Flag: United States
Registered: July 5, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2024 at 3:14 PM
Posts: 481
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idk if ur talking ab what im thinking about but last round of first half and in the pistol of 2nd half was so funny

posted about a year ago

Marved, FNS, yay, xeppaa/victor, crashies

posted about a year ago

I didn't get to watch the match but watching the sliggy vod rn and their BM on Haven was insane lmaooo. Was it like this first 2 maps from either team? This is too funny

posted about a year ago

Any LATAM ppl, for Leviatan is Onur more of a strats coach or an adjustments coach or both. And is there an assistant strats, adjustments, or like emotional. Because I was thinking Leviatan could be doing way better with Onur at LAN even though they're already doing well.

posted about a year ago

who will win i don’t watch apac

posted about a year ago

Wow Breeze is a slaughter right now but Guild could have easily 2-0d this if they closed out that comeback on Ascent... what a surprise

posted about a year ago

so I was correct with all the winners but not the map scores for round 1, let's see how I do this time

Guild (2) vs FPX (1)
This is my least confident prediction. FPX with Suygetsu are a damn good team. But, I think they will start slow having to adjust back to Suygetsu and maybe some nerves with facing elimination. And I think Guild will be able to take advantage of this. Both teams will be very well prepped and it will come down to individual play. Leo/Trexx/Sayf or ardiis/shao/Syugetsu? I'm going with Guild in a close match here. Could easily be FPX though.

Leviatan (2) vs XSET (1)
Both of these teams made their LAN debuts, and Leviatan looked soooo much better. Bringing DRX to the edge in Map 3 after smashing them on Ascent while XSET just looked lost vs OpTic honestly. And MAN taco is really good when he gets going. I think XSET will be way more nervous here and Ayrin/dephh/bcj did not look good AT ALL while LEV kind of just got outplayed team wise rather than individually. In such a pressure filled match, I'm going with the better looking team.

Fnatic (2) vs Paper Rex (1)
Man, I want Paper Rex to win this as bad as APAC_Jimmy, but I just don't see them beating Fnatic especially with f0rsakeN and d4v41 with covid. It's going to be a hell of a match though and I sure hope it goes OT 3 maps. It'll come down to a lot of Derke/alfajer(already got the jitters out) vs f0rsakeN/Jinggg. I wonder if Jinggg will go back to Raze if they play fracture. I think Fnatic will find a way to mitigate the damage that Paper Rex does with their aggresiveness. However, PRX's set plays looked very clean and that could go a long way. If we don't see as many mistakes (overextending) like against Guild, PRX could steal this. But I'm sticking with Fnatic and Derke.

OpTic (2) vs DRX (1)
Wow this game is going to be a BANGER like in Reykjavik. But OpTic just look sooo good now after beating Loud. crashies, Victor, FNS, and Marved are all playing insane and yay, while underperforming, is still creating havoc and has his moments. If we see a yay pop off against DRX, OpTic will take it for sure. But even without it, I think OpTic just look too good right now to lose. And I am sure they are ready to exploit some of DRX's mistakes that they made on Ascent and 2nd half Haven. This will be an insane match, MaKo vs Marved, stax vs crashies, Victor vs Rb... I'm excited for this one. I think OpTic continues their run, 2-1. DRX is not to be taken lightly though.

Some insane upper bracket games man this is going to be good.

posted about a year ago

it’s actually quite amazing that optic look so good without the classic yay el diablo carry. Like last masters he was consistently top of the leaderboard by a lot and that’s not the case this time at all. side note, fns is no longer like 6-20 ever which is a great sign he really upped his game. honestly, if yay hits peak form again we could see a really scary optic that could repeat as champions

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

still no one cares about xset lol besides hating tell me how that’s a good thing

posted about a year ago

This is why you never ever think ur the shit and talk shit before making LAN debut, especially against other teams that have at least proven they can play with the best on LAN. Sad it was an NA team that did this and is getting exposed right now. They’re lucky it’s another NA team killing them or else it would be even worse if they matched with DRX or something and played like this after talking big

posted about a year ago

Yeah BCJ! You’re the best initiator in the world!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They’re fucking nerfing my boys at paper rex no more d4v41 on the stage the heart and soul of the teams energy…sadge..plus forsaken too

posted about a year ago

thanks for the info!

