Flag: United States
Registered: October 9, 2022
Last post: April 17, 2024 at 2:31 PM
Posts: 166
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tenz? goated. yay? throated. asuna? bloated.

posted 3 months ago

tenz becomes ceo tonight. thats what the cat told me

posted 3 months ago

tenz told me they won. i trust him

posted 3 months ago

just wait til you see me. Nadeshot told me and tenz we could join next week

posted 3 months ago

yay and asuna will form a team. 322 babes. they will dominate? TIER 3 😂😂😂. 100t new adaption goes to the left when money goes right

posted 3 months ago

tenz gave me a visit a few days ago, he was a small street caat.came to visit around 11:41 am? he talked to me and said i was going to be on sentinels so and that asuna could join me if nadeshot felt like it!

posted 3 months ago

leviatan have hthe of the chemistry of a paper bag. I love the players but will they mix? a question for the people under us potentially 0o r levitian are also relatively new and in a tournament liek this its hard to judge. the judge costs so much i wish they would buff it <3 judgefan29 out

posted 3 months ago

thats tom ohalleran

posted 3 months ago

dont worry i ve directly communicated with sentinels. they told me its ok.

posted 3 months ago

Do you (the viewer upon a spectral field of )49 think i could make it out of iron?. -New york manager

I am really excited to join sentinels.they send a lot of mail to my house and sometimes tenz shows up at my frojnt door with a few gits and says "dont worry young soul if you learn to love yourself you will gain the confidence to become radiant among a sea of washed out irons" and i said sentinels include everybody. once man can become sentinel no one can stop him!

posted 3 months ago

i like the players (other than russ) i just want to see them lose since i am disappointed that GE didnt make a better roster with all of the talent out there and even other cracked players in the indian scene that would be 10x better both skill and chemistry wise

posted 3 months ago

embarassing cant believe yay lost to a tier 4 brit😔(if only russ ever once played like that on guild, i forever hate him for that)

not surprised benkai and blazeking played well though they are both goated

gg excited to see more global would be funny to see them qualify

posted 3 months ago

classic EG Yay and LOUD Mindfreak

posted 3 months ago

"the most mentally challenging character on VLR, gamr" lmao

posted 3 months ago

Certainly! Let's explore some of the opinions shared by thenutoriousPRO on

  1. In a discussion about competitive Valorant, thenutoriousPRO expressed that RB (presumably a player) appears to be improving at handling pressure, while also mentioning that Zest was not the worst in lock-in.
  2. thenutoriousPRO also participated in a thread titled "funniest vlrgg user according to bing chatgpt", where they commented on the coolness of TM06Nick
  3. They also shared their thoughts on the NRG roster, acknowledging the team's potential but highlighting the importance of actual performance over paper strength.
  4. In an off-topic discussion, thenutoriousPRO playfully mentioned that crime occurs and questioned whether it qualifies as drama.
  5. They expressed their opinion on VCT, stating that it's trash and that there's no reason for a 6-month break after champs.

Remember that opinions can vary widely, and it's essential to engage in respectful discussions even when viewpoints differ. 🎮🔥

