Flag: Philippines
Registered: April 8, 2024
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 3:52 AM
Posts: 132
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m80 deserve the spot more, furia looks like they just diffed by radiants (ascendants even)

posted 1 month ago

maybe him leaving tl due to team chemistry issues affected his performance, and going in apeks improved him as a player, and it felt right to him to be with different teammates. sometimes you have to mix and match them with other teams to know where his potential truly are, but I have to say t2 is different from t1 scene, much harder, so it is understandable that he might be just smurfing t2

posted 1 month ago

they focus more on chemistry, i think they did improved well with that, but... enzo's just not the player they need, maybe better than redgar, but he can't even aim even as igl..also something's off with them, they have poor comms and not so coordinated, far from having the synergy or chemistry that they needed to be a better team

posted 1 month ago

yeah i agree, i hope tl become aware that enzo is not what they need, they deserve better igl who is a good player

posted 1 month ago

yes, you can slide it through your stairs to second floor, you can drill it to the wall or buy something that sticks to the wall for clean cable management

posted 1 month ago

like i said actual smurfing, bc they would look sht on t1 even though they look strong in t2.

posted 1 month ago

they said they have chemistry on papers, but I feel like that chemistry will just washed nats and jamppi esp when enzo clutches and you know it all goes wrong, they just let it pass even though enzo could've clutched or have ez kills., enzo will just smile like he didn't do anything wrong will only troll. i don't think chemistry is something tl should focus on their roster. something's off really like I hope nats have better igl and teammates with no big ego. apeks core got big ego really.

posted 1 month ago

apeks look incredible w their winstreaks, like actual smurfing t2

posted 1 month ago

i've seen big gaps score plays on split. 10-2 score curse might happen as t1 got back some rounds on 2nd half but drx diff tl really. even prx 10-2 on bind, they didn't let the comeback happen.

posted 1 month ago

this ai gpt

posted 1 month ago

?? they rich but he knows he's going in military that's why he has a break from the pro scene. it's just that he's unfit to do military because of his health. he can go back pro bc it's not even physical

posted 1 month ago

try buying an ethernet cable connected to ur router in the first floor (they have long ones, as long as it reaches the second floor,) but if u think ur wifi has poor connection when ur in second floor (u can buy a second router too) but it's best if you connect via ethernet cable if you play on PC or laptop. bc I also have the same problem, even if I'm already in front of my router, and I have no problem with my internet speed, but having connection problems ingame.

posted 1 month ago

he can't kill w odin now

posted 1 month ago

if tl don't win this, idk anymore

posted 1 month ago

they were never a superteam, who said that? tl never claims

posted 1 month ago

its ok 0 teams, many trophies emea

posted 1 month ago

he needs to play other guns if he can't kill w odin

posted 1 month ago

don't know what happened to th they usually comeback but still a banger match for vitality.

posted 1 month ago

tf are u talking about? do you think threads in vlr threads and reddit and twitter exist only to say positive things? no. it meant for discussions, you can express something unlikely or be frustrated to your favorite teams, but crossing over the line just pure hate and repetitive braindead comments that won't even help your favorite team, and instead just get affected only bc of this toxic community will not get anything better. they signed up to learn and grow yeah? to accept wins or losses, critics and feedbacks, to be aware, and to know what they can do better as a player, as that is what they signed up for as a player. SO YEAH YOU CAN BE ROUGH HERE ON VLR, AS LONG AS YOU HAVE SOMETHING MEANINGFUL TO SAY.

respect...you know what that means? bro took the "it is what it is" to another level. btw read the last line capitalized on my first comment :) reading comprehensions bro.


posted 1 month ago

ty for this thread, don't listen to people saying "you shouldn't have done this, this community sucks, full of retards anyways, so don't stress it" lol.

this thread should improve this community, and not let them talk sht because it will continue to be like this if there are so MANY bunch of IGNORANTS.

they will be a forever bots, braindead commenters if they stay like this, so we need to change.

posted 1 month ago

ignoring, ok lol, so ppl can bully and talk sht freely?why it's always the people's responsibility to ignore the hate on them when they are human beings, ur basically like saying " a girl like u should ignore rapists, ez! " and then just let the rapists and creeps continue what they are doing, YOU ARE AN ENABLER LOL.you enable people to just talk shit freely to these pros, when these pros even if they have to ignore it, they still feel pain and get affected because of these braindead commenters! ur an enabler, got it? :) WE NEED A SAFE AND NOT TOXIC COMMUNITY, so you guys pls be mindful of everything that you say, it does not mean something to you, but it does mean a lot for these pro players.


posted 1 month ago

they won though

posted 1 month ago

sad to say this but navi will win

posted 1 month ago

they ain't winning if they have delusional igl and coach, they may look good in weak teams but I stopped being delusional and expect it already that they can't go playoffs with a team that is not coordinated and so off.

posted 1 month ago

well this long seems like u crying, no one crying

posted 1 month ago

who's better

posted 1 month ago

well he streams so people watch him play, and he frags

posted 1 month ago

i just saw in his stream, but maybe he's just wearing a swapped jersey or something?

posted 1 month ago

mistic was smurfing t2 that's why they think they deserve t1 so they transferred, but it seems like there is huge difference in the t2 scene compared to t1 making you look like the worst player.

posted 1 month ago

i also agree w you, winning to navi would just be a miracle, but I still think that navi can 2-0 them, I hate the map pool they pick, I like enzo at first because I think he's more effective igl than redgar, but I just don't really see the point that an igl should be a bottom fragger or weak player bc he does the calls,and tbh nats did MORE igl calls than enzo just agreeing to nats all the time, I hate that he's one to be interviewed when they beat koi, when they all carry him. i still think how many teams they might beat this season, if they have igl like that they won't make it to champions, so many good players you can substitute to enzo. he's far to even call a mid player, bc he is not a good player. nats need a better igl. i know enzo try it hard but it's just not it, they need a more effective igl who also plays very well. they also need a better coach. everything that comes from their coach mouth is major copium.

posted 1 month ago
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