Flag: United States
Registered: May 5, 2022
Last post: April 22, 2024 at 10:18 PM
Posts: 131
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Zekken dgaf about you either xD

posted 9 months ago

-6 frags are all prissy little bitch Chinese fans, but this comment is 100% truth, no cap.

posted 9 months ago

Fake flagging bitch OR a pathetic, pussyass turncoat. Whatever the case, fuck you. Enjoy that loss, bitch.

posted 9 months ago

What. Cringe-ass comment, even for a fnatic simp xD

posted 9 months ago

I don't think China is shit. I have a bunch of respect for KK and EDG, especially after KK apologized when he thought he had gone too far with some trash talk the other day. I respect players humbling themselves.

On that same note, fuck BILI BILI. Same region, NO respect shown in their matches AT all. So fk them. EDG > BILI BILI

But facts are facts. EG was better and KK didn't show up this time. EG is looking pretty dangerous, but GG to EDG

On the bright side though this losers bracket is... ABSOLUTELY FIRE! This shit's gonna be wild.

posted 9 months ago

China = Judge reliant region

posted 9 months ago


The irony... that your are combing through threads right now, just fuming that EG busted out EDG and that I dared to say a word against your "oh so glorious one team region" called Brazil while I am literally playing matches right now.

Bro you have GOT to relax. xDDD

I'm rent free in that little noggin for sure. Show some fkn respect before you jinx LOUD out the tournament, you NA obsessed little loser.

Back to ranked!

posted 9 months ago

The "they're not* edit had me rolling xD

GG, today's matches might have been the most enjoyable I've had actually. Both matches were total bangers. HUGE comeback in match one and EG vs EDG was repeat exciting rounds. The tournament only gets better from here.

Losers bracket is gonna be NUCKIN FUTS btw, holy shit the teams in there.

posted 9 months ago

All this incredible disrespect for EG as though they had no chance at all? So many of y'all just dismiss them so hard because you want them to lose so bad. Just makes this loss hurt way worse.

GG EDG - Mad respect for them. They played well map one and hard all series. For real, KK's legit. Good luck in lowers, they're gonna need it with that INSANE group...

posted 9 months ago

Funny how kids stfu when EG dunks EDG.

Mad respect to EDG and KK, because I like them, but fuck the NA haters who literally just drool at their tvs all day long just BEGGING for a reason to hate literally any NA team. You know who you are, losers.

posted 9 months ago

I actually do speak a little bit of Portuguese, dumb fuck. I've actually lived in Portugal with my mom for a few years when I was younger and I learned more than enough to communicate in day to day conversation, so you can take your ASSumptions and fuck off. You're the idiot making massive leaps of assumption about people you don't know. It's not my fault you're paying absolutely no attention to what people have been talking about. Some people who are literally IN the VLR Americas scene have been talking about this for weeks.

For the record, I also know a fair amount of Spanish, so yeah. I think you need to fk off and go find your pacifier, kid.

posted 9 months ago

Uhhhh... it's look'n like EDG don't know wtf to do with that Yoru, so... maybe they're not.

posted 9 months ago

Buddy you're still coping so hard. How do you not know anything about your own country's squad? Everybody knows Less is a mouthy, arrogant little bitch. He's up aspas' ass all the time and aspas cannot stand that kid, lol. Apparently Less acts a lot like you.

posted 9 months ago

Dude you are a mad little cope kid, huh? Your hatred for Americans is very, VERY clearly showing. Aspas will go wherever TF he wants to, but him and Less are will never get along because Less, like you, is a little bitch.

posted 9 months ago

You do realize that when aspas inevitably moves on there's a really good chance that Brazil becomes a 0 region team, right kid? xD

I've never seen a more hateful Brazilian. Leave it to a clown like you to hate teams in his own regional division, lol.

posted 9 months ago

Fair. And look, again, I'm not saying NA doesn't invite a little of the flame, but I don't see anybody but NA getting criticism when they act like little shits like BILI BILI did against NRG.

But yeah, whatever

posted 9 months ago

Ooofff... this comment's gonna get hate voted into the dirt.

posted 9 months ago

Bro literally NRG got shit on SO MUCH in the comments by literally every other region despite having FNS, who tends to be pretty humble and is VERY respected, and s0m, who MIGHT BE the most respectful player in this tournament.

