Flag: International
Registered: February 18, 2023
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 8:01 AM
Posts: 276
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hes not really even a goat contender unless he gets SEN to win masters/ champs or get them to place top 4 every international event. he could also have s1mple level stats whilst his team loses bcus then you cant really blame him if hes farming but still losing. but hes still a superstar level franchise player for sure like hes at the level you could build whole roster around him, he just needs the accolades or the stats over a whole season to prove that hes in the GOAT talk like Less, aspas, Alfa, Leo, Demon1,forsaken,jing.

posted 2 months ago

dont really feel tuyz or cauanzin were a downgrade for sacy or pancada now that its been more than a year since their departure from loud. but losin aspas has defo hurt them as i feel previously aspas and less were like a perfect one two punch whereas with qck they just cant do this, qck isnt shit by any means hes a good player but hes just not aspas levels yet hopefully he improve and fill the void aspas has left. its only first international tournament of year still got shanghai and champs maybe they prove us all wrong.

posted 2 months ago

exactly if it was gonna die or dying it would've died when csgo came out in its garbage state exactly like cs2. ppl seem to forget csgo was garbage on release for like 2-3 years and pros still played 1.6 or source. Valve literally dont give a shit about cs or put in 1/2 the effort riot does with val but the game still thrives regardless bcus of the community.

posted 2 months ago

cs came out in 1999 its never dying or only left with boomers if you believe that you're braindead or delusional, donk who is 17 new young kid is one the best players in the world which clearly shows they still have a young player base and upcoming pros. CS is greatest fps ever only reason its not more popular is bcus asia is garbage at cs, also cs will never die its one of forefathers the tac fps genre.

posted 2 months ago

i literally used stats from blast paris which was cs least popular major in a while if i used stockholm or older stats, val wouldn't even touch cs viewership. bro says cope whilst he's on losing side of arguement actual brain rot.

posted 2 months ago

cs paris major had 1.5 mill viewers and val madrid has had what 1 mil max ? bro plz check ur facts before talking out your ass. dumbass

posted 2 months ago

only support nrg for optic core, optic core won masters in 2022 whilst apac been mid since forever.

posted 2 months ago

Literally its been 3 years since val began and this "may" become their first trophy. acting like they've been best itw forever LMFAO. APAC been 2nd fiddle forever congratz finally maybe winning something you've caught up with every other region finally.

posted 2 months ago

vlr is crazy one day ppl are saying tenz is iceland form again the best itw since his game vs nrg now everyone saying oh pancada would never, tenz is shit, lol sen r clueless. ppl are schizo fr, one bad game doesnt define you as the best or the worst. he had one bad game in a while dont count sen out yet there's still LB

posted 2 months ago

NO CAP at this point i believe sacy is xyp9x for this sen roster hes good but not star level however hes the fkin clutch king when they need him, everytime in desperate situations he comes up huge.

posted 2 months ago

EU cs is just better so no point investing they'll never win like before.

posted 2 months ago

he is delusional you can't say oh if this didnt happen we would've done this, that is literally just his delusion's of grandeur. Also, both prx and EG would've beaten them during champs.

posted 2 months ago

saying loud looks shaky insane consdering they literally always end up in a LB run. They literally lost to DRX then won champs with an insane LB run, so never count Loud out they're literally the most consistent roster in val ever. Loud is at least 3rd / 4th after GenG and SEN then its toss for third between Loud and KC.

posted 2 months ago

ye true and loud have weird thing with apac teams and losing to them lol but praying loud bounce back rooting for them or sen to win for us america's fans.

