Flag: Mexico
Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 7:03 AM
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lev has mazino kingg and nzr but on NA c9 is the most flexible roster without a doubt, maybe NRG is close enough with som victor and ardiis but we´ll see.

posted about a year ago

i think marved isnt playing ascension next year at least at the start so the best option is to keep aproto or get Moose imo.

posted about a year ago

shyy is a better fade/skye and nzr its more of a sova/breach roles are fine imo

posted about a year ago

maybe he is just going to LA to learn proper english and then lev will have a cracked raze to sell, and a cracked 6th man in case anyone isnt able to play also keznit wins from this since he will grind on NA servers and might play NA rankeds and against NA teams.

posted about a year ago

buddy watch the roles on most maps dephh plays astra ayrin plays viper and omen and also bcj does, wtf are you talking about?

posted about a year ago

exactly what xset did whats the matter with it?

posted about a year ago

not enough ngl

posted about a year ago

id rather get baddyG or Falltw than Kpzet but good roster nonetheless

posted about a year ago

kingg and keznit are both top 10 razes of the world and im pretty sure keznit diffed kingg in like 7/8 times they played against but ok

posted about a year ago

i want to see if koi is going to put a fight since pretty much all their roster has underrated players

posted about a year ago

because he is already a full time streamer, even when he played vct he streamed after and before the matches, that mfer has a stream addiction.

posted about a year ago

he is wrong about rest of latam everytime bro

posted about a year ago

thanks for the info i hope they really remove smokers from the game

posted about a year ago

smokers dont have to comm that much do they? did zombs commed a lot?

posted about a year ago

mazino plays brim nzr plays omen kingg plays viper and all good since they already flexed that agents well on the past.

posted about a year ago

english, spanish, omw to learn portuguese and japanese

posted about a year ago

nothing against him tbh just trying to point out you dont need to be a college english teacher from harvard to say "3 on site, 1 on cubie, lets rotate guys they are planting b"

posted about a year ago

actually i learnt english only typing on youtube comments years ago, and people think learning a new lenguage its like learning quantum physics LMAO you can learn languages in a lot of places specially english so it is not a excuse for not letting him on a tier 1 team on NA/emea like ardiis speaks english like he has a potato on his mouth and he joined NRG

posted about a year ago

buddy has +300 acs on flex agents in a lot of maps but people still underrate him lmao

posted about a year ago

huh? you only said "yea dude" how is that supposed to be bad engl... hold up

posted about a year ago

david p and ambi on prime giants? lmao one with monsterr was def better imo

posted about a year ago

you have to be an NPC bro there is no way you really mean what you wrote

posted about a year ago

fyi he was the second best on guild and the team was literally 4vs5 ing emea and made playoffs on masters by playing the same way

btw he has the same stats as tier 1 duelists playing support initiators (breach/sova/fade on +200 acs on masters and lcq instead of typical flex kay o and skye which are the aggresive ones)

posted about a year ago

lev,drx,c9(if they dont choke), nrg, NAVI,TL
able to win 1 map or put up a fight: zeta,t1,Loud,100T,sen,KOi,VIT

posted about a year ago

PRX Jingg and Forsaken supremacy duo

posted about a year ago

melser joining kru tho but i dont think the roster will have the same level as the past one

posted about a year ago

yay abuses chamber: GOAT
taco abuses chamber: OVERRATED
NA moment

posted about a year ago

9z won hours ago LMAO

posted about a year ago

why comparing him to SKgoatssi?

posted about a year ago

+noxxy on good mood and + kappa and they win champions ngl

posted about a year ago

noxxy harbor on a good mood >>>>> yay chamber

posted about a year ago

boom -flipz and - tehbotol are on a downgrade for real and bleed wasnt that bad and now adding the best player of the 2nd best team i dont think it will be easy to beat them so im pretty sure enigma gaming will win ascension

posted about a year ago

he just needs discipline and he joined the most disciplinate valo team of asia and probably of the world so he will be fine.

posted about a year ago

he is the best player available for smokes on the region and imo he is worth the price since he was top fragging against international or apac teams with controllers, even on astra which is nerfed af

posted about a year ago

so who plays smokes on talon then??? will it be like t1?

posted about a year ago

yeah i edited it so i dont mess up the thread your welcome

posted about a year ago

saving the best for last

posted about a year ago

kru vs gmb or drx vs fpx it was also a banger

posted about a year ago

they cant pay that team bro

posted about a year ago

slightly better so that way we dont have 50000000 smurfs instalock of dps, that dont even play with the team.

posted about a year ago

tenz might switch to ow 2 ngl

posted about a year ago

we need a sentinels valorant iceberg ngl

posted about a year ago

this is the best sentinels take and actually it wasnt that hard

posted about a year ago

starxo raze > babybay raze

posted about a year ago

idk will edg/zeta/prx attend?

posted about a year ago

i´ll change my flair to leviatan forever, i know, all the odds might get kru on at most 7th, but i got the krupium of xand helping klaus with calls so there is finally more than 1 brain on the team, and daveeys finally playing with 4 teammates instead of 1 so he can be comfortable on risking and not screwing the round because he dies and the rest cant do shit. also nagzet hasnt touched his ceiling yet and he is improving day by day on a more consistent shape so melser wont have to care about playing them 1vs2s to get overtimes, i know levs roster looks slightly better on aim and tactics and they have the potential to win the whole thing, and as a kru fan that makes me salty af because they also took my favourite player with them (mazino), but i still think kru has something planned and will work harder than ever to get a good score on the ranking.

posted about a year ago

yeah but it will be on like 4 months so idk if people is already going there for scrims or for boot camps

posted about a year ago

wow vivo keyd on franchise?????'

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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