Flag: Singapore
Registered: June 1, 2023
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 6:42 AM
Posts: 335
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but it isnt the same as last year, how is making 1 move the same as last year making 500 moves. and im willing to bet everything that this 1, singluar move does not make them worse or lose more games then they would if they DONT make this move

posted 3 months ago

they will beat 100T 2-1
then lose to lev 2-0

and while all of this is happening heres whats gonna happen

  1. vlr will contiune to say that pancada shld start over zellsis or tenz which i agree with
  2. pancada will be in his penthouse swinging his dick around, doing the helicopter while going to bed like this
  3. Sen's cuck fans will still be on here telling everyone, ''no no tenz and zellsis should be starting over pancada cuz cuz cuz last year we had roster moves (which isnt the same as this year) and we should ride it out for the rest of the season.''
    why? because they are happy with mediocrity and as long as certain players play thats all they care about.
posted 3 months ago

it doesnt make them worse, and im willing to put both my balls on it.

Changing rosters is what sen did last year and that’s one of the reasons why sen did awful . IT DOESNT WORK. The best thing for sen is to play with this current roster until the end of the season

well change after kick off, get pancada back, admit you made a mistake and fucking grind, i honestly cannot believe what im reading. 'the best thing for sen is to play with this current roster until the end of the season' even if it means you dont go to any international event? even if it means you are mid for the rest of 2024?

please, explain to me, are you happy with mediocrity? because i wouldnt be. and im willing to bet my whole reproductive system that with pancada they get better not worse

posted 3 months ago

how do you know this? do you have the crystal ball? do you know our futures?

we can make the assumption that sen might have taken 1 map or better because they have A WORLD FUCKING CHAMPION ON THEIR BENCH SHAKING HIS DICK AROUND IN HIS APARTMENT LIKE DRAKE

posted 3 months ago

what he is suggesting is a rotating roster, so on certain maps certan 5 play cuz of the roles. how is that the same as what sen did last year? i dont understand

posted 3 months ago

2 word, 'vibes innit'

oh cuz of this 'vibes' they wont run it

posted 3 months ago

i feel for the man, imagine being a world champion, trying to learn a new language, moving countries even with those visa issues and trying his best. to be told he is a bench player, they pay you the big bucks to just sit on the bench, i say get your money up.

when all of this is over just come out talk the maddest shit and prove everyone wrong and just go insane with your new team

posted 3 months ago

lets move on from possibly making this team better, cuz said player is happy to milk the team for money and we dont care cuz of 'zaddy'

as a football/sports fan, if i knew one of the players was starting not cuz of his ability (jordan henderson im calling you out here) but there are players who are better and can start over him, id be going mad.

idk why you arent pissed off and want the best for your team

posted 3 months ago

well yes and no

yes as in they will want to try something new (hopefully) and bench zellsis or tenz(prolly not(rob moore has talked about this b4))

no as in they will just scrim more and try to fix the issues they have and they wont replace zellsis cuz he talks a lot and has good vibes and pancada doesnt have vibes

personally, nothing on either tenz or zellsis but pancada should be starting over 1 of them. you dont go from a world champion to a bench warmer

posted 3 months ago

i wouldnt, from what ive seen from t1 they are just too clear everywhere zeta still have some question marks overall

posted 3 months ago

this is a very early ranking after seeing every team play at least 1 game, i was going to do this once a week but every team has played once so im gonna do this first, will update soon


i still have prx up there even though they looked shakey but the experience and skill from this team is just enough to keep top spot

what do you guys think, agree, disagree. let me know

posted 3 months ago

bro thinks the match is played today.

posted 3 months ago

in the words of albert einstein, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results

posted 3 months ago

its may come off wrong but its just basically skill diff/ experience diff. we've seen this before with the GC players playing in t2 comps. this isnt on the players but they are just getting outplayed whether its the igling, the strats on att, the rotations on def, there is a diff.

ive said this b4 and ill say it again ive heard a gc player tell me that there really is a diff when they scrim these T1/2 teams.

if SR really wants to quali for challengers with this team maybe they should look inside the team, because this team is just riddled with consistently not being able to get past the hurdle. maybe its the core of mel and sarah who also couldnt get it done in their C9W days but they got the best GC player in NA.

something has to give here. the sr management needs to decide what it is. it doesnt matter that you are the best team in GC when u have a superteam but it all goes away when u play in t2/3 if qualing to challengers is ur main goal

and the fans, could also learn to temper their expectations. for years weve seen it, its nothing new. i hate to say it but in the words of Jose Mourinho they maybe a specialist in failure

posted 3 months ago

that isnt what the question is, the question is why are they so bad?

its just the difference in level of play compared to t2/3 teams. im a big g2 fan and we saw how different GC is compared to t1 when they played against fut and a young TH.