posted about a year ago

2022 International Titles

NA: 1

Forget titles
2022 International Top 4

NA: OpTic
EMEA: None

posted about a year ago

yeah Guild looked good today!

posted about a year ago

SEN FNC... 100T ACE...

posted about a year ago

and EMEA can’t take a map off Paper Rex LOL

posted about a year ago

suygetsu is a character in naruto

posted about a year ago

FNS is literally right there

posted about a year ago

for example, BCJ trash talking stax. now there is a story there and if they play it will be like a big match because there was already shit behind it, rather than a regular match

posted about a year ago

like a story that is built up through the tournament

posted about a year ago

hell no this has been the best masters in terms of production and gameplay

posted about a year ago

BCJ annoys me. dephh annoys me. Sykko annoys me what the hell is wrong with that guy. Dropping wedid. Beating faze. The list goes on.

posted about a year ago

lol ive been an envy fan since day 1, but was mostly TSM fan. since tsm never makes LANs, I only have OpTic to cheer for lol. And I was following them for a while, so Optic became my favorite team. If I had to list my favorite teams:

Paper Rex

posted about a year ago

never said I hated XSET for shit talking? I hate xset for other reasons lol I havent liked them since the beginning of valorant

posted about a year ago

its not ranked in order lol I just went through each team and looked for good names. I like Russ its nice imo

posted about a year ago

bro u are so fucking sad lmfao

posted about a year ago

yeah thats fucking sick especially with how good he is too

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Fearoth (rip)
koldamenta (so fire)
SUYGETSU (if it's a naruto ref)

posted about a year ago

sure, I'm more of an analyst type. For esports I enjoy analyzing with rankings and predictions and such, obviously cheering for optic as well. Having ties to Singapore leads me to supporting PRX as well as liking their players as people. As a SUMN FC fan back in the day, I have an obligation to support Fnatic. Now for real sports, I am more like what you are saying, shit talking the other teams and getting angry. Esports is just not as much of a commitment for me, so I prefer not getting too worked up over it

posted about a year ago

how do i make this shit better the budget is fucking me over

posted about a year ago

english and mandarin

posted about a year ago

Duelist: GLD Sayf, PRX f0rsakeN
Initiator: GLD Leo, FPX Shao
Sentinel: DRX BuZz, PRX d4v41
Controller: PRX mindfreak, OPTC FNS

a little paper rex heavy...

posted about a year ago

bro isnt your country the smallest country in the world or are you scared of putting your real country on VLR LMAO

posted about a year ago

i speak 2 languages fluently LMFAOOO nt my man

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

do u need prayers?

posted about a year ago

youve repeated the same brainless thing all thread LMFAO ur one to talk

posted about a year ago

i cant even comprehend what ur saying anymore

posted about a year ago

yeah its kinda crazy how sova use rate dropped so fucking badly. replaced by double initiator (no fade) also

posted about a year ago

I wrote like a quick thread about how brainless VLR is with the copy paste shit talk and now some dork named idkbro decided its his turn to be the next degenerate spotlighted LMFAO. some kid even wrote up a whole ass essay response to what I said LMAO. There's no way people take this shit that serious right? Like all I do is rank teams and make predictions while enjoying game play lollll

posted about a year ago

can you read or do you just type. when did i ever say everyone has to be nice to each other LMFAO. natural selection would destroy me sure, it would do something worse to u sunlight deprived malnourished loser fuck

posted about a year ago

ig I just take esports less serious than u guys LMFAOO like yeah I want optic to win but if like Paper Rex won that would be cool I like their players and if Fnatic won nice boaster deserves a title like is that so hard to understand LMFAOO

posted about a year ago

i never said u have to be nice but u cant fucking comprehend english u braindead fuck jesus im just wasting brain cells speaking to u

posted about a year ago

and thats why England was racist to their OWN players after the EURO finals. Have it how u well, I prefer some form of civilization

posted about a year ago

irrelevant area with bad teams lmao. no one would notice if they were gone

posted about a year ago

they'll take 5 off of Fnatic

posted about a year ago
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