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Registered: June 15, 2023
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 3:39 PM
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yep. good way to keep up a good reputation...good PR and transparency. When you keep everyone and every thing under tight wraps, speculation happens and then when people finally find out the truth, damage is already done. It's just a crap way to run things overall.

posted 3 months ago

only thing Yay is clearing is his house when he moves back to NA. You heard it here first

posted 3 months ago

if he really said that on stream. they're fighting to not get knocked out rather than fighting to win. Sad way to run the squad

posted 3 months ago

would be nice if this was true, but doesn't seem like they're running a 6-man roster unless something changes behind the scenes

Edit: nm I just saw you put Sacy as coach. lol dang that's a bold prediction

posted 3 months ago

it's Türkiye now btw

posted 3 months ago

with some fine tuning, this can be fire

posted 3 months ago

Some PR is better than zero PR, that's how I see it. Announce it at least so people aren't like huh? You announced Zellsis in a full blown video as 6th man, then Pancada disappears to the bench? Lol. As fans I'm sure they would appreciate knowing some of these things for transparency reasons. It promotes trust in the org and players you're rooting for when you can leave the cards on the table, otherwise it just makes it seem sketchy/shady to hide things like that, just my personal opinion.

posted 3 months ago

same thing i felt. every time a player gets dropped, benched or set to inactive, they never say anything. If they put in that much time, at least have the respect and decency to announce the changes so fans aren't left wondering.

posted 3 months ago

it's a problem overall though. Riot doesn't make money if there's no views or people buying tickets to their events. They're putting a ton of money on booking venues, and paying for a huge production staff just to run these. It's the same as league of legends, eventually the overhead will be too much and they'll have to run layoffs again.

It's good to have more matches for the general fans and pro players but if the viewership is not up to their expectations, it's losing Riot's money.

posted 4 months ago

That's one good thing about these qualifiers, can always see some up-and-coming teams/players.

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Used to play CS 1.6 and watch CS pros play. Found out 3D | Volcano works for Riot and was working on Valorant. So tried out Beta and here we are.

posted 4 months ago

yep, everything right now is just conjecture on paper and past results. Won't know until we see the matches. Excited to see the upsets and surprises.

posted 4 months ago

good one. lol, could always be worse. imagine being a 100T fan.

posted 4 months ago

doubt a person would willingly leave when they had a solid thing going. Betting something wasn't working behind the scenes so he's likely getting replaced so they made room.

posted 4 months ago

Catch a tiger by the toe.

posted 4 months ago

Putting 5 champs together doesn't always equate to good synergies and a winning formula. Let's see what happens. Hoping they can cook up something good.

posted 4 months ago

highly likely to happen too. more teams partnering up the more exposure valorant gets. It's a good idea.

posted 4 months ago

that's some serial killer vibes, not chase is more thrilling than the catch vibes. You can still chase without looking for her info without telling her. That's just straight up stalking at that point lol. not sure if you're serious or trolling.

posted 4 months ago

Feels bad that everyone was able to escape from the original champs team except him. Hope Jawgemo shows everyone what's up with the new squad

posted 4 months ago

There's better role players than him. It's that simple.

posted 4 months ago

that's what happens when you got an org with no money lol. sucks to see.

posted 4 months ago

Looks like a remake of RISE almost lol

posted 4 months ago

I watched him play growing up, he was never top 10, he was just in the right teams at the right time and racked up a lot of championship rings being a regular role player, so he shouldn't be in the conversation.

posted 4 months ago

The fact that you listed Robert Horry shows me you never watched basketball Lol

posted 4 months ago

yeah for some reason OP is just in denial. Both scenarios can be true. SEN can still be good with or without Pancada.

posted 4 months ago

ikr. at that high level, ANYONE can frag. so being a good fragger alone is not enough. for whatever reason they decided to bench him, we'll never truly know unless someone outright leaked it from the org lol.

posted 4 months ago

Smashing in scrims don't always equate to smashing in regular season games. Gotta wait and see my boy.

posted 4 months ago

I never said he wasn't fluent. I said speaking CONFIDENTLY. meaning he could be holding back or not articulating something well enough when things come up. If English isn't your first language it's only natural to hesitate because he's thinking in Portuguese first. No shade on him. that's just the fact, ask anyone who is bilingual or multilingual where English isn't their first language.

posted 4 months ago

wardell washed

posted 4 months ago

I mean yes and no. remember that stint where they kept replacing players? Look how that worked out. took them forever to start winning (aka now) lol

posted 4 months ago

Pancada can very well be better than tenz in-game. but the problem is his lack of speaking confident English hurt him. Imagine you're in a heated battle and your boy just stays quiet and minimal callouts, when a particular callout might have won you the round. Those kind of things they have to consider. Zellsis brought that dynamic where everyone is just speaking and comming freely. It's not always about who the best is, it also matters how well your 5 is communicating and connecting. they could have a better synergy as that 5 vs the 5 with Pancada. Don't think too deep boys.

posted 4 months ago

Just because it doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean it's not used over here so don't need to call people stupid. It's ethnicity-nationality over in the US. Why? Because diversity. If they don't wanna label themselves as just American, they'll say what their ethnic origin is even if they were born in the US.

posted 4 months ago

hope he proves us all wrong lol. because after chamber nerfed and him leaving Optic, he couldn't replicate the same level of success

posted 4 months ago

agreed, he's their golden child. probably drop everyone else before dropping him lol

posted 4 months ago
  1. Chinese (specifically Cantonese cuisine)
  2. Vietnamese
  3. Mexican
posted 4 months ago

solid on paper, let's hope they put in the work to dominate the season

posted 5 months ago

Roster announcement video for those who haven't seen it yet

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

for their sake i hope they didn't get cucked. imagine being world champs only to be homeless after

posted 5 months ago

ikr. both DRX and PRX are the chokers of APAC imo.

posted 5 months ago

Biggest change is that when he was in LOUD, I'm 100% sure they spoke in Portuguese. This is a team game, so even if he's better with English now, it doesn't mean he's able to convey everything quickly and efficiently in-game, which is why Zellsis is probably the better fit, even if his stats and accolades aren't necessarily better than Pancada's

posted 5 months ago

I want SEN to win. Hope they don't choke.

posted 5 months ago

"Exposed" is a term used a lot in FGC (Fighting Game Community) where you're looking mighty strong but then get smashed by all teams/individuals. That's what he means by exposed. Their weakness is showing.

posted 5 months ago

there's a reason why many friends don't work together. This is one of them. If you're going to choose your livelihood or stand in solidarity with your friend you'll lose every single time when sh*t goes down. He has his own family and money to worry about. True immaturity showing from your reply.

posted 6 months ago

Even if they came over together, everyone has to put in the effort and work to stay. That's obvious. Both are grown, if he wants to keep his spot he needed to perform when needed. Sacy is not responsible for Pancada's life. That's on him.

posted 6 months ago

the diff between demon1 and yay is that yay could not carry his T2 team at DSG. But demon1 always been good alone and didn't need the supporting cast. it showed when he joined EG that he was meant to be in the top of the food chain. Yay was good because his supporting cast + chamber made him succeed, demon1 succeeded by helping give the firepower EG lacked at the time.

posted 6 months ago

history repeats itself, always changing shit instead of letting stuff grow as a team. Dummies I swear.

posted 6 months ago

Unless you're actually there with them, on the team, next to them on a day to day basis, everything is all speculation and hearsay. That's my 2 cents. It's very easy for shahz or anyone for that matter to say something and people would eat it up as truth.

posted 6 months ago
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