Flag: Ireland
Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 2:44 PM
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his role isn't obvious + doesn't put up numbers of other players, very easy to see why people don't understand his importance

posted 1 month ago

other APAC teams improved massively, they have either stayed the same or gotten worse + their stratbook is still very limited

posted 1 month ago

The Climber (Kokou no Hito)

posted 1 month ago

FNC-0 - agree
Navi-0 - agree
KC-0 - agree
TH-1 (Patitek) - he was a stand in anyways so yes
Vitality-1 (Runner) - what?
Liquid-3 (Emil Mistic Keiko) - tf are you on?
Fut-2 (Qrax Ata) - literally the best 2 players?
Gentel Mates-5 - 💀
Giantx-4 (Everyone but Cloud) - they look kinda shit rn so ill give you that one
BBL-6 - they cant pick up anyone else other than the FFX players and theyre staying with fire flux
Koi-4 (everyone but sheydos and barbar) - not keeping starxo and ShadoW is criminal

posted 1 month ago

Movie: Spirited Away
Anime: Made in Abyss/Heavenly Delusion
Manga: The Climber

posted 2 months ago

always happens with the "best player" of each era, if you ever went into s1mple's stream in 2018-2022 you would have seen all this shit as well

posted 2 months ago

fucking wild list lmao but especially d4v41 that far down is a take from someone watched through a radio broadcast

posted 2 months ago

definitely an interesting list

posted 2 months ago

Sliggy, Tarik and TMV bcz I like watching Sen fans get mad for no reason :)

posted 2 months ago

hes done a great job drilling them and keeping them super consistent but cant say he is top 3, judging coaches is really hard unless you can really see the results from players coming in and switching roles like with someone like engh or like mCe used to be before he moved to collegiate

posted 2 months ago

maomao goated

posted 2 months ago

needs a rework like HLTV ranking got, need to prioritise other things like KAST% and FK/FD more heavily

posted 2 months ago

the less you die, the higher the rating

thats why duelists get shafted by it

posted 2 months ago

at the end of the day the game is an fps and this reminds me of a classic Bren quote

posted 2 months ago

ange1 just got giga buffed with clove so who knows what will happen with them now

posted 2 months ago

Karon, Zekken, Alfa, KangKang, Sayf

posted 2 months ago

nah fnc didnt look like the same team as last year, constant simple mistakes

posted 2 months ago

honestly thought I maybe just wasnt enjoying the series anymore but started watching G-8 yesterday and watched the first 4 episodes back to back when I normally only watch 1 per day, so much better

posted 2 months ago

thanks bro 🤝

posted 2 months ago

It is brutal sometimes but also using it for language learning, wanting to become a polyglot one day and currently speak 3 languages B2 or higher and currently know Japanese B1-ish level and it helps quite a lot to have a lot of listening practice for me

posted 2 months ago

favourite part was Conis almost getting smited by Eneru but I cant lie I really did not like them flashbacks

posted 2 months ago

eh im not really into manga, only one I ever got in to was The Climber (really really recommend btw)

posted 2 months ago

not fully caught up and taking my time with it bcz its incredible

posted 2 months ago

the animation just got so much better as well, HD + just smoother in general super excited for the next couple arcs

posted 2 months ago

yeah thats what I hear but fuck me I did not like the Shandians and the 3 episodes I had to watch the backstory I was half asleep

posted 2 months ago

So first time watching one piece and just finished Skypiea a few days ago and watching G-8 and I gotta say Skypiea almost made me quit the show.

I didn't like any characters other than Conis, Pagaya and Eneru, which sounds like a lot but they were barely in the season compared to Wyper or any of the Shandians and I really did not give a single fuck about any of their backstory. It felt more like filler than G-8 does right now. All the fights against the priests felt unimportant to the story and I straight up just didn't like the priests either. Whenever Luffy finally meets Eneru and they fight just for the fight to be held off for a couple more episodes while they tell the history of Upper Yard and make Luffy run up Giant Jack over and over again just killed all excitement.

The whole thing felt drawn out and could have been done in maybe 20ish episodes and the whole story felt unimportant (at least for now, friends tell me it means more like 600 episodes from now 💀).

Another thing was that my favourite characters just weren't in the arc that much. Sanji just got his ass knocked out for most of it, same with Chopper after protecting the Going Merry and Luffy just was inside a snake for half of it. Again, this was to focus on the Shandians and the backstory of Upper Yard, Noland etc.