THE IRONY of it all is that the ONE person that everyone got SO pissed off at on NRG is literally from EMEA... so you can take that bogus-ass opinion and piss off with that bullshit, lol. NA hasn't even been that bad this tournament. They CERTAINLY haven't been more BM than BILI BILI who have composed themselves like total little assholes, so again. BE MAD at NA all you want to, but until the rest of y'all hold ALL of the teams accountable for shit talk and BM(WHICH NONE OF YOU DO) then you can hop off EG's dicks.

posted 9 months ago

Super ironic coming from Brazil with players like ColdZera in CSGO and Less on LOUD, who is an even bigger prick than D1.

posted 9 months ago

Bro, on the stage it's China vs Brazil vs EMEA vs Korea vs NA, but literally in the tweets and the VLR comments it NA... vs China/EMEA/Brazil/Korea

Which seems pretty one-sided when you consider how much shit all of the other regions talk too. I get it, you don't like NA when they talk some trash and shit, but if any of you have ever seen Less play Zekken he t-bags Zekken even when he's not the one who takes Zekken out, even though Zekken isn't known for that, and when BILI BILI played NRG the FIRST time they were just standing up screaming shit across the stage until their lungs were sore. I'll never fully understand the glaring hypocrisy and bias here. Talk trash all you want, but don't for a second pretend you're innocent or that you're somehow better than people Americans whenever you treat them like complete shit anyway.

It's not a "they started it" thing at all either, because NRG wasn't even talking shit on stage, yet five shrimps literally were trembling from head to toe while they scream their insults, slander and trash talk. Totally wild, lol.

posted 9 months ago

Relax, little fellah. Tell me you hare Americans without telling me you hate Americans.

posted 9 months ago

That's a CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOKE from BILI BILI. Just SHIT ALL OVER that bed, lol xD

posted 9 months ago

"I dont even know why the fck u brought ww2 in the disscution but" - Says the two digit IQ having hypocrite who brings up women earlier on in the discussion? Do you make a habit of making yourself look stupid by immediately contradicting yourself on a daily basis or what?

Brought it up because you were being a little cunt, and yeahhh... your response is DEFINITELY not the type you'd get from someone who's upset or had their feelings hurt. xD

Later, kiddo.

posted 9 months ago

You realize that's happening quite a lot in EU right now as well, right tard? In countries like France, Britain, Ireland, Scotland, etc this is becoming much more common. I get that I struck a nerve with the world war II comment, but at least what I said was entirely true.

YOU ARE WELCOME FOR MAKING SURE THAT YOUR COUNTRY ISN'T GERMANY'S BITCH RIGHT NOW, KID. Maybe next time your ancestors will fight a little harder. Pussy

posted 9 months ago

Part of NA's issue is idiot orgs like Sentinels fucked themselves and IMMEDIATELY pulled the same old, same old TSM bullshit and immediately started importing players even though we've got full rosters of monsters like the Guard and M80. It's absolutely mind numbingly idiotic to put two guys who are going to have language/communication issues AND a difference in regional playstyle on a team of three NA players. And low and behold, they've been having issues with consistency from the start.

Panc and Sacy are great, and Sacy speaks good english, but Panc doesn't and they play a different brand of Valorant in Brazil. So clashing playstyles and communication trouble were always going to be hurdles. Hurdles that need not exist if the fucking idiots would just do what they should have done form the beginning because I mean... fuck... Sinatraa, Trent, Nismo, Koalanoob, tons of options have been there for the last two or three splits and those jackoffs just keep shitting the bed with horrible decision making. Drives me crazy.

Other teams are guilty of it too, and Jawg is really an anomaly because he speaks REALLY proficient english and fits perfectly into EG, but damn man. I can't understand how two full rosters like Guard and M80 aren't already in the NA scene. Makes zero sense.

posted 9 months ago

"which region" right, you're off the mark here dude.

You're gonna tell me just because Boostio pops off at the mouth it somehow mirrors NRG's opinions on China too? Fuck that. Criticize EG if that's who you have a problem with, but if you can't be objective and admit that BLG standing up like every other round to literally SCREAM shit talk across the stage at NRG is kind of shitty then you're showing glaring bias.

Your argument falls short when you shill for a team acting like assholes(BLG) and don't criticize them for the same shit you're pissed at EG for. NRG is literally trying to focus and compose, but you don't care. You see NA as "the bad guy region" even though everyone in the comments real issue rests with EG alone.

THAT is some hypocritical bullshit, and there's no argument for it.

posted 9 months ago

"maybe u figure out what is a woman"

I feel like I've got some space to say whatever tf I want about a retard who says something this fkn stupid on a video... game... community... site...

Especially considering the fact that it sounds alarmingly like some projection shit. It seems exactly the type of insult that a virgin would fire at someone else because that's some sort of deep seeded insecurity of their own.

posted 9 months ago

I actually really like Zeta. Every one of those guys are humble and seem chill/kind, so I'd be happy if they won too. They work hard and they deserve it, I just don't think they're quite at the level they need to be yet. It's a 60/40 split favoring NRG I think, but it should be a fun one to watch.

posted 9 months ago

true, but as an NRG fan I'm getting pretty tired of that shit. It's so draining

posted 9 months ago


...wtf did you just say? Do you have a high school education or what? And wtf do women have to do with this, ya moron. We're literally in a hive of fkn virgins on this internet site. Relax, virgin. Also, you're welcome for winning world war II, bitch. Your weak asses apparently couldn't handle it. :]

posted 9 months ago

I'm not saying they both don't use it. I'm saying Whzy abused the fk out of it and I saw FNS with a judge... one... round. What are you not getting? Obviously FNS isn't reliant on the Judge, but Whzy appears to be, at least in part. That's the problem with that weapon. It one shot ardiis FULL hp/FULL armor from like 15 yards away. wtf is that nonsense?

