Flag: Romania
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: May 26, 2024 at 6:15 AM
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KRU's scrim partners for this tournament were still mainly Chile, Argentina and Br teams. They only started practicing against NA teams very recently (plus they adjusted their starting lineup by removing Klaus). I agree with your other points, but the reality is that DRX actually has better scrim partners and they kept their core 5, it's not even comparable.

In a few months (after KRU will be settled in Los Angeles and scrim against mainly top teams on the continent) your argument will be stronger.

posted about a year ago

He's in the owner's lodge on Emirates Stadium (at Arsenal home matches) quite a lot. Pretty weird that he doesn't know he owns the team that he spent billions of dollars to purchase, and which matches he attends, don't you think?

posted about a year ago

plus Enzo can igl... it's very weird to me that it didn't happen

posted about a year ago

The fact that Enzo is not an initiator on KC is criminal...

posted about a year ago

Valorant is a CPU bound application (not GPU, unlike most other video games). The problem is more than likely related to the CPU or CPU config

posted about a year ago

"Definitely not some of the best food"

If you're willing to spend quite a lot of money, Vegas has arguably the best food and restaurant experiences in US.

posted about a year ago

"the people are too fake for blunt Europeans"

there you go, I fixed it for you

posted about a year ago

The organized crime and bribing of police officer (who also got arrested as part of the raid) is new though, alongside 6 women that provided evidence for human trafficking (and one for rape). That's why DIICOT (organized crime) got involved. People really need to stop being so dumb and believe these fake ass internet personalities.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

There's only so many sideways or backwards passes that a player can do, against a high pressing team, before putting their own teammates in trouble.

Many teams have tried to just 'keep the ball for the rest of the match' and almost all of them have failed.

I get you don't really play football

Golden Goal was a better rule maybe for the entertainment factor, but it was definitely less equitable. For the purpose of increasing competitive integrity, 30min + Penalty AET is a better model. (hence why it got switched from the golden goal rule back in the 90s)

posted about a year ago

thank you

posted about a year ago

american football (the fake one), baseball and golf are outright the most boring sports to watch... and it's mostly commercials anyway

get real please...

posted about a year ago

"Why would the CEO publically tweet something like he did? Bad for business and I'm sure he's aware of that."

G2 Ocelote enters the room

posted about a year ago

ah, I see, that makes more sense now, of course

posted about a year ago

So Riot will allow Jawgemo to play for both EG and SEN?

posted about a year ago

Most consistent team during 2022, both regionally and internationally, when looking at the results of all tournaments objectively.. is considered an embarrassment...

Hmm... ok sure, keep telling yourself that

posted about a year ago

+1 on this... for being such a young team and their first international tournament, this was a good showing from EDG.

With how group A turned out to be, EDG's chances were already really low to make it out, they got unlucky with the draw as well.

posted about a year ago

Yinsu is cool as fuck... that's all that should matter. Everything else you typed there is just useless noise

posted about a year ago

Small suggested adjustments, to what is otherwise a great list:
B: EDG, LEV, 100T, KRU
C: ZETA (since they don't have full roster), XSET, XERXIA

posted about a year ago

but you are...

posted about a year ago

the more honest question is if he can share some

posted about a year ago

was just joking around to be honest lol ;D

posted about a year ago

Watch him going to a team like BLEED for a million bucks

posted about a year ago

It's weird..... on 100T he was benched because he was considered as a "one-trick Jett player"

Now people are saying he's a "one-trick Chamber player"


posted about a year ago

I get what you're saying (eastern european native here), but realistically $30 no longer is a HUGE amount in (not so rich) European countries either.

posted about a year ago

users on this site are very.... interesting. reminds me of hltv.org

posted about a year ago

it's funny to see newcomers to esports that are C9 fans talking shit on 100T, but not realizing that C9 was one of the original merch orgs.

posted about a year ago

xeta and ban are legal residents in US (green card holder or citizen), therefore count as local players (not foreign) in Riot rulebook.

there you go, mystery solved

posted about a year ago

dont get me strated on if a team is from chile/argentina and the other is from mexico, then its just not just bad ping but impossible

Why would anyone get you started with such a stupid take? (besides yourself I suppose) Read that again, slowly.. and remember you're talking about the continent of South America. Mexico would be in the region of their own continent.

posted about a year ago

he wasn't comparing 100T to PRX?

posted about a year ago

Asuna is possibly the only NA player that could replicate Jinngg playstyle from PRX, however, I tend to agree with you and don't believe that overall 100T could successfully replicate PRX strats and playstyle.

posted about a year ago

I don't have a list, but using yours as a reference (a good list), I'd probably replace EG with FaZe

posted about a year ago

I highly doubt FaZe won't be part of the NA list (mainly because of the Org traction/influence)

posted about a year ago

damn... didn't realize. So the entire WeMadeFox/Project_kr are coaches in Valorant, that's really cool for someone like me that used to play 1.6 back in those days :)

posted about a year ago

someone call peri and tell him to start coaching in Val pls

posted about a year ago

Pittsburgh Knights Charity Invitational was one of the first (if not the first) tournament that was pure eSports (not showmatch, twitch, etc).

This had a qualifier that started on April 18th, 2020, towards the beginning of Valorant Beta.
Qualifier was won by the 5 men team that transferred from PubG (HighGround), 4 players of which would end up on 100T alongside Hiko.

Main event was won by mSpaz by beating Highground in the final. mSpaz (mouseSpaz) was an earlier version of TSM (without Wardell and Subroza). This event final took place on April 24th, 2020.

There you go, some history lessons (:

posted about a year ago

.94 times bigger means it's actually smaller by 0.06. You show your americanism ...

posted about a year ago

nice pattern discovery.. let's see if it stays truth at the end of the tournament

posted about a year ago

It is, at least for those people that know English. I won't assume that everyone falls into that category

posted about a year ago

"UEFA created Nations League to prevent European teams playing against South America"

What? you're just making shit up now to somehow suit your argument? UEFA does not have the authority nor jurisdiction to schedule, nor prevent, matches between European and South American teams, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

Brazil and Argentina are between the favorites, much like they were in the last 50 years as well. You should've just left it at that, especially considering the last World Cup both teams were clearly inferior to both France and Belgium (let's not forget, Argentina barely made it out of groups).

posted about a year ago

sneaked is definitely the traditional correct grammatical spelling

posted about a year ago

it's 10-11 on the 3rd map.. what are u even talking about?

posted about a year ago

theoretically, this is probably closer on paper, yes. (the longevity difference between the two is still huge though)

posted about 2 years ago

I didn't address that at all... I just said the two are not comparable achievement wise, which is completely factual and true. Even using your argument, one has to carry the team to the finals over and over again in order to fail multiple times once getting there... one of these dudes gets there, the other one doesn't... period

posted about 2 years ago

Not even comparable... s1mple took teams to major finals, clearly carrying most of the times, multiple times, across multiple years. This is a braindead take, sorry

posted about 2 years ago

Optic is very popular in India. They even had a CS:GO Indian team at some point a few years ago, until.... 1 of the players was caught cheating on LAN (which caused Optic to leave the Indian scene, and pretty much kill it lol , but to no fault of the org)

posted about 2 years ago

this turned out to be a banger of a match (nip vs vk)

posted about 2 years ago

Coming from a white foreigner that moved to US approx 11 years ago:

If you're not white, christian and cannot easily co-exist with racist people, don't move to Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Arkansas, Arizona, South Carolina, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia or Missouri

posted about 2 years ago
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