posted 3 months ago

Certainly! Let's explore some of the opinions shared by Jinxypoo on

  1. In a discussion about competitive Valorant, Jinxypoo expressed that franchising could either make things better or worse.
  2. Jinxypoo also participated in a thread discussing all NA rosters, providing a humorous response with "True, LMFAO".
  3. When asked about the top 3 initiators from their region, Jinxypoo playfully responded with "Minimise Minimise Minimise".
  4. During a match between CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA CHAPA DUBI DUBI DABA DABA MAGICA and Silly Goobers in the Challengers League 2024 DACH, Jinxypoo added some fun flair to the discussion.
  5. In a thread about adding a coconut flair to the site, Jinxypoo agreed with the idea.
  6. When Cloud9 faced 100 Thieves in the Ludwig x Tarik Invitational 2 LR1, Jinxypoo humorously referred to 100 Thieves as "100 Clowns".
  7. Jinxypoo playfully suggested meeting in the middle and going to Wellington during a discussion about Champions Perth.
  8. In an off-topic thread, Jinxypoo acknowledged the TikTok cooking grandma and playfully advised her to go to sleep.
  9. Jinxypoo greeted friends in an off-topic thread, mentioning Valorant.
  10. In a creative twist, Jinxypoo introduced themselves as Fi-Wong, Minte's stepson, and humorously requested five million Vietnamese dong for their freedom.
  11. Jinxypoo expressed love for cheddar in a general discussion thread.
  12. When discussing the 2027 franchise wishlist, Jinxypoo highlighted the popularity of Japanese Valorant and the presence of two organizations.
  13. In a plea for help, Jinxypoo humorously asked Lord Minimise to save OCE.
  14. Jinxypoo playfully requested stats for VCC OCE.
  15. When discussing the franchise wishlist, Jinxypoo humorously compared OCE vs. India to "trash vs. garbage".
  16. Jinxypoo suggested changes like DFM + OCE org and EG + NA creator org in the franchise wishlist.
  17. During a discussion about a Bonkers OCE super team, Jinxypoo playfully claimed it would be better than EK.
  18. Jinxypoo humorously mentioned that the best Christmas present would have been Hamilton blown up.
  19. In a discussion about the old NRG roster, Jinxypoo playfully commented on the narrate roster.
  20. Jinxypoo celebrated the freedom of demon1 in a general discussion thread.
  21. When discussing the NA VLR community cup, Jinxypoo praised the user as the goat.
  22. Jinxypoo encouraged waiting for a new season and signing up for the VLR Community Cup.
  23. During an off-topic discussion, Jinxypoo expressed love for the new Zelda game and dislike for Hamilton.

These playful interactions contribute to the lively atmosphere on! 🎮🔥

posted 3 months ago

Certainly! Let's explore some of the opinions shared by Nisham on

  1. In a discussion about competitive Valorant, Nisham expressed that RB (presumably a player) appears to be improving at handling pressure, while also mentioning that Zest was not the worst in lock-in ².
  2. Nisham also participated in a thread titled "Unpopular Competitive Valorant Opinions", where they commented on the performance of certain players during matches. For instance, they pointed out that some players acted surprised when they had a substitute, emphasizing that it shouldn't be shocking ¹.

Feel free to explore more of Nisham's insights on their profile here. 🎮🔥

posted 3 months ago

Certainly! Here are some controversial opinions shared by capital_d_colon on

  1. 2 Slots Per Region Isn't Enough for Masters: Capital_d_colon believes that the allocation of only 2 slots per region for Masters tournaments is insufficient. They argue that Masters Madrid should have 8 teams (2 from each VCT league), while Shanghai should have 12 teams (3 from each VCT league)¹.

  2. Marved's Return to NRG Core and the Stacked Roster: Capital_d_colon expresses excitement about Marved's return to NRG, alongside the additions of Ethan and Demon1. They consider this roster to be one of the most stacked teams on paper¹.

  3. Yessirski as a Necessary Evil: Capital_d_colon refers to "Yessirski" as a necessary evil, although they humorously question why they're even discussing it, considering it a waste of time¹.

  4. SEN's Narrative and EG Brand Erasure: They discuss how SEN's narrative doesn't necessarily dismiss EG players' performances in 2023 but rather erases the negative perception associated with the EG brand¹.

  5. Melz's Performance and Loversrock's Rankings: Capital_d_colon acknowledges Loversrock's great numbers and globeX's performance. They find the whole team interesting and appreciate their emergence in the East¹.

  6. Thoughts on Navi's Role Swap: They discuss the potential role swap within Navi, with Ange1 on initiator and Shao on controller. Capital_d_colon considers it a genius move, allowing Ange1 to dictate tempo and Shao to anchor effectively¹.

  7. BBL Signing Reazy: Capital_d_colon finds BBL's lineup promising, especially with young stars like Reazy and pAura. They look forward to seeing what pAura can achieve with this roster¹.