posted 2 months ago

honestly geng suprised everyone i think, i dont rele believe anyone who says they expected geng to beat loud but honestly they had underdog mentality and fkin performed so props to them cant take anything away as loud gave it their all too. however, dont count loud out i feel like always kinda have shaky first few matches they always end up in LB then thats when the real beast comes out they're built diff when its an elim match for them idk why lol

posted 2 months ago

dont count loud out yet they've lost to korean team before then came through lowers and won. NEVER EVER count Loud out imo but wp gen g insane out of them no cap happy for them tbh

posted 2 months ago

WESTJETT dude constatnly has the most annoying and worst takes with 0 awareness LMAO

posted 2 months ago

HAHAHAAH FRAUDNATIC shit talkin nrg when they cant even beat KC AHAHAHAH

posted 3 months ago

100T is in t2 with eg maybe better than them, they got fked playin lev first game

posted 3 months ago

if zekken so good why has he won nothing in 3 years ? demon1 playin one year already world champ and champs mvp. accolades speak for themselves on whos the better duelist

posted 3 months ago

can you quote me anywhere i said terrorism was ok lol ?? i said the natural go to blame is the immigrants their not the cause or problem its the lax immigration laws not the immigrants because they can easily only accept high skill visa applicants if they wish to immigrate to uk or wherever like australia, their's literally bad people in every race dude.

posted 3 months ago

bro choose to chat the most shit about his life on valorant website LMFAO you are a bum dont get it twisted. if you were what you say you were you wouldn't be on vlr mr millionaire LMAO i respect the level of delusion you have. Also, you actin like british have a heritage LMFAO only heritage british people have is stealin no cap. stole jewels and spices from india enslaved local populace mass rapes and set them back 50 years, responsible for boer concentration camps where 27,927 Boers died and 107,000 people interned in the camps, amristar massacre killing innocent protestors then when he goes back to uk he gets award for killing civilians and causing mau mau uprising where british mistreated, raped n tortured natives and also causing india's worst famines in history. what an amazing heritage right ! you owe every immigrant more than they owe you because british fucked 90% countries now its their times to fuck your shit country up. bro said live in the real world on vlr the irony of your statement is mad LMFAO

posted 3 months ago

if format stays the same as apac the playoffs with be group a vs group c and group b vs playoff winner so its gonna be nrg vs eg and loud vs whoever wins play ins. i doubt sen can beat loud but who knows

posted 3 months ago

no cap wtf was he cookin used botht timeouts in one half first map then 2nd map calls timeout way too late after his team already lost all momentum. also, way too emotional as a coach defo brings players vibes down lmao

posted 3 months ago

-jake +s0m -vanity +fns -wippie +curry no cap curry, s0m, fns, xeppa and oxy is a scary roster

posted 3 months ago

oxy payin homage to his goat y0y with the 619

posted 3 months ago

what does my rank matter here lmao. top 3 duelist might've been a bit far but put any other duelist except jzz, heat n taco on that nrg roster last year and they 100% do better with jett. FNS literally plays to setup their duelist he did it with yay and ardiis, he literally facilitates ardiis so he could perform and bro still did mid. u cant srsly think ardiis was a reliable star duelist for the team ?

posted 3 months ago

the only time throughout the entire 2023 season he had highest acs or was even top performer on his team was only against navi,drx and kru LMFAO. 3 games in the entire year he only managed to best player for that series on nrg. first kills mean nothing when he does nothing with it lol. do u understand how mid of duelist u have to be to have only 3 games where u were top performer. Also, he cost nrg the loud match in kickoff whiffed on caunzin and made the stupid play ever on A site last round, he threw a lot.

posted 3 months ago

wasn't worse on nrg idk but bro was defo top 3 worst duelists in NA last year, literally had 0 firepower never top fragged or had insane acs or even have good highlights. was jus constantly mid then he shit talks bbg n gets slammed twice its tough

posted 3 months ago

Was that the fastest death on VCT EVER ?? LMFAO

posted 3 months ago

sunset and that round on ascent where they were up 3v2 on a eco he was heaven on A he got kill with knife 2 of em were tree he overpeaked made it 2v2 then they lost.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

bro keznit is actually so good no cap but BRO HE FKIN OVERHEATS SO MUCH. if he literally learned to play man advantage or play with some self control KRU would be scary no cap they make so many stupid stupid mistakes.

