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Registered: June 17, 2022
Last post: May 25, 2024 at 11:13 AM
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TMV as in thinking man’s Valorant?

Since when are we taking Gold players advice on what good Valorant looks like?

posted 3 months ago

They really are

posted 3 months ago

if you look at players to population its 100% Chile, after that its prolly Canada (not even 40 million surprisingly), then Turkey, then Brazil for its volume

posted 3 months ago

what he did in NA and in NRG has gotta be against some rule ya?

posted 3 months ago

look pretty good for an EMEA team

posted 3 months ago

Is it just crazy to me that not only does Falcons have a GC team but they’re also 2-0 in their GC group rn?

posted 3 months ago


Shits unreal. Aspas IS best Jett in the world btw, EMEA frogs don’t even get it mixed up for a second that Derke or some other random are in his league

posted 3 months ago

Would be so good in Challengers League, wow

posted 3 months ago

i woke him up

posted 3 months ago

thank god. goat is online

posted 3 months ago

i woke him up, everyone is welcome. bro was 5/14 a minute ago

posted 3 months ago

what the fuck dude

posted 3 months ago

It is. But people who say Boaster or whoever else need to know they’re dumb

posted 3 months ago

Only IGL that can also shoot, and has been the #2+ team for 3 years now

posted 3 months ago

thx g

posted 3 months ago

is apex legends in a good spot rn. I uninstalled it prolly a year and a half ago now cuz it was just ass for like 7 months straight

game is only ever the worst or the best game on the market at any given moment, shits funny

posted 3 months ago

It is. But it’s really unfortunate for the future of the league

posted 3 months ago

Don’t get me wrong I hate Texas, but there’s no reason why riot should have located NA Val in LA.
Pre franchising Valorant was already established pretty strongly in Texas for scrim ping reasons before franchising was established. LA is expensive for both players, orgs, and fans. And from personal travel experience, I think Huston is probably the easiest place to get to in America from any place in the country besides Denver. Which matters of course because fans across the country of course want to watch games in person but I just don’t think going all the way to LA to watch Valorant is realistic for a lot of people. People talk about dead small American crowds but don’t really acknowledge that a vast majority of passionate fans just can’t be there for usually financial reasons

posted 3 months ago

Ah, thank you. That is unfortunate that they are playing

posted 3 months ago

Is he the the guy from The Union who SAed someone?

Ik last year during the NA VCL playoffs there was huge controversy over two Union players, one for SAing someone and another was a pedo(?). I thought Havoc was the former and tons of people were talking about how he was their best player but would never make it into franchised Valorant cuz of the SA.

Was it just a different player and I’m mistaken or did he really manage to somehow get into the league and riot just didn’t take action themselves?

posted 3 months ago

this is pretty much what people were running before Icebox was taken out of rotation anyways

posted 3 months ago

yeah, thats why you skye dog or prowler after. I think you fundamentally misinterpret "bad flashes are bad" with "flashes are bad".
Flashes are disruptive utility used to punish/deny a hold and ideally also force a player to reposition. Flashes do this by blinding an enemy into lets say a 90% conversion rate for a full blind. If they aren't full blinded, they have either moved off the angle entirely or fell off the angle momentarily/turned from the flash and lost agency over space they previously controlled at no risk.
Once that has been achieved, Dogs and prowlers and drones are used to clear close corners and angles for teams because they apply a status that make whoever they are walking into easier to take down than if they had no status applied, but also not as easy to take down as if they were rather flashed.
I think its easy to agree that Full blind = harder but better conversion rate, status utility = easier but relatively worse conversion rate

So now if we look at a comp with no flashes, you are forced rather to push off a kangkang with molly's(risky and do not regenerate) and concusses(not a particularly effective status condition unfortunately). Mollys and concusses also force minimal repositioning for their low disruption(neither good nor bad, just different); and on a no flash team, hits like that are prone to being shut down entirely by powerful defensive utility. Ultimately no flash teams hinge on incompetent and unprepared opposition, and limit defensive player predictability which creates inconsistencies which removes wincons and ultimately creates losses.

Also if you don't think jiggling is coinflipping then you should check out any radiant streaming ever and wait for them to blow up on their 12/14/1 Jett and explain

posted 3 months ago

the answer here is map geometry more than anything(and a little bit about Viper). Icebox and Lotus are generally incompatible with flashes because they dont have "properly" flashable angles where you need to push an enemy off of, rather they have spots to clear more often than not. Thats why if you see any flashes on those maps its Skye played who couples with Viper to both clear and flash close (wall pop flashed)and deep pockets of the map and provide intel about said spots.

posted 3 months ago

and lose their crosshair placement and possibly lose/have to fall off the angle

posted 3 months ago

flash = cant see = cant shoot back

cant shoot back ideally converts to -1 enemy player

valorant with no flashes is just coinflipping wins

posted 3 months ago

NA's MAD Lions disbanded months ago

posted 3 months ago


is this correct? two empty NA VCL '23 slots, Turtle Troop is relegated?