dont make a question asking why they cant break in the league play about neagtive and demeaning actions, just to push your agenda

posted 3 months ago

the weed must be hitting good where he is from, i mean look at this and this
blud here thinks there is a similarity between ranked and pros

posted 3 months ago

would a fantasy system be a good idea, could be on another website or smth. like fantasy basketball and fantasy premier league. could be a public league where there is a limit and each player has a price, and said price fluctuates from week to week depending on their performance, or a private league where you can draft players, trade, pick up players that sorta thing


posted 3 months ago

gonna be a great game, this g2 team is gonna go pound for pound with sr and CLEAR the likes of SR and edge over TLBR

posted 3 months ago

team is amy, vania, petra, mimi, rezq

what we thinking? this team makes GC champs easy

other teams in GC with an org

g2 beats fly and TLBR and goes pound for pound with SR no?

posted 3 months ago

honsetly doesnt sound that bad of an idea

posted 3 months ago

i dont think they fired syyko because he didnt want to BC in brazil, i think it was a build up of things and brazil might have been 1 thing

posted 3 months ago

hot take, wouldnt surprise me if this team gets beaten by a PP or even a misu's qts or they go to GC champs its a avg team

picking up 2 eg players and the eg HC seem like a very team based pick up, i mean col's old coach was there for the taking as well and just prolly picking up what they know

posted 3 months ago

Bootcamping in BR wasnt a bad IDEA, i could see why they didnt want to tho. More money to scrim lesser skilled teams ( No shame to brazil but the Loud was in LA and the rest of BR is kinda.... shit. )

i think he meant bootcamping in brazil while the other teams were there during the duration of lockin

posted 3 months ago

unless u are being paid the massive bag like sr then u dont leave

posted 3 months ago

it's an FPS game, you get shot you die. you get shot you lose the round you lose the game. this isn't the nba

posted 3 months ago

mxs becomes sen's affiliate team and pancada plays for mxs, who says no

posted 4 months ago

yeah nah defo weird

posted 4 months ago

didnt say its his fault but he isnt top 1 igl when u have boostio and boaster who are in the convo

posted 4 months ago

are you sure you arent brazilian?

posted 4 months ago

but are they top 3 discussion? stax back in 2022 i can understand

posted 4 months ago

saying saadhak is top 1 igl isnt hard when the rest of the field is all either new igls at a t1 level like ethan and johnqt or everyone else is just not as good or ass or the igls who we know are good like boaster

posted 4 months ago

add fade into that sova talk as well

posted 4 months ago

we are in the great IGL depression, it isnt that hard to have a top 3 igl in the world. currently good igls are boaster boostio(as much as i hate to say it) johnqt, saadhak. these are the ones that jump to mind, tell me if i missed out on people

posted 4 months ago

FNS IS FINALLY ON PLAT CHAT, hopefully everything goes all good

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

to get better? alll you are doing is either 1, putting tenz on that flex or u bench the guy

posted 4 months ago

working cuz they beat a prx that trolls offseason tourneys, a drx team that no one knows wtf they are doing and a TL team that is mid all over other then nAts? im high on sen stock dont get my wrong but if you can improve at anytime i dont see why you dont

posted 4 months ago

okay, so do you think that zellsis is a better player then pancada and that even though sen won an offseason event they shouldnt change to try and get better? cuz everytime i think about that afreecatv tourney i look at it differently more and more

posted 4 months ago

i think he meant last year's team, THEY WERE ASSSSSSSSSSSSS

posted 4 months ago

EXACTLY, last season they werent the best and because of dephh he had to play an off role. might be copium but if he got a chance he would prove everyone wrong

posted 4 months ago

who? like no memes, ive never heard of this guy in my life

posted 4 months ago

i actually agree with both your points to some degree, zellsis maybe a title winning player but the thing here is he MAYBE while pancada IS a title winning player, there is a difference

posted 4 months ago

love what zellsis is doing and only kaplan and drewsparks know what is going on in scrims but you cant watch this and not tell me he doesnt deserve a starting role

with many men playing as well, come on man

posted 4 months ago

when bizzera does that walk you, what is the thing she does with her hands on her head thing? like is it an animal or something else?

posted 4 months ago

ain't no way u slandering pancada. fucking sen fans man

posted 4 months ago

that's better then the team I suggested

posted 4 months ago

bro what's the new roster with what money? Tim from the cleaning company on senti? Jonas from accounting on initiator? Marty from PR on smokes? Kyle from marketing on flex and jaw on duelist?

posted 4 months ago

honestly this is something i can get behind, this whole video. as a football fan ive seen sports washing, chinese teams now teams from the middle east have come and taken over the sport.

there was even talk that people from the saudi government had reached out to the british embassy in abu dhabi to tell the british governemt that they are 'watching' what happens to man city and the 116 charges. obv they say they dont want to interfere but they are just 'watching'.

newcastle are owned by the PIF owned by MBS as well which is just more money on money. when one of their sponsers was announced, people called the number provided on the website and there was no one picking up, the website had nothing on it, these countries are really trying to give off a better image

People continually downplayed the scale of it when clubs went from wealthy to billionaires to states and PIF is a state

a state is sooooo much more than the money and this is the case in point. They have so many more mechanisms to exert pressure on not just the sport but the government bodies of these countries to protect their investments. State ownership was not just a more wealthy owner coming in, it represents such a threat to the balance of the sport because it's ownership is not bound to normal procedures of the sport.

posted 4 months ago
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