posted 9 months ago

Sad thing is you're right and the two dislikes on this is some cope shit, because Riot's fkn retarded and don't know shit about FPS.

posted 9 months ago

Babygirl, you just admitted I'm right. You can tell me to cope all you like, but to me it just seems like Hypocrisy when you're literally clinging to one team... with... THREE... TIMES... the player base. The best you can do is put Fnatic together, and yet all the rest of your teams are shit. xD

Wild, dude. Just wild.

posted 9 months ago

"All about the respect" - Despite the fact that the entire BLG team was screaming shit talk across the stage the entire series and NRG was actually trying to keep composed and you didn't see nearly as much of that from them, but alright.

posted 9 months ago

He did that shit one fkn round. Whzy was flying around with a fkn judge for like 7 rounds out of the game. How is that in any way comparable? You're literally excusing that shit by lumping in FNS for doing the same thing when he legit did it one round that I even saw. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit and admit that you're just taking an opportunity to shit on NA because you hate Americans.

In other words, don't disguise your hatred like a pussy. Just hate if you want to hate. At least if you do it that way you'll be showing some spine. Anything else is weakness.

posted 9 months ago

Literally used it one round. LITERALLY one round that I saw, but he's "just as guilty" even though that bitch Whzy was flying around with that shit like 7 of the rounds in one fkn map, lol. Plz

posted 9 months ago

Says the btch who, when EMEA gets similar treatment, would be right here bitching with all of NA.

posted 9 months ago

You're a fkn idiot to say something like that when Fnatic is literally all that the whole of EMEA has, and they carry that ENTIRE REGION event to event because the rest of those teams are hot, TRASH, bud, lol. You're a clown in a region three times the size of all of NA and all you have is Fnatic. xDDDDDDDDD

posted 9 months ago

I'm so over these asian teams abusing the holy fk out of judge raze. What an obnoxious, betastrat. It's so gross. Nerf that terrible fkn gun, plz. Whzy fkng sniped ardiis from 100hp+50shield with ONE FKN SHOT from like 15 yards away. Give me a fkn break here, Riot.

posted 9 months ago

100T should be in talks with at least two or three of the players on this M80 roster, Probably JohnQT or Zander for an IGL replacement for Stellar and I feel like Derrick would be replaced by maybe eeiu or honestly JohnQT/Zander as well depending on which pairing they want. They really just need a sentinals/smokers/controllers and JonnQT covers the IGL/Sentinel role pretty soundly, so maybe they'd just take one or the other of Zander/eeiu after that. Should be interesting to see what they end up doing, though.

Additionally, this could be a huge opportunity for C9 to pick up some needed talent too, but to be fair Jake and Runi were great until qualifiers. I feel like at least Runi should be given another chance, because he lead them in their dominance through the entirety of the split and they were crushing everyone. He's still young, though, and deserves the chance to improve and come back stronger, especially after such great results initially.

posted 10 months ago

"Let me explain this to you like a kid..."

Here's Sean Gares completely agreeing with me about the current format...

You are almost NEVER going to see someone from the lower bracket win a final and at present, using that double ban plus first map choice format, there is only one team to subvert that expectation which I think was FPX? I think? Not sure on that one, but as I recall only one team's won with that format.

An advantage is one thing, but when there's like a 95% chance that they team who gets to the finals is gonna win partly because of terrible format then you're gonna have a lot of people catching onto that until it's fixed, and then less and less people are going to be watching because who cares at that point. You already know who's going to win the finals because they're literally set up to win it.

posted 10 months ago

It's only been done like one time. THAT one time. That's the problem. This format is shit for finals when you give the team that's already considered the better team THAT extreme an advantage


SeanGares says the same in this video. You're almost never, EVER going to see anyone from a lower bracket win in this format, which makes finals pretty much pointless to watch when the result won't be a surprise.

posted 10 months ago

He was just trying to shit on NA alone but forgot he's an idiot and doesn't know wtf the regions are.

posted 10 months ago

You're a psycho if you think Sentinels couldn't make top 6 EMEA. Despite the fact that region is twice the size of NA, your only real powerhouse is FNATIC and you know it. You're coasting of a single team's dominance at events. Everyone else in EMEA is just an afterthought.

posted 10 months ago

No he is not.

posted 10 months ago

I agree, he'd need a little time, but we're also talking about a guy who day in and day out is streaming valorant. He's still an incredibly innovative and talented player with good aim. I think if you give him a couple months on a Tier 1 squad and he'll quickly become a problem for other teams.

posted 10 months ago
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