posted 3 months ago

ah yes, all the americans + LEV

posted 3 months ago

yes, this is a team that is PERFECTLY acquainted for the current meta going into the event. Aspas continues to have a team that enables him in full, Tex as a great solo anchor and lurker on maps like Icebox frees kiNgg to shine his brightest in tandem with Aspas but Tex also flexes wonderfully to EITHER Jett and Raze roles for much anticipated DOMINANT performances on Split. Mazino and C0M additionally have been standout team players for their entire careers which is exactly what LEVs agent comp and team/execute dynamic wants

posted 3 months ago

Shyy and keznit are literally going to roll over the entire group

posted 3 months ago

LOUD 2-1

  • game 1 13-11 LOUD
  • game 2 13-4 SEN (sunset?)
  • game 3 goes triple overtime to LOUD
posted 3 months ago

KRU boutta move, u got no clue

posted 3 months ago

ive witnessed everyone on that roster speak perfectly fine english besides mazino; but im pretty sure he does speak it, I just havnt seen it. real question is when will LEV as an org start communicating in English 🙄

posted 4 months ago

the comments here are wack. hes definitely weird. if it becomes a recurring issue, escalate it to the appropriate resources in your workplace. otherwise I wouldn't really sweat it unless it shows to be recurring and intentional.

posted 4 months ago

Foxy9 may be the best Jett in the world. I can’t wait to see their Split next season with Foxy Jett and BuZz Raze

posted 4 months ago

I don’t think it’s crazy to say that if you give TT a salary and a coach they will improve immensely

posted 4 months ago

Should have just absorbed Turtle Troop ngl

posted 4 months ago

SicK - prime phantom

posted 4 months ago

Amazing pickup

posted 4 months ago

Not cuz the org is good, they are actually atrocious. Cuz I wanna see Moneyball but it’s about EG esports lmfao

posted 4 months ago

ur sleeping on KRU crazy hard but yeah EG roster is really clean actually. Definitely better than Cloud9

posted 4 months ago

havnt felt inspired to play the game much solo/duo lately so tryna switch it up and get a 5 going, think it would be fun.

posted 4 months ago

LF players or a team ig

alsos lmk any cool team names if you got plz 😋

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

step aside and scroll brainlets, let the real men talk

Already international level teams:

  1. Leviatán - this is probably the best team in the world. Things seem to be changing though with Aspas and whatnot so tbd?
  2. LOUD - this team is once more a complete lock for top 4 in the world. Saadhak dif as always but losing their coach may hurt more than expected.
  3. Sentinels - Kaplan has been doing a great job. zekken's raze is truly gonna be the defining feature of Sentinels this season and is gonna be the difference between Sentinels as a domestic threat and Sentinels as a international threat, but he is probably the 3rd best raze in the league so fret not. Also don't fall for the Zellsis bait, pANcada will be back to the starting roster when the season starts and they will make an obnoxious amount of tweets about it.


  1. KRU - I expect KRU to do well early and struggle a bit more during late season. I do expect to see strong international performances in events they do qualify for. If any ofc.
  2. NRG - I expect NRG to do well later on but if they can't pick up traction fast enough I don't expect to see them at either Masters events or in the top 8 at Champs


  1. G2 - What NRG did at Champs last year I fully expect to see the same from G2 this year. Poor internationally, pretty great domestically. I wouldn't be shocked if they placed in the top 4 in the domestic league but I don't expect it. If they do manage to make an international in an LCQ or something, don't get your hopes up

Big Gap: - Definitely not competitive internationally

  1. MIBR - Probably gonna be the better of the two remaining Brazilian teams. Players are fine, if fRoD cooks up well I see them being competitive with G2 but they haven't really played anything this off season for me to infer from so they are lower middle. I expect them to be around 7th in the league but we will see.
  2. Cloud9 - Don't get too excited when they win their first 2 matches of the season; this is an unserious team fighting for 6th place overall domestically and probably losing that title to whatever EG eventually scraps together...
  3. FURIA - I expect flash in the pan performances every couple maps or so but I expect this to be a team that is playing catch up strategically their entire season

yeah... not competitive domestically!

  1. 100 Thieves - yeah...

No Team

  1. EG - they just don't have a roster atm lmao. If they pick up who I expect I wouldn't be surprised if they were similar to G2 domestically but significantly better internationally if they managed to squeak into an event
posted 4 months ago

Riot keeps on introducing chip meta’s into preseasons and first splits, and then later going back and adjusting the game for the Jett Chamber type of comps because they are usually more competitive at the highest level (opinion). Here’s the thing though now, is that in a world with the Outlaw, it’s always a chip meta and the whole gun ruins the pace of offense and defense for the first 15-25 seconds of the match on nearly every map

posted 4 months ago
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