saying "role clashes" and now leaf is back on sentinel for g2 like make ur mind up

posted 1 month ago

what did c9 achieve at the end of the year? not a single international LAN match. leaf goes to duelist saying "role clashes" and now bro is back on sentinel for G2

posted 1 month ago

those teammates havent done shit ever. how about that.. always been mid

posted 1 month ago

coulda woulda shoulda
whats stopping him from shanghai and champs.. lets see

posted 1 month ago

i asked him what does he think of fns s0m trent verno leaf on g2 next year and he said fire!!! perfect! - on fns stream

posted 1 month ago

battle of 2 sewer rats.. im good

posted 1 month ago

wait did this happen in ranked game? is there a clip?

posted 1 month ago

demon1 on bleed or dsg would suck too lets be honest here

posted 1 month ago

its cause there is no team this season which looks 100% solid.. we had Fnatic last year, LOUD/Optic before that.. but 2024 seems to be up in the air.. no one can predict the top 4 shanghai

posted 1 month ago

thats not ego, immature maybe but he is probably just saying to boost himself up.. most people with an ego act and talk like they know better than everyone all the time.. atleast in my experience

posted 1 month ago

it was fine when he was the underdog and EG was winning when no one thought they would.. i dont think he is able to handle the pressure of constant comparisons with opposite duelists (oxy, zekken etc) on social media.. something people after success have to go through like tenz and yay have or even aspas, derke

posted 1 month ago

socially awkward is right.. so many young men behave that way because they dont know any better.. most of them grow out of it..

posted 1 month ago

yall braindead.. he never had any ego.. his shit talking isnt even ego its just that he didnt know how to talk or what to say and since some people liked him shooting bodies and saying he doesnt care while winning he continued with it

seen so many guys (especially teens) who act this way cause they dont know how to act.. he is growing out of it too

what people like shazam have is ego

posted 1 month ago

sacy champion 22 and masters madrid.. ur braindead

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago
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