Flag: Belgium
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:21 PM
Posts: 341
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they are still playing the same strats as week 1 of regular season, even mini admitted on stage that they are not even trying. he literally said "we picked attack on ascent because we want to practice that a bit more".
we won't see how good they are until tokyo playoffs, they haven't had to show anything yet

posted about a year ago

be the best team of their region, the VCLs have been fighting over that since the start of the year.

posted about a year ago

it is LAN, but not groups. the playoffs is in the VCT EMEA Coliseum in Berlin, as mentioned in the article
sucks to not have the group stage on LAN tho

posted about a year ago

Well now liquipedia is edited so I guess I got my answer

posted about a year ago

so liquipedia is just straight up wrong about TH not being able to reach playoffs?

posted about a year ago

if team chemistry is still poor after months of playing and scrimming, it's not going to solve itself overnight, and they had to try stuff out.

posted about a year ago

It was easy to notice that the chemistry in the team was off pretty much since day one, must have been hard to play in a team that doesn't gel with each other.
Sentinels had promising players, but it just didn't work out.
Curious to see what these players can do when it all works out internally

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This thread makes me believe VLR is worse than Twitter

posted about a year ago

this, I'm talking in my comment about clout, and then compare him to tenz
mixwell is extremely clouted in the spanish community afaik
just like tenz is in the english speaking community

posted about a year ago

thanks for this, good to know he's doing well!
sad to see him go though, could've maybe been in franchising now, man's insane

posted about a year ago

MrFalin, frags really well for an IGL and has really good success with his team

posted about a year ago

probs didn't cheat in val, but he was banned in battalion I believe for cheating, multiple times and I believe even multiple games
don't quote me on that tho, that's what I remember from the heretics first strike days/rumour mill

posted about a year ago

yeah when I saw the mixwell announcement, I knew it was mostly for clout.
he seems to be like tenz but for the spanish community or smth

posted about a year ago

Ppl not being interested up until the observer misses one kill, then it's only hate.
Oh well just another day of an observer

Nice article! I actually did read it
Would be cool to go more in-depth, but looking at the comments, this basic surface level was already too much for this community ig...

posted about a year ago

They're pretty equal to each other
Doesn't mean they're good

posted about a year ago

I think they're saying that bc in the article, every americas slot is accompanied by a USA flag

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

TTR getting plucked, players and staff

posted about a year ago

poor newzera, probs bullied into leaving :(
this might actually be a W for KC tho, not bc of newzera being out, but bc of scream not IGLing anymore and a coach IGLing instead.
curious to see how it'll go, but feels like it can only go up cuz they're rock bottom rn

posted about a year ago

the OT thing is interesting, probably testing to see if it can work in regular officials as well

posted about a year ago

Alrighty then

posted about a year ago

Aka until after champs

posted about a year ago

Yo holy shit imagine that disguised win ascension with yay 💀

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The difference is that Trent was not in a clouted tier 1 org replacing yay/vanity

posted about a year ago

Problem is also that when there's consistently less jobs for broadcast talent, they'll have to/will pivot to a different job and we will lose them if this continues

posted about a year ago

so glad you guys are writing about this, it needs more attention

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Poor crws, hope he recovers quickly

posted about a year ago

W move tbh, Kru might actually be able to do some damage now (not saying xand was bad)

posted about a year ago

it's fine as it is, the leagues are built for the long term, and through ascension there will be eventually 16 orgs per league (if I recall correctly, def more than 10 though)

posted about a year ago

Ranked ≠ Officials

posted about a year ago

"Every one of the team's matches has been sold out."
Already wtf

posted about a year ago

Keznit in

posted about a year ago

W if they swap him in, maybe finally not just 2 duelist mains trying to figure out a different role

posted about a year ago

I'm not familiar with the roles, but maybe they'll put eko on the bench? We'll see how it goes

posted about a year ago

W if this makes their team better, they were so good in their debut, like a DRX 2.0, very patient and drilled I loved watching them.
If this change makes the team better I think they have a good shot at making Tokyo, def champs

posted about a year ago

It says secret dropped and they didn't have a sixth man (also mentioned in the article) so no just 6 man

posted about a year ago

Idk whether they edited the article in the 30 min it's out, but it says in the first paragraph they'll replace Secret. GenG doesn't have a sixth so one of them will be sixth man

posted about a year ago

he doesn't have a flair so could be not a fan at all

posted about a year ago

obvious pick
well deserved
but man Shao was crazy good this tourney too

posted about a year ago

yeah true ig, but no way they do 3 china right

posted about a year ago

Idk what's up with SEA?
But for Russian, none of the Russian players still live in Russia because of visa issues and the players need to live in Berlin for the regular split

posted about a year ago

Holy shit imagine

posted about a year ago

Maybe 5 for each region, no china and winner of masters?

posted about a year ago

All competitions up until lock in have been in EMEA, other regions can have some too, we've been spoiled already

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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