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Registered: October 15, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 1:51 PM
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posted about a year ago

you sound stupid

posted about a year ago

theres only one damwon player what are you on. And besides you guys dont really watch them anyways

posted about a year ago

goddead is either going +20 or -15, hes more of a content creator. Estrella is actually underrated af but hes not better than k1ng come on now

posted about a year ago

I think he has a lot of potential but suggest instead of iNTRO would have been a banger. But the real demon on the team is eKo that boy is underrated af

posted about a year ago

underrating k1ng, he is very well balanced all around. Its a good team and tbh iNTRO is a hit or miss. He used to be a top korean player but we ll see if he can regain his form

posted about a year ago

what is this dogshit list

posted about a year ago

the language is pretty similar, so if ur korean you already have a head start when learning japanese.

posted about a year ago

isnt kAyle goated at pubg. But hes been grinding for a bit now so it could be him

posted about a year ago

East asia better than sea end of story

posted about a year ago

yea you gotta go

posted about a year ago

zombs was no where near the top overwatch pros. Sinatraa, Saya, Babybay and Corey are better examples and they turned out pretty damn good

posted about a year ago

giannis owns the east come on now

posted about a year ago

lebrons getting to the age where he needs a REAL #2. But AD is just always injured like a biatch and westbrook not being able to shoot while hes also getting older doesnt help at all either

posted about a year ago

doodoo ass team. Poor bron

posted about a year ago

yea you dont know what your talking about

posted about a year ago

nah not top 4 but probably top 6. I like to think more proven players like xeta, Munchkin, saya, and even ban on t1 are better than that roster. But since they are playing in ascension they do look like favorites down there

posted about a year ago

thats why Im calling you delusional. Bleed is not top 4 you are buggin.

posted about a year ago

Yea still delusional. That team has no proven players besides sscary and you placing them top 3 in VPL. Yeaaa you guys are something else. T1 has at least 2 proven players and even I wouldn’t place them top 3

posted about a year ago

LMAO sea fans are so delusional

posted about a year ago

cao ni ma

posted about a year ago

Im eager to see GE's final roster before kick off. I wonder whos getting dropped cause I know skrossi is staying and maybe even LF

posted about a year ago

I honestly dont think thats the issue and I know PH can put together a banger team too. But I just feel like every franchise team has the chance to equally build a strong team but they are refusing to make serious changes. Look at every other region cause most of them are blowing up their rosters and making some insane signings. A lot of these signings in apac are just money moves and some talent wont even be able to find a team

posted about a year ago

realistically monyet should just go to RRQ fucking dumbass org doing their fans dirty.

posted about a year ago

Im pretty sure the new signings are all fighting for a spot on the main roster. Before kick off I bet at least 1 or 2 of the new players wont be on the roster anymore

posted about a year ago

yea hes not too flashy like seoldam or foxy9 but he has a clean playstyle with clean aim imo. Maybe hes just not your type of duelist

posted about a year ago

ibai's reaction to GAM upsetting TOP was genuine happiness LOL

posted about a year ago

damwon just choked that whole tournament especially against CR. Damwon slapped crazy raccoon and even chinese teams in scrims, so them bombing out like that was just sad as fuck. Unfortunate but it happens. And for t3xture he is def a great player maybe he needs to learn a few other agents but when it comes to mechanical skill I cant seem to understand why you dont see it. Hes not flashy but he gets the job done and even more and his stats seem fine to me.

posted about a year ago

you baiting or nah cause I cant take you serious with that double flag flair combo

posted about a year ago

basically what I really meant was current meta is a bot lane meta and rogues strong suit is their botlane/jungler. Now 3 they could have gotten jdg has the weakest bot lane. AND they even give up early leads. Its possible but its gonna have to be an insane performance by rogue.

posted about a year ago

I dont think you understand what the game isnt popular in asia means. Just like how russia is dogshit at league. You guys dont play the game.

posted about a year ago

rogue has better chance vs jdg instead of t1 or geng

posted about a year ago

rogue has hope against jdg if they can contain 369 considering jdg gives up early leads often but has insane teamfighting to make up for it.

posted about a year ago

Chovy lifting the trophy this year

posted about a year ago

A shit ton and it only grows with popularity and when esports is a part your culture with good infrastructure it is inevitable we will produce talent

posted about a year ago

nah t3xture is easily as good as any of the guys you mentioned. I bet his work ethic or personality was the reason he wasnt picked up as fast. Either that or bazzi and him made a money move.

posted about a year ago

sea doodoo region downfraggin you is crazy. I cant wait for 2023

posted about a year ago

Roles will be

posted about a year ago

sea is dogshit stop this nonsense. Prx still hasnt gotten out of groups without a bye. XIA went to 3 straight lans and got grouped all 3 times. SEA fans are deadass the most delusional people on this site.

posted about a year ago

And? that doesnt mean other teams are going to do that too. Looks like Geng just wanted a comfortable roster with roles already figured out. T1 already has like 3 duelists

posted about a year ago

geng has meteor and there arent any spots left for t3xture. All duelists roles are taken

posted about a year ago

that aint even eraser wtf

posted about a year ago

This team got serious potential

posted about a year ago

is ban even confirmed to be moving to korea for t1?

posted about a year ago

you his boyfriend?

posted about a year ago

dont ever lil bro anyone w that name

posted about a year ago

my boy you dumb af. I actually am very closely invested in the east asian scene. Ive kept track of edg for a year now and they ve been farming prx and even drx a few times or any asian team you name it in scrims. Mfers abused teams in scrims what are you on about. They are more than capable of taking top 4. You just in your feelings they are chinese you bum. Ive seen some of your posts now and you say some of the dumbest shit on this forum

posted about a year ago

that matchfixer aint getting on our team. But he cold

posted about a year ago

who would you put above them besides drx, prx and maybe zeta

posted about a year ago
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