Did anyone actually think the arc was impactful? Like yeah, it wasn't really bad but coming off Alabasta and into this was just shit but at least I got some banger arcs coming up according to my friends with Water-7 and Enies Lobby + G-8 is really good for filler (way better than Skypiea)

posted 2 months ago

china will be fucking frying

posted 2 months ago

Great final, great crowd, great storylines, great production, great new agent show match, reveal of an actual meta changing agent for the first time in a year

deserved to be the highest viewed event so far

posted 2 months ago

he isnt but EMEA means Europe Middle East Africa, so technically is from EMEA even if he is an NA player

posted 2 months ago

do you know what EMEA means?

posted 2 months ago

both teams probably feeling the nerves, teams never play their best in finals

posted 2 months ago

that clip was the first time I ever seen TenZ lmaoo

posted 2 months ago

As I said, not just talking about Valorant. Just want to understand the other sides POV

posted 2 months ago

Obviously people do care, I am not just talking about in Valorant.

posted 2 months ago

Why are people so hell bent on gender?

I don't like people just stopping the use of pronouns that have been in the language for many, many years but when things change, people should change too. I don't use any other pronouns myself than he/him but why should I go out of my way to annoy other people and to call them things they don't want to be called? Always so confused why people don't just think "oh ok, they want to be called this instead" and do it. If someone changed their name and it had nothing to do with gender, you would call them the new name so why do people feel the need to not do that when they change it with connection to gender? Honestly just hate stubborn people especially if they're being stubborn for no reason other than to be an inconvenience.

posted 2 months ago

people who thought his jett was bad are stupid as shit, everyone should have known his jett was insane

posted 2 months ago

holy fuck he is saving GenG right now MUGA

posted 2 months ago

most awards shows are popularity contests, just shouldnt care about them at all imo

posted 2 months ago

tbf they held an event where Valorant just isn't a big thing, need to do it in places like Spain, UK and Iceland

posted 2 months ago

even the stand looks sick

posted 2 months ago

easily replaces brim, set ups with viper are going to be incredible on attack

can see them being played on pretty much every map except breeze

posted 2 months ago

smokes recharge when dead, rest of the abilities dont matter because that is busted enough to make clove at least decent

posted 2 months ago

I might be wrong but aren't Dubai authorities taking passports away from construction workers to make them stay longer? This is from a few years ago so definitely could've changed and I hope it has

posted 2 months ago

classic overreactions

posted 2 months ago

I would drop KOI and maybe M8 to C and put EDG A. Pretty torn on G2 now with neT leaving and kinda torn on ZETA whether they're D or bottom C but pretty good otherwise

posted 2 months ago

oh yeah 100% lmao

posted 2 months ago

I meant a survey, mb, asking would they use it, how often, why they would use it, importance level out of 10, things they may have to sacrifice to get replay system out faster etc.

would never expect them to do it but would be cool to see the stats.

posted 2 months ago

I'd really like to see Riot do an in-game poll and release the results just to know but they would never do that. I kinda wish Riot were more open in ways like that but I can also see why they aren't

posted 2 months ago

I use replay systems every day like in CS for the same things but I feel like most people don't. None of my friends do, they just have shadowplay on and use that instead. Could be me being a little narrowminded and only using anecdotal evidence.

posted 2 months ago

This video really annoyed me, guy makes it sound like what he did was close to what the devs have to do and almost everyone agrees with him in the comments. I am not defending how long it is taking Riot to make a replay system because it is taking quite a while but they have said they are having issues. In my eyes as well, the system wont be used by 95% of players so I can understand why it isn't a priority.

The guy just makes a single player version of Valorant, records his movements and plays that script back. The whole problem with the system is that Valorant is a multi-player game. With this game also being set on 128-tick servers with custom netcode. Other games have implemented replay systems yes, none of them keep a tickrate above 32 (I may be wrong but the highest one I know is CS demos which as 32 tick) and I would imagine the problem the devs are facing is that they want to keep this 128 tickrate. Rallying the community behind a video that is just spreading misinformation about the way the system could be implemented really pushes me the wrong way and he is even getting articles wrote about him.

Another thing is calling devs lazy or calling out layoffs or calling out skins being pumped out. Calling devs lazy is crazy because they're just doing their job, following orders from higher-ups. If you wanna get mad at someone for something like that, go after the higher-ups, the devs are just doing their job. Calling out layoffs is stupid as shit, every tech company in the world is down-sizing because of the state of the economy, unavoidable. Calling out skins being pumped out is stupid as well, the people that could be working on a replay system and the people working on the skin bundles are completely different people with different skill sets, you can't just pick and place devs because they don't all do the same thing. Calling out the development team especially rubs me the wrong way because there is so much info about this stuff especially with the recent Apex stuff and PirateSoftware being on everyone's youtube explaining development processes and why to not go after people for no reason.

posted 2 months ago
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