posted 3 months ago

no cap they need to drop asuna he may be the worst flex in t1 val for last two years idk why tf 100t consider him their superstar bro has been a bum consistently since first strike LMFAO

posted 3 months ago

literally so many post's doubting loud before this match lmao everyone was counting them out straight away like sen we're gonna 2-0 them and they're all of sudden shit now aspas is gone but ive said it on previous posts they're still top 3/ fighting for top spot in america's they literally kept everyone of their players except aspas. Also, chadhaak, less, cauanzin, tuyz got full chemistry together after year of teaming already. im expecting big things from this roster no cap LOUD is one of the most consistent rosters EVER. Cant wait for LOUD v NRG this year gonna be a banger match whoever wins

posted 3 months ago

i dont wna hate on yay hes still an above average player not best itw anymore but i actually starting to feel like optic/nv set up yay esp to suceed in matches making it much easier for him. with him no longer having fns and rest of nv/optic to set it him up he's strugglin to reach the heights he did before, i dont believe hes chamber one trick bcus he was good on jett with nv but i kinda think its the team setup's i feel like nv/optic sacrificed and set him up to get kills n succeed but every team he's had since has had diff playstyle n igl style which he jus cant adapt to well enough to play at that highest level again. but idk jus my 2 cents.

posted 3 months ago

instead of focusing on c9 comebacks we should be wondering how mibr keep throwing leads lmao

posted 3 months ago

i dont even wna be rude but i swear two ppl have died with knife out in 10 rounds how is this a t1 match LMFAO

posted 3 months ago

This has got to be a satire skit or something bcus actually no way they waste 6 months to start the season like this how is this even possible for a multi million dollar company.

posted 3 months ago

OXY as in oxy-gen esports LOL

posted 3 months ago

M80 n OXY to ascension, m80 kept their core + bcj n nitr0 kinda upgrade on old roster imo

posted 3 months ago

ngl i think i've seen 3 nrg threads everyday LMAO, ppl really be prayin on their downfall lol

posted 3 months ago

really ?? damnn thats one hell of an upgrade sheesh

posted 3 months ago

MxS don't have a fifth or has it been confirmed who yet ? maybe sonofcar ???

posted 3 months ago

if ambrosia make it they should replace satellite with sonofcar no cap

posted 3 months ago

katsumi might actually be best female pro player if burgerville make it

posted 3 months ago

Don't get me wrong LEV are still one of the favorites to win but this is jus my opinion i feel LEV had better chance at winning everything nowzer. no disrespect to c0m hes an amazing player and hopefully proves me wrong.

posted 3 months ago

they made a non-igl play igl thats why he struggled and thats why pancada struggles on SEN they never play him in correct role for him so he isnt given best oppurtunity like the rest of team to perform. Ok we all have opinions and mine is even with marved 1 bad year mazino has done nothing to indicate he's same level of player as marved. Also, Ethan IGL'ing may become the best IGL in America's he has played extremely high level CS attending numerous LANS and won since 2017 with IGL's like daps, stanislaw and FNS he has bein called a vocal mid rounder numerous times by former teammates so i believe he has the best foundation to transfer into IGL role and he's played with even more IGL's on val which include steel,nitr0 and boostio. So i dont understand the notion that he wouldn't be able to IGL? he will suprise a lot of people who doubt him.

posted 4 months ago

what has mazino even done to compare with marved in first place accomplishment and stat wise ? their not even on same level lmao. Also, if you're implying marved is shit cuz last year on SEN, then that makes zekken, tenz, sacy all washed shitters bcus marved joined half way to that sinking ship of team, the rest were there from the start of the season and they were GOD AWFUL. Marved not doing well last year means nothing because at least him they improved compared to when they had deph and he's not an IGL but him in shitty spot. Also, if C0m is better than crashies bcus he's world champ by that logic how is ethan >> k1ng ? Ethan has more t1 LAN exp and winnings than all of LEV combined.

posted 4 months ago

trent, c0m, crashies best intiators in NA right now imo verno has potential to be among em imo

posted 4 months ago
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