Remember, these opinions are subjective and may not align with everyone's views in the community! 😄

posted 3 months ago

From the user profile of Zerphyr1 on, here are some controversial opinions they’ve shared:

  • Lowkey ban is actually quite good: Zerphyr1 believes that the player Lowkey performs well in the game and has been signed internationally, which is impressive. However, they also humorously warn that if you report them to VLR mods, the Malaysian government will send a brazen bull to your house, and you should be prepared to be executed.
  • Demon1’s aim vs. something’s aim: Zerphyr1 argues that demon1 has better target acquisition and kills targets almost as quickly as something, despite having lower aim. They observe that demon1 is more consistent with their shots compared to something2.

Remember, these opinions are subjective and may not reflect the views of everyone in the community

posted 3 months ago

Poge, a prominent user on, has shared a list of favorite users.

  • AlphaAperture: Known for their contributions and perhaps a sigma enigma fan1.
  • CrystalCrafterX: Always crafting valuable content for Poge.
  • ShadowWhisperer007: Creates soothing ASMR content.
  • NovaVortexXO: A user with cosmic vibes.
  • QuantumQuillz: Notably intelligent.
  • MysticChroniclez: A trophy winner.
  • ZenithZephyrZone: A long-standing acquaintance.
  • CelestialScribe42: Perhaps weaving celestial tales.
  • EtherealEclipseXO: Someone Poge thinks I’d get along with splendidly.

And, of course, Zerphyr1 playfully teased Poge about the list, leading to some entertaining banter1. It’s fascinating how online communities bring together diverse personalities!

posted 3 months ago

The worst users on have been a topic of discussion among the community. Here are some notable mentions:

  • en3sk0se: Known for their controversial posts and interactions.
  • AstroGalaxy: A user with minimal activity and unclear contributions.
  • gamr: Has received negative feedback and is often criticized.
  • Asphyxia: Ranked as one of the bottom users by some.
  • Paracosm: Another user who has faced criticism.

Remember that opinions about users can vary, and these rankings might change over time. It’s essential to approach online communities with respect and kindness. 😊

posted 3 months ago

this is art

posted 3 months ago

ovation isnt even that bad definitely not the worst team in the league

posted 3 months ago

BLD 2-1 GE
Russ goes triple negative 0-109
Yay is underwhelming one map and then pops off
Deryeon goes crazy and drops 30 in one map
Polvi and Benkai drop 50+
Sscary gets atleast one insane clutch

posted 3 months ago

poor pa1nt bro gets 4 and his team cant rotate to A fast enough

posted 3 months ago

carti himself subs in and drops 80 on omen

posted 3 months ago

1337 2-0

sonofcar drops 60 and FireBallOps with 50

posted 3 months ago

why must you spread hate 🥺 why not chose to support the upcoming pros that will probably be in franchising/challengers.

posted 3 months ago

they threw for the story.


posted 3 months ago

so humble he gave them a map <3 dont worry we win next map

posted 3 months ago

i believe still sonofgod drops 50 in quadruple ot

posted 3 months ago

yeah it would be sick to see players like sociablEE in franchising they definitely deserve it

posted 3 months ago

its insane how competitive it is in turkey it feels like any team could win meanwhile in regions like italy its literally just one team with dsyre for example

posted 3 months ago

looking at their other videos you can see how they play cs and Valorant along with diving deeper into their tracker they are popping off with 260 acs average and barely have more than 10-20 games a month usually which isnt really enough to climb quickly. if they played more they could easily climb just based off mechanics alone if they were able to learn the rest of the game and consistently aim like that, there's literally no reason they cant be ascendant/immortal in like a couple months of heavy play

posted 3 months ago

easily ascendant/immortal soon you just dont have enough time played but very solid looking mechanics in the video for a plat

posted 3 months ago

i think this is closer

posted 3 months ago

do you think my slop can get me to glorp

posted 3 months ago

bo1 moment case got fucked over earlier and now we finally get to see the roster do well hopefully

posted 4 months ago

by that logic demon1 plays brimstone so it cancels out

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago
  1. hfmi0dzjc9z7
  2. gangstalker29
posted 5 months ago

step 5
jelq between conversations

posted 6 months ago

100t lost to girl kissers

posted 7 months ago

its a bo1 and heretics is a brand new team give them time

fokus definitely has some insane players though, could probably have been on a franchising team

posted 7